wangjingbo1219 / psitip

Python Symbolic Information Theoretic Inequality Prover

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Python Symbolic Information Theoretic Inequality Prover

Psitip is a computer algebra system for information theory written in Python. Random variables, expressions and regions are objects in Python that can be manipulated easily. Moreover, it implements a versatile deduction system for automated theorem proving. Psitip supports features such as:

- Proving linear information inequalities via the linear programming method by Yeung and Zhang (see `References`_). The linear programming method was first implemented in the ITIP software developed by Yeung and Yan ( ). See `References`_ for other software based on this method.

- Proving first-order logic statements on random variables (involving arbitrary combinations of information inequalities, existence, uniqueness, and, or, not, implication, etc).

- `Automated inner and outer bounds`_ for multiuser settings in network information theory (see the `Jupyter Notebook examples <>`_ ).

- `Numerical optimization`_ over distributions, and evaluation of rate regions involving auxiliary random variables (e.g. `Example 1: Degraded broadcast channel`_).

- `Interactive mode and Parsing LaTeX code`_.

- `Finding examples`_ of distributions where a set of constraints is satisfied.

- `Fourier-Motzkin elimination`_.

- `Discover inequalities`_ via the convex hull method for polyhedron projection [Lassez-Lassez 1991].

- Non-Shannon-type inequalities.

- `Integration with Jupyter Notebook and LaTeX output`_.

- Generation of `Human-readable Proof`_.

- Drawing `Information diagrams`_.

- User-defined information quantities (see `Real-valued information quantities`_, e.g. `information bottleneck`_, and Wyner's CI and Gács-Körner CI in the example below). 

- `Bayesian network optimization`_. Psitip is optimized for random variables following a Bayesian network structure, which can greatly improve performance.

- (Experimental) Quantum information theory and von Neumann entropy.

Examples with Jupyter Notebook `(ipynb file) <>`_ :

.. code:: python

    from psitip import *
    PsiOpts.setting(solver = "pyomo.glpk")     # Set linear programming solver
    PsiOpts.setting(repr_latex = True)         # Jupyter Notebook LaTeX display
    PsiOpts.setting(venn_latex = True)         # LaTeX in diagrams
    PsiOpts.setting(proof_note_color = "blue") # Reasons in proofs are blue
    PsiOpts.setting(solve_display_reg = True)  # Display claims in solve commands
    numpy.random.seed(1)  # Random search of examples uses numpy.random
    X, Y, Z, W, U, V, M, S = rv("X, Y, Z, W, U, V, M, S") # Declare random variables

.. code:: python

    H(X+Y) - H(X) - H(Y)  # Simplify H(X,Y) - H(X) - H(Y)

.. image::


.. code:: python

    bool(H(X) + I(Y & Z | X) >= I(Y & Z))  # Check H(X) + I(Y;Z|X) >= I(Y;Z)

.. parsed-literal::



.. code:: python

    # Prove an implication
    (markov(X+W, Y, Z) >> (I(X & W | Y) / 2 <= H(X | Z))).solve(full = True)

.. image::


.. code:: python

    # Information diagram that shows the above implication
    (markov(X+W, Y, Z) >> (I(X & W | Y) / 2 <= H(X | Z))).venn()

.. image::

.. parsed-literal::

    <Figure size 432x288 with 0 Axes>


.. code:: python

    # Disprove an implication by a counterexample
    (markov(X+W, Y, Z) >> (I(X & W | Y) * 3 / 2 <= H(X | Z))).solve(full = True)

.. image::


.. code:: python

    # The condition "X is independent of Y and X-Y-Z forms a
    # Markov chain" can be simplified to "X is independent of (Y,Z)"
    markov(X, Y, Z) & indep(X, Y)

.. image::


.. code:: python

    # The condition "there exists Y independent of X such that 
    # X-Y-Z forms a Markov chain" can be simplified to "X,Z independent"
    (markov(X, Y, Z) & indep(X, Y)).exists(Y).simplified()

.. image::


User-defined information quantities

.. code:: python

    # Define Gács-Körner common information [Gács-Körner 1973]
    gkci = ((H(V|X) == 0) & (H(V|Y) == 0)).maximum(H(V), V)
    # Define Wyner's common information [Wyner 1975]
    wci = markov(X, U, Y).minimum(I(U & X+Y), U)
    # Define common entropy [Kumar-Li-El Gamal 2014]
    eci = markov(X, U, Y).minimum(H(U), U)

.. code:: python

    (gkci <= I(X & Y)).solve()        # Gács-Körner <= I(X;Y)

.. image::


.. code:: python

    (I(X & Y) <= wci).solve()         # I(X;Y) <= Wyner

.. image::


.. code:: python

    (wci <= emin(H(X), H(Y))).solve() # Wyner <= min(H(X),H(Y))

.. image::


.. code:: python

    (gkci <= wci).solve(full = True) # Output proof of Gács-Körner <= Wyner

.. image::


.. code:: python

    # Automatically discover inequalities among quantities
    universe().discover([X, Y, gkci, wci, eci])

.. image::


Automatic inner/outer bound for degraded broadcast channel

.. code:: python

    X, Y, Z = rv("X, Y, Z")
    M1, M2 = rv_array("M", 1, 3)
    R1, R2 = real_array("R", 1, 3)
    model = CodingModel()
    model.add_node(M1+M2, X)  # Encoder maps M1,M2 to X
    model.add_edge(X, Y)      # Channel X -> Y -> Z
    model.add_edge(Y, Z)
    model.add_node(Y, M1)     # Decoder1 maps Y to M1
    model.add_node(Z, M2)     # Decoder2 maps Z to M2
    model.set_rate(M1, R1)    # Rate of M1 is R1
    model.set_rate(M2, R2)    # Rate of M2 is R2

