[FEAT]: Not working on German spiegel.de and sueddeutsche.de
derlemue opened this issue · comments
Great tool, but not working at paywall of "S+" (www.spiegel.de) and SZplus (www.sueddeutsche.de).
Maybe you could have a look at it and update the code? Would be a pleasure. ATM its just loading the pages including the paywall. :-(
Example Links:
S+ | https://www.spiegel.de/panorama/bayern-reise-zu-den-schoensten-krisenherden-im-freistaat-a-366b4d48-5e75-43b2-bdfe-303a99914175
SZ plus | https://www.sueddeutsche.de/projekte/artikel/stil/pilze-rezepte-steinpilze-pfifferlinge-maronen-e508380/?reduced=true
Additional Information
No response
Okay I'll try
Thanks for your quick answer. Maybe it helps you to know the also F+ (faz,net) and heise+ (heise.de) is not working. Same issue. Maybe it helps to improve if you have more links. Feel free to tell me if not :-)
Link for analytics:
F+ | https://www.faz.net/aktuell/finanzen/wie-der-chipkonzern-arm-zum-neuen-boersenstar-werden-will-19161120.html
heise+ | https://www.heise.de/hintergrund/Gehaelter-2023-Das-verdienen-IT-Chefs-in-Deutschland-9289627.html
Would be awesome
Anything in the Rheinische Post network doesn't work either. User just gets redirected to the frontpage (with ads consent modal).
Just adding these in case there are similarities between the sites that are not working:
https://www.japantimes.co.jp/ and https://www.thejakartapost.com/ couldn't be bypassed