wangwenx190 / framelesshelper

Project moved to: Cross-platform window customization framework for Qt Widgets and Qt Quick. Supports Windows, Linux and macOS.

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Window Content keeps getting clipped when resizing

Qmlio opened this issue · comments


Am really glad about this project, but while using the FramelessHelper in qml, every time i try to resize the window, its content gets clipped especially around the footer and header of the ApplicationWindow.

*** Steps to reproduce***
Using the FramelessHelperDemo-Quick examples project, add a Label and position it at the bottom or add a footer to the ApplicationWindow, run the project and try resizing the window from from the top.

Looks like a Qt bug. What's your Qt version? And are you using the latest code from the main branch?

Am using Qt 6.5.3 , Visual Studio 2019. A using the latest code from the branch because i fetched it two days back!

Qt 6.5.3 and Qt 6.6.0 have a bug which ignores the custom margins I set. This bug is fixed in 6.5.4 and 6.6.1 (not released yet).

I have noticed its a Qt 6.5.3 bug, because i have tested with Qt 6.5.1 and Qt 6.3.2 and every thing worked as expected, indeed you were right.. thanks for the help

Please check 33a6f0d

Ah Yes!....Thanks kindly

And the upstream fix: qt/qtbase@58a6a92

I see.....thanks again!