.. code:: python

    model.graph()             # Draw diagram

.. image::

.. code:: python

    # Inner bound via [Lee-Chung 2015], give superposition region [Bergmans 1973], [Gallager 1974]
    r = model.get_inner()

.. image::


.. code:: python

    # Automatic outer bound with 1 auxiliary, gives superposition region

.. image::


.. code:: python

    # Converse proof, print auxiliary random variables
    (model.get_outer() >> r).solve(display_reg = False)

.. image::


.. code:: python

    # Output the converse proof
    (model.get_outer(is_proof = True) >> r).proof()

.. image::


.. code:: python

    r.maximum(R1 + R2, [R1, R2])          # Max sum rate

.. image::


.. code:: python

    r.maximum(emin(R1, R2), [R1, R2])     # Max symmetric rate

.. image::


.. code:: python

    r.exists(R1)   # Eliminate R1, same as r.projected(R2)

.. image::


.. code:: python

    # Eliminate Z, i.e., taking union of the region over all choices of Z
    # The program correctly deduces that it suffices to consider Z = Y

.. image::


Non-Shannon-type Inequalities

.. code:: python

    # Zhang-Yeung inequality [Zhang-Yeung 1998] cannot be proved by Shannon-type inequalities
    (2*I(Z&W) <= I(X&Y) + I(X & Z+W) + 3*I(Z&W | X) + I(Z&W | Y)).solve()

.. image::


.. code:: python

    # Using copy lemma [Zhang-Yeung 1998], [Dougherty-Freiling-Zeger 2011]
    # You may use the built-in "with copylem().assumed():" instead of the below
    with eqdist([X, Y, U], [X, Y, Z]).exists(U).forall(X+Y+Z).assumed():
        # Prove Zhang-Yeung inequality, and print how the copy lemma is used
        display((2*I(Z&W) <= I(X&Y) + I(X & Z+W) + 3*I(Z&W | X) + I(Z&W | Y)).solve())

.. image::


.. code:: python

    # State the copy lemma
    r = eqdist([X, Y, U], [X, Y, Z]).exists(U)
    # Automatically discover non-Shannon-type inequalities using copy lemma
    PsiOpts.setting(discover_max_facet = None) # Unlimited number of facets[X, Y, Z, W]).simplified()

.. image::




Author: Cheuk Ting Li ( ). The source code of Psitip is released under the GNU General Public License v3.0 ( ). The author would like to thank Raymond W. Yeung and Chandra Nair for their invaluable comments.

The working principle of Psitip (existential information inequalities) is described in the following article:

- \C. T. Li, "An Automated Theorem Proving Framework for Information-Theoretic Results," arXiv preprint, available: , 2021.

If you find Psitip useful in your research, please consider citing the above article.


This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This program is a work in progress, and bugs are likely to exist. The deduction system is incomplete, meaning that it may fail to prove true statements (as expected in most automated deduction programs). On the other hand, declaring false statements to be true should be less common. If you encounter a false accept in Psitip, please let the author know.



Download ` <>`_ and place it in the same directory as your code, or open an IPython shell in the same directory as The file ` <>`_ and the `Jupyter Notebook examples <>`_ contain examples of usages of Psitip. Use :code:`from psitip import *` in your code to import all functions in psitip.

Python 3 and numpy are required to run psitip. It also requires at least one of the following for sparse linear programming:

- **Pyomo** ( Recommended. Requires GLPK (installed separately) or another solver.
- **PuLP** ( Can use GLPK (installed separately), CBC ( , provided with PuLP, not recommended) or another solver.
- **GLPK** ( Recommended. An external solver to be used with PuLP or Pyomo. Can be installed using Conda (see ).
- **SciPy** ( Not recommended for problems with more than 8 random variables.

See the Solver section for details.

Other optional dependencies:

- **Pycddlib** (, a Python wrapper for Komei Fukuda's cddlib ( Needed only for the convex hull method for polyhedron projection (`Discover inequalities`_).
- **PyTorch** ( Needed only for `Numerical optimization`_ over probability distributions.
- **Matplotlib** ( Required for drawing `Information diagrams`_.
- **Graphviz** ( A Python binding of Graphviz is required for drawing Bayesian networks and communication network model.
- **Lark** ( A parsing toolkit. Required for `Interactive mode and Parsing LaTeX code`_.



The default solver is Scipy, though it is highly recommended to switch to another solver, e.g.:

.. code-block:: python

    from psitip import *
    PsiOpts.setting(solver = "pulp.glpk")
    PsiOpts.setting(solver = "pyomo.glpk")
    PsiOpts.setting(solver = "pulp.cbc") # Not recommended

PuLP supports a wide range of solvers (see ). Use the following line to set the solver to any supported solver (replace ??? with the desired solver):

.. code-block:: python

    PsiOpts.setting(solver = "pulp.???")
    PsiOpts.setting(pulp_solver = pulp.solvers.GLPK(msg = 0)) # If the above does not work

For Pyomo (see ), use the following line (replace ??? with the desired solver):

.. code-block:: python

    PsiOpts.setting(solver = "pyomo.???")

See `Options`_ for options for the solver.

WARNING: It is possible for inaccuracies in the solver to result in wrong output in Psitip. Try switching to another solver if a problem is encountered.



The following classes and functions are in the :code:`psitip` module. Use :code:`from psitip import *` to avoid having to type :code:`psitip.something` every time you use one of these functions.

