wanglongqi / WriteTeX

An Inkscape extension: Latex/Tex editor for Inkscape

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Won't render equations

josephcslater opened this issue · comments

I'm getting the following error in a "simple" installation on Ubuntu.

The equation is just a test, $\alpha$. ANy idea what's failing and how to fix it?
untitled 2

Okay, seems you are using Python 3 as Inkscape Python interpreter.

Can you try to use the version in the repository? I manually edited the file.

I'm getting an error: empty LaTeX input. Nothing is changed.

Can you give me a screenshot on the error?


Sorry for the delay. Please find it above.

Can you input the tex source in the LateX Source box and test?

That worked. Maybe I didn't understand how this works. I thought I could enter the latex into a standard text frame then select "WriteTeX" and it would convert.