- **Random variables** are declared as :code:`X = rv("X")`. The name "X" passed to "rv" must be unique. Variables with the same name are treated as being the same. The return value is a :code:`Comp` object (compound random variable).

 - As a shorthand, you may declare multiple random variables in the same line as :code:`X, Y = rv("X, Y")`. Variable names are separated by :code:`", "`.

- The joint random variable (X,Y) is expressed as :code:`X + Y` (a :code:`Comp` object).

- **Entropy** H(X) is expressed as :code:`H(X)`. **Conditional entropy** H(X|Y) is expressed as :code:`H(X | Y)`. **Conditional mutual information** I(X;Y|Z) is expressed as :code:`I(X & Y | Z)`. The return values are :code:`Expr` objects (expressions).

 - Joint entropy can be expressed as :code:`H(X+Y)` (preferred) or :code:`H(X, Y)`. One may also write expressions like :code:`I(X+Y & Z+W | U+V)` (preferred) or :code:`I(X,Y & Z,W | U,V)`.

- **Real variables** are declared as :code:`a = real("a")`. The return value is an :code:`Expr` object (expression).

- Expressions can be added and subtracted with each other, and multiplied and divided by scalars, e.g. :code:`I(X + Y & Z) * 3 - a * 4`.
 - While Psitip can handle affine expressions like :code:`H(X) + 1` (i.e., adding or subtracting a constant), affine expressions are unrecommended as they are prone to numerical error in the solver.

 - While expressions can be multiplied and divided by each other (e.g. :code:`H(X) * H(Y)`), most symbolic capabilities are limited to linear and affine expressions. **Numerical only:** non-affine expressions can be used in concrete models, and support automated gradient for numerical optimization tasks, but do not support most symbolic capabilities for automated deduction.

 - We can take power (e.g. :code:`H(X) ** H(Y)`) and logarithm (using the :code:`elog` function, e.g. :code:`elog(H(X) + H(Y))`) of expressions. **Numerical only:** non-affine expressions can be used in concrete models, and support automated gradient for numerical optimization tasks, but do not support most symbolic capabilities for automated deduction.

- When two expressions are compared (using :code:`<=`, :code:`>=` or :code:`==`), the return value is a :code:`Region` object (not a :code:`bool`). The :code:`Region` object represents the set of distributions where the condition is satisfied. E.g. :code:`I(X & Y) == 0`, :code:`H(X | Y) <= H(Z) + a`.
 - :code:`~a` is a shorthand for :code:`a == 0` (where :code:`a` is an :code:`Expr`). The reason for this shorthand is that :code:`not a` is the same as :code:`a == 0` for :code:`a` being :code:`int/float` in Python. For example, the region where :code:`Y` is a function of :code:`X` (both :code:`Comp`) can be expressed as :code:`~H(Y|X)`.

 - While Psitip can handle general affine and half-space constraints like :code:`H(X) <= 1` (i.e., comparing an expression with a nonzero constant, or comparing affine expressions), they are unrecommended as they are prone to numerical error in the solver.
 - While Psitip can handle strict inequalities like :code:`H(X) > H(Y)`, strict inequalities are unrecommended as they are prone to numerical error in the solver.

- The **intersection** of two regions (i.e., the region where the conditions in both regions are satisfied) can be obtained using the ":code:`&`" operator. E.g. :code:`(I(X & Y) == 0) & (H(X | Y) <= H(Z) + a)`.

 - To build complicated regions, it is often convenient to declare :code:`r = universe()` (:code:`universe()` is the region without constraints), and add constraints to :code:`r` by, e.g., :code:`r &= I(X & Y) == 0`.

- The **union** of two regions can be obtained using the ":code:`|`" operator. E.g. :code:`(I(X & Y) == 0) | (H(X | Y) <= H(Z) + a)`. (Note that the return value is a :code:`RegionOp` object, a subclass of :code:`Region`.)

- The **complement** of a region can be obtained using the ":code:`~`" operator. E.g. :code:`~(H(X | Y) <= H(Z) + a)`. (Note that the return value is a :code:`RegionOp` object, a subclass of :code:`Region`.)

- The **Minkowski sum** of two regions (with respect to their real variables) can be obtained using the ":code:`+`" operator.

- A region object can be converted to :code:`bool`, returning whether the conditions in the region can be proved to be true (using Shannon-type inequalities). E.g. :code:`bool(H(X) >= I(X & Y))`.

- The constraint that X, Y, Z are **mutually independent** is expressed as :code:`indep(X, Y, Z)` (a :code:`Region` object). The function :code:`indep` can take any number of arguments.

 - The constraint that X, Y, Z are mutually conditionally independent given W is expressed as :code:`indep(X, Y, Z).conditioned(W)`.

- The constraint that X, Y, Z forms a **Markov chain** is expressed as :code:`markov(X, Y, Z)` (a :code:`Region` object). The function :code:`markov` can take any number of arguments.

- The constraint that X, Y, Z are **informationally equivalent** (i.e., contain the same information) is expressed as :code:`equiv(X, Y, Z)` (a :code:`Region` object). The function :code:`equiv` can take any number of arguments. Note that :code:`equiv(X, Y)` is the same as :code:`(H(X|Y) == 0) & (H(Y|X) == 0)`.

- The :code:`rv_seq` method constructs a sequence of random variables. For example, :code:`X = rv_seq("X", 10)` gives a :code:`Comp` object consisting of X0, X1, ..., X9.

 - A sequence can be used by itself to represent the joint random variable of the variables in the sequence. For example, :code:`H(X)` gives H(X0,...,X9).

 - A sequence can be indexed using :code:`X[i]` (returns a :code:`Comp` object). The slice notation in Python also works, e.g., :code:`X[5:-1]` gives X5,X6,X7,X8 (a :code:`Comp` object).

 - The region where the random variables in the sequence are mutually independent can be given by :code:`indep(*X)`. The region where the random variables form a Markov chain can be given by :code:`markov(*X)`. 

- **Simplification** :code:`Expr` and :code:`Region` objects have a :code:`simplify()` method, which simplifies the expression/region in place. The :code:`simplified()` method returns the simplified expression/region without modifying the object. For example, :code:`(H(X+Y) - H(X) - H(Y)).simplified()` gives :code:`-I(Y & X)`.

 - Note that calling :code:`Region.simplify()` can take some time for the detection of redundant constraints. Use :code:`Region.simplify_quick()` instead to skip this step.

 - Use :code:`r.simplify(level = ???)` to specify the simplification level (integer in 0,...,10). A higher level takes more time. The context manager :code:`PsiOpts.setting(simplify_level = ???):` has the same effect.

 - The simplify method always tries to convert the region to an equivalent form which is **weaker a priori** (e.g. removing redundant constraints and converting equality constraints to inequalities if possible). If a **stronger** form is desired, use :code:`r.simplify(strengthen = True)`.

- **Logical implication**. To test whether the conditions in region :code:`r1` imply the conditions in region :code:`r2` (i.e., whether :code:`r1` is a subset of :code:`r2`), use :code:`r1.implies(r2)` (which returns :code:`bool`). E.g. :code:`(I(X & Y) == 0).implies(H(X + Y) == H(X) + H(Y))`.

 - Use :code:`r1.implies(r2, aux_hull = True)` to allow rate splitting for auxiliary random variables, which may help proving the implication. This takes considerable computation time.

 - Use :code:`r1.implies(r2, level = ???)` to specify the simplification level (integer in 0,...,10), which may help proving the implication. A higher level takes more time.

- **Logical equivalence**. To test whether the region :code:`r1` is equivalent to the region :code:`r2`, use :code:`r1.equiv(r2)` (which returns :code:`bool`). This uses :code:`implies` internally, and the same options can be used.

- Use :code:`str(x)` to convert :code:`x` (a :code:`Comp`, :code:`Expr` or :code:`Region` object) to string. The :code:`tostring` method of :code:`Comp`, :code:`Expr` and :code:`Region` provides more options. For example, :code:`r.tostring(tosort = True, lhsvar = R)` converts the region :code:`r` to string, sorting all terms and constraints, and putting the real variable :code:`R` to the left hand side of all expressions (and the rest to the right).

- **(Warning: experimental) Quantum information theory**. To use von Neumann entropy instead of Shannon entropy, add the line :code:`PsiOpts.setting(quantum = True)` to the beginning. Only supports limited functionalities (e.g. verifying inequalities and implications). Uses the basic inequalities in [Pippenger 2003].



 .. _auxiliary random variable:

- **Existential quantification** is represented by the :code:`exists` method of :code:`Region` (which returns a :code:`Region`). For example, the condition "there exists auxiliary random variable U such that R <= I(U;Y) - I(U;S) and U-(X,S)-Y forms a Markov chain" (as in Gelfand-Pinsker theorem) is represented by:

  .. code-block:: python

    ((R <= I(U & Y) - I(U & S)) & markov(U, X+S, Y)).exists(U) 

 - Calling :code:`exists` on real variables will cause the variable to be eliminated by `Fourier-Motzkin elimination`_. Currently, calling :code:`exists` on real variables for a region obtained from material implication is not supported.

 - Calling :code:`exists` on random variables will cause the variable to be marked as auxiliary (dummy).

 - Calling :code:`exists` on random variables with the option :code:`method = "real"` will cause all information quantities about the random variables to be treated as real variables, and eliminated using Fourier-Motzkin elimination. Those random variables will be absent in the resultant region (not even as auxiliary random variables). E.g.:

  .. code-block:: python

    (indep(X+Z, Y) & markov(X, Y, Z)).exists(Y, method = "real")

  gives :code:`{ I(Z;X) == 0 }`. Note that using :code:`method = "real"` can be extremely slow if the number of random variables is more than 5, and may enlarge the region since only Shannon-type inequalities are enforced.

 - Calling :code:`exists` on random variables with the option :code:`method = "ci"` will apply semi-graphoid axioms for conditional independence implication [Pearl-Paz 1987], and remove all inequalities about the random variables which are not conditional independence constraints. Those random variables will be absent in the resultant region (not even as auxiliary random variables). This may enlarge the region.

- **Material implication** between :code:`Region` is denoted by the operator :code:`>>`, which returns a :code:`Region` object. The region :code:`r1 >> r2` represents the condition that :code:`r2` is true whenever :code:`r1` is true. Note that :code:`r1 >> r2` is equivalent to :code:`~r1 | r2`, and :code:`r1.implies(r2)` is equivalent to :code:`bool(r1 >> r2)`.

 - **Material equivalence** is denoted by the operator :code:`==`, which returns a :code:`Region` object. The region :code:`r1 == r2` represents the condition that :code:`r2` is true if and only if :code:`r1` is true.

- **Universal quantification** is represented by the :code:`forall` method of :code:`Region` (which returns a :code:`Region`). This is usually called after the implication operator :code:`>>`. For example, the condition "for all U such that U-X-(Y1,Y2) forms a Markov chain, we have I(U;Y1) >= I(U;Y2)" (less noisy broadcast channel [Körner-Marton 1975]) is represented by:

  .. code-block:: python

    (markov(U,X,Y1+Y2) >> (I(U & Y1) >= I(U & Y2))).forall(U)

 - Calling :code:`forall` on real variables is supported, e.g. :code:`(((R == H(X)) | (R == H(Y))) >> (R == H(Z))).forall(R)` gives :code:`(H(X) == H(Z)) & (H(Y) == H(Z))`.

 - Ordering of :code:`forall` and :code:`exists` among random variables are respected, i.e., :code:`r.exists(X1).forall(X2)` is different from :code:`r.forall(X2).exists(X1)`. Ordering of :code:`forall` and :code:`exists` among real variables are also respected. Nevertheless, ordering between random variables and real variables are **not** respected, and real variables are always processed first (e.g., it is impossible to have :code:`(H(X) - H(Y) == R).exists(X+Y).forall(R)`, since it will be interpreted as :code:`(H(X) - H(Y) == R).forall(R).exists(X+Y)`).

- **Uniqueness** is represented by the :code:`unique` method of :code:`Region` (which returns a :code:`Region`). For example, to check that if X, Y are perfectly resolvable [Prabhakaran-Prabhakaran 2014], then their common part is unique:

  .. code-block:: python

    print(bool(((H(U | X)==0) & (H(U | Y)==0) & markov(X, U, Y)).unique(U)))

 - Uniqueness does not imply existence. For both existence and uniqueness, use :code:`Region.exists_unique`.

- To check whether a variable / expression / constraint :code:`x` (:code:`Comp`, :code:`Expr` or :code:`Region` object) appears in :code:`y` (:code:`Comp`, :code:`Expr` or :code:`Region` object), use :code:`x in y`.

- To obtain all random variables (excluding auxiliaries) in :code:`x` (:code:`Expr` or :code:`Region` object), use :code:`x.rvs`. To obtain all real variables in :code:`x` (:code:`Expr` or :code:`Region` object), use :code:`x.reals`. To obtain all existentially-quantified (resp. universally-quantified) auxiliary random variables in :code:`x` (`Region` object), use :code:`x.aux` (resp. :code:`x.auxi`). 

- **Substitution**. The function call :code:`r.subs(x, y)` (where :code:`r` is an :code:`Expr` or :code:`Region`, and :code:`x`, :code:`y` are either both :code:`Comp` or both :code:`Expr`) returns an expression/region where all appearances of :code:`x` in :code:`r` are replaced by :code:`y`. To replace :code:`x1` by :code:`y1`, and :code:`x2` by :code:`y2`, use :code:`r.subs({x1: y1, x2: y2})` or :code:`r.subs(x1 = y1, x2 = y2)` (the latter only works if :code:`x1` has name :code:`"x1"`).

 - Call :code:`subs_aux` instead of :code:`subs` to stop treating :code:`x` as an auxiliary in the region :code:`r` (useful in substituting a known value of an auxiliary).

  .. _information bottleneck:

- **Minimization / maximization** over an expression :code:`expr` over variables :code:`v` (:code:`Comp`, :code:`Expr`, or list of :code:`Comp` and/or :code:`Expr`) subject to the constraints in region :code:`r` is represented by the :code:`r.minimum(expr, v)` / :code:`r.maximum(expr, v)` respectively (which returns an :code:`Expr` object). For example, Wyner's common information [Wyner 1975] is represented by:

  .. code-block:: python

    markov(X, U, Y).minimum(I(U & X+Y), U)

- It is simple to define new information quantities. For example, to define the information bottleneck [Tishby-Pereira-Bialek 1999]:

  .. code-block:: python

    def info_bot(X, Y, t):
        U = rv("U")
        return (markov(U, X, Y) & (I(X & U) <= t)).maximum(I(Y & U), U)

    X, Y = rv("X, Y")
    t1, t2 = real("t1, t2")

    # Check that info bottleneck is non-decreasing
    print(bool((t1 <= t2) >> (info_bot(X, Y, t1) <= info_bot(X, Y, t2)))) # True

    # Check that info bottleneck is a concave function of t
    print(info_bot(X, Y, t1).isconcave()) # True

    # It is not convex in t
    print(info_bot(X, Y, t1).isconvex()) # False

- The **minimum / maximum** of two (or more) :code:`Expr` objects is represented by the :code:`emin` / :code:`emax` function respectively. For example, :code:`bool(emin(H(X), H(Y)) >= I(X & Y))` returns True.

- The **absolute value** of an :code:`Expr` object is represented by the :code:`abs` function. For example, :code:`bool(abs(H(X) - H(Y)) <= H(X) + H(Y))` returns True.

- The **projection** of a :code:`Region` :code:`r` onto the real variable :code:`a` is given by :code:`r.projected(a)`. All real variables in :code:`r` other than :code:`a` will be eliminated. For projection along the diagonal :code:`a + b`, use :code:`r.projected(c == a + b)` (where :code:`a`, :code:`b`, :code:`c` are all real variables, and :code:`c` is a new real variable not in :code:`r`). To project onto multiple coordinates, use :code:`r.projected([a, b])` (where a, b are :code:`Expr` objects for real variables, or :code:`Region` objects for linear combinations of real variables). For example:

  .. code-block:: python
    # Multiple access channel capacity region without time sharing [Ahlswede 1971]
    r = indep(X, Y) & (R1 <= I(X & Z | Y)) & (R2 <= I(Y & Z | X)) & (R1 + R2 <= I(X+Y & Z))

    # Gives ( ( R1 <= I(X&Z+Y) ) & ( I(X&Y) == 0 ) )

    print(r.projected(R == R1 + R2)) # Project onto diagonal to get sum rate
    # Gives ( ( R <= I(X+Y&Z) ) & ( I(X&Y) == 0 ) )

  See `Fourier-Motzkin elimination`_ for another example. For a projection operation that also eliminates random variables, see `Discover inequalities`_.

- While one can check the conditions in :code:`r` (a :code:`Region` object) by calling :code:`bool(r)`, to also obtain the **auxiliary random variables**, instead call :code:`r.solve()`, which returns a list of pairs of :code:`Comp` objects that gives the auxiliary random variable assignments (returns None if :code:`bool(r)` is False). For example:

  .. code-block:: python

    res = (markov(X, U, Y).minimum(I(U & X+Y), U) <= H(X)).solve()

  returns :code:`U := X`. Note that :code:`res` is a :code:`CompArray` object, and its content can be accessed via :code:`res[U]` (which gives :code:`X`) or :code:`(res[0,0],res[0,1])` (which gives :code:`(U,X)`).

 - If branching is required (e.g. for union of regions), :code:`solve` may give a list of lists of pairs, where each list represents a branch. For example:

  .. code-block:: python

    (markov(X, U, Y).minimum(I(U & X+Y), U) <= emin(H(X),H(Y))).solve()

  returns :code:`[[(U, X)], [(U, Y)]]`.

- **Proving / disproving a region**. To automatically prove :code:`r` (a :code:`Region` object) or disprove it using a counterexample, use :code:`r.solve(full = True)`. Loosely speaking, it will call :code:`r.solve()`, :code:`(~r).example()`, :code:`(~r).solve()` and :code:`r.example()` in this sequence to try to prove / find counterexample / disprove / find example respectively. This is extremely slow, and should be used only for simple statements. 

 - To perform only one of the aforementioned four operations, use :code:`r.solve(method = "c")` / :code:`r.solve(method = "-e")` / :code:`r.solve(method = "-c")` / :code:`r.solve(method = "e")` respectively.

- To draw the **Bayesian network** of a region :code:`r`, use :code:`r.graph()` (which gives a Graphviz digraph). To draw the Bayesian network only on the random variables in :code:`a` (:code:`Comp` object), use :code:`r.graph(a)`.

- The **meet** or **Gács-Körner common part** [Gács-Körner 1973] between X and Y is denoted as :code:`meet(X, Y)` (a :code:`Comp` object).

- The **minimal sufficient statistic** of X about Y is denoted as :code:`mss(X, Y)` (a :code:`Comp` object).

- The random variable given by the **strong functional representation lemma** [Li-El Gamal 2018] applied on X, Y (:code:`Comp` objects) with a gap term logg (:code:`Expr` object) is denoted as :code:`sfrl_rv(X, Y, logg)` (a :code:`Comp` object). If the gap term is omitted, this will be the ordinary functional representation lemma [El Gamal-Kim 2011].

- To set a **time limit** to a block of code, start the block with :code:`with PsiOpts(timelimit = "1h30m10s100ms"):` (e.g. for a time limit of 1 hour 30 minutes 10 seconds 100 milliseconds). This is useful for time-consuming tasks, e.g. simplification and optimization.

- **Stopping signal file**. To stop the execution of a block of code upon the creation of a file named :code:`"stop_file.txt"`, start the block with :code:`with PsiOpts(stop_file = "stop_file.txt"):`. This is useful for functions with long and unpredictable running time (creating the file would stop the function and output the results computed so far).


Human-readable Proof

Calling :code:`r.proof()` (where :code:`r` is a :code:`Region`) produces the step-by-step proof of the region :code:`r` (the proof is a :code:`ProofObj` object). Some options:

- :code:`r.proof(shorten = True)` will shorten the proof by enforcing sparsity of dual variables via L1 regularization using a method similar to [Ho-Ling-Tan-Yeung 2020]. This can be quite slow. Default is True.

 - If this is False, then a solver which supports outputting dual variables is required, e.g. :code:`PsiOpts.setting(solver = "pyomo.glpk")`.

- :code:`r.proof(step_bayesnet = True)` will also output steps deduced using conditional independence in the Bayesian network. Setting to False makes the function considerably faster. Default is True.

- :code:`r.proof(step_chain = True)` will display a chain of inequalities (instead of listing each step separately). Setting to False may make the proof more readable. Default is True.

- :code:`r.proof(step_optimize = True)` will order the steps in the simplest manner. Setting to False makes the function considerably faster. Default is True.

- :code:`r.proof(note_skip_trivial = True)` will skip reasons for trivial steps. Setting to False makes the function output reasons even for trivial steps. Default is True.

- :code:`r.proof(step_simplify = True)` will display simplification steps. Default is False.

- :code:`r.proof(step_expand_def = True)` will display steps for expanding definitions of user-defined information quantities. Default is False.

- :code:`r.proof(repeat_implicant = True)` will display the implicant in an implication. Default is False.

- :code:`r.proof(note_newline = ???)` will set the maximum length of a line until the reason is written on a separate line. Set to True/False to always/never write reasons in separate lines. This can also be set via the global setting :code:`PsiOpts.setting(proof_note_newline = ???)`.

 - If breaking all long lines (not only the reasons) is desired, use :code:`PsiOpts.setting(latex_line_len = 80)` to set the maximum line length of LaTeX output.

- :code:`r.proof(note_color = "blue")` will display the reasons of each inequality in blue in LaTeX output (can accept any LaTeX color). This can also be set via the global setting :code:`PsiOpts.setting(proof_note_color = "blue")`.

A :code:`ProofObj` object can be displayed via :code:`print(r.proof())` (plain text), :code:`print(r.proof().latex())` (LaTeX code), or :code:`r.proof().display()` (LaTeX display in Jupyter Notebook).

To construct a longer proof consisting of several steps, start a block with :code:`with PsiOpts(proof_new = True):`, and end it with :code:`print(PsiOpts.get_proof())` (to print the proof in plain text), :code:`print(PsiOpts.get_proof().latex())` (to print the proof in LaTeX) or :code:`PsiOpts.get_proof().display()` (to typeset the proof in LaTeX and display in Jupyter Notebook). For example,

  .. code-block:: python

    with PsiOpts(proof_new = True):
        bool(markov(X, Y, Z) >> (H(Y) >= I(X & Z)))

Also see `Example 3: Lossy source coding with side information at decoder`_.


Interactive mode and Parsing LaTeX code

Interactive mode can be entered by calling the main function of the Psitip package (if the Psitip package is installed, type :code:`python -m psitip` in the terminal). It has a lax syntax, accepting the Psitip syntax, common notations and LaTeX input. Common functions are :code:`check` (checking the conditions), :code:`implies` (material implication), :code:`simplify`, :code:`assume` (assume a region is true; assumption can be accessed via :code:`assumption`, and cleared via :code:`clear assume`) and :code:`latex` (latex output). Parsing can also be accessed using :code:`expr("3I(X,Y;Z)")` and :code:`region("3I(X,Y;Z) \le 2")` in Python code (`Jupyter Notebook example <>`_). Interactive mode examples:

.. code-block:: text

    > a = I(X ; Y Z)

    > check a = 0 implies exists U st H(U) = I(X ; Y | U) <= 0

    > latex simplify \exists U : H(U | Y, Z) = 0, R \ge H(X | U)
    R \ge H(X|Y, Z)

    > assume X -> (Y,Z) -> W
    markov(X, Y+Z, W) 

    > assumption      
    markov(X, Y+Z, W) 

    > check H(Y Z) >= I(X;W) 

    > I(X;W|Y,Z) 

    > clear assume

    > assumption


Information diagrams

The :code:`venn` method of :code:`Comp`, :code:`Expr`, :code:`Region` and :code:`ConcModel` draws the information diagram of that object. The :code:`venn` method takes any number of arguments (:code:`Comp`, :code:`Expr`, :code:`Region` or :code:`ConcModel`) which are drawn together. For :code:`Region.venn`, only the nonzero cells of the region will be drawn (the others are in black). The ordering of the random variables is decided by the first :code:`Comp` argument (or automatically if no :code:`Comp` argument is supplied). To draw a Karnaugh map instead of a Venn diagram, use :code:`table` instead of :code:`venn`. The methods :code:`venn` and :code:`table` take a :code:`style` argument, which is a string with the following options (multiple options are separated by ","):

- :code:`blend`: Blend the colors in overlapping areas. Default for :code:`venn`.

- :code:`hatch`: Use hatch instead of fill.

- :code:`pm`: Use +/- instead of numbers.

- :code:`notext`: Hide the numbers.

- :code:`nosign`: Hide the signs of each cell (+/-) on the bottom of each cell.

- :code:`nolegend`: Hide the legends.

- Add the line :code:`PsiOpts.setting(venn_latex = True)` at the beginning to turn on LaTeX in the diagram.


.. code-block:: python

    from psitip import *
    X, Y, Z, W, U = rv("X", "Y", "Z", "W", "U")
    (X+Y+Z).venn(H(X), H(Y) - H(Z))

.. image::


.. code-block:: python

    (markov(X, Y, Z, W) & (H(W | Z) == 0)).venn(H(X), I(Y & W), style = "hatch,pm")

.. image::


.. code-block:: python

    # Entropy, total correlation [Watanabe 1960] and dual total correlation [Han 1978]
    # use Branko Grunbaum's Venn diagram for 5 variables
    (X+Y+Z+W+U).venn(H(X+Y+Z+W+U), total_corr(X&Y&Z&W&U), 
                    dual_total_corr(X&Y&Z&W&U), style = "nolegend")

.. image::


Numerical optimization

Psitip supports numerical optimization on distributions of random variables. While :code:`Comp` are abstract random variables without information on their distributions, you can use a :code:`ConcModel` object (concrete model) to assign joint distributions to random variables.

**WARNING:** Numerical optimization is prone to numerical errors. For nonconvex optimization, the algorithm is not guaranteed to find the global optimum.

**Caution:** In order to use the numerical functions of Psitip, the cardinality of random variables must be specified using :code:`set_card`, e.g. :code:`X = rv("X").set_card(2)`. For numerical optimization, add the line :code:`PsiOpts.setting(istorch = True)` at the beginning to enable PyTorch.

Concrete distributions

A (joint/conditional) distribution is stored as a :code:`ConcDist` (concrete distribution) object. It is constructed as :code:`ConcDist(a, num_in)`, where :code:`a` is the probability table (a :code:`numpy.array` or :code:`torch.Tensor`), and :code:`num_in` is the number of random variables to be conditioned on. For example, if X -> Y is a Z-channel, P(Y|X) can be represented as :code:`ConcDist(array([[1.0, 0.0], [0.1, 0.9]]), num_in = 1)`. Note that for P(Y[0],...,Y[m-1] | X[0],...,X[n-1]), the number of dimensions of :code:`a` is n+m, where the first n dimensions correspond to X[0],...,X[n-1], and the remaining m dimensions correspond to Y[0],...,Y[m-1].

- Some entries of the distribution can be :code:`Expr` objects, e.g. we can have :code:`t = real("t"); p = ConcDist([1 - t, t])` for the distribution Bern(t). The distribution is automatically updated when the value of t changes. This is useful for optimizing over distributions parametrized by some parameters. See `Example 4: Parametric distribution`_.

- If :code:`p` is P(Y|X), and :code:`q` is P(Z|X), then P(Y,Z|X) (assuming Y,Z are conditionally independent given X) is :code:`p * q`.

- If :code:`p` is P(Y|X), and :code:`q` is P(Z|Y), then P(Z|X) is :code:`p @ q`.

- If :code:`p` is P(Y|X), and :code:`q` is P(Z|Y), then P(Y,Z|X) is :code:`p.semidirect(q)`.

- If :code:`p` is P(Y0,...,Y5|X), then P(Y2,Y4|X) is :code:`p.marginal(2,4)`.

- If :code:`p` is P(Y|X), then P(Y|X=x) is :code:`p.given(x)`.

- If :code:`p` is P(X), then E[f(X)] is :code:`p.mean(f)`. :code:`f` is a function, :code:`numpy.array` or :code:`torch.Tensor`. If f is a function, the number of arguments must match the number of dimensions (random variables) of the joint distribution. If f is an array or tensor, shape must match the shape of the distribution.

 - In both :code:`given` and :code:`mean`, the values of X are assumed to range from 0 to the cardinality of X minus 1. If X does not take these values, manual conversion is needed between the values of X and indices between 0 and the cardinality of X minus 1. 

- :code:`p.numpy()` gives the probability tensor as a numpy array. :code:`p.torch()` gives the probability tensor as a PyTorch tensor.

Concrete model

Letting :code:`P = ConcModel()`, we have the following operations:

- :code:`P[X]` for a random variable (:code:`Comp`) :code:`X` gives the distribution of X (:code:`ConcDist`). Use :code:`P[X] = p` to set the distribution of X (where :code:`p` is :code:`ConcDist`, :code:`numpy.array` or :code:`torch.Tensor`). Use :code:`P[X+Y | Z+W]` for the conditional distribution P(X,Y|Z,W).

 - Some entries of the distribution can be :code:`Expr` objects, e.g. we can have :code:`t = real("t"); P[X] = [1 - t, t]` to represent X ~ Bern(t). The distribution is automatically updated when the value of t changes. This is useful for optimizing over distributions parametrized by some parameters. See `Example 4: Parametric distribution`_.

 - Random variables must be added to the model in the order they are generated. E.g., :code:`P[X] = p1; P[Y|X] = p2; P[Z|Y] = p3`. If Z is added as :code:`P[Z|Y] = p3`, it is assumed to be conditionally independent of all previously added random variables given Y.

 - :code:`P[Y|X] = "var"` specifys that P(Y|X) is a variable that can be optimized over. Use :code:`P[Y|X] = "var,rand"` to randomize its initial value (otherwise the initial value is uniform, which may not be desirable for some optimization tasks).

 - :code:`P[X] = "unif"` specifys that X is uniformly distributed over 0, ..., X.get_card()-1 (shorthand of :code:`P[X] = ConcDist.uniform(X.get_card())`).

 - :code:`P[Z|X+Y] = "add"` specifys that Z = X + Y (the "+" here is addition between integers, not joint random variable).

 - :code:`P[Z|X+Y] = "flat"` specifys that Z = X * Y.get_card() + Y, i.e., Z is an integer in the range 0, ..., X.get_card()*Y.get_card()-1 which contains the same information as (X, Y).

- :code:`P[a]` for an expression (:code:`Expr`) :code:`a` gives the value of :code:`a` (as a :code:`ConcReal` object) under the distribution in :code:`P`. E.g. :code:`P[I(X & Y) - H(Z | Y)]`.

 - Use :code:`float(P[I(X & Y)])` to convert the :code:`ConcReal` to a :code:`float`. Use :code:`P[I(X & Y)].torch()` to convert the :code:`ConcReal` to a PyTorch tensor.

 - Note that :code:`P[a]` is read-only except when :code:`a` is a single real variable. In that case, :code:`P[a]=1.0` sets the value of the real variable to 1.0. Use :code:`P[a]=ConcReal(1.0, lbound = 0.0, ubound = 10.0, isvar = True)` to set :code:`a` to be a variable that can be optimized over, with lower bound lbound and upper bound ubound.

 - Shorthand: :code:`P[a] = "var"` specifys that :code:`a` is a variable that can be optimized over.

- :code:`P[r]` for a region (:code:`Region`) :code:`r` gives the truth value of the conditions in :code:`r`.

- :code:`region(P)` gives the region (:code:`Region` object) that contains the entropy information in the model. For example,:code:`P[X] = [0.5, 0.5]; region(P)` gives :code:`H(X) == 1`.

- :code:`P.venn()` draws the information diagram of the random variables.

- :code:`P.graph()` gives the Bayesian network of the random variables as a Graphviz graph.

Useful functions

Letting :code:`X, Y, Z = rv("X", "Y", "Z")`,

- :code:`X.prob(x)` (an :code:`Expr` object) gives the probability P(X=x). For joint probability, :code:`(X+Y).prob(x, y)` gives P(X=x, Y=y).

 - :code:`X.pmf()` gives the whole probability vector (an :code:`ExprArray` object). :code:`(X+Y+Z).pmf()` gives the probability tensor of X,Y,Z. :code:`(X|Y).pmf()` gives the transition matrix. :code:`ExprArray` objects support basic numpy-array-like operations such as +, -, \*, @, dot, transpose, trace, diag, reshape.

 - Note that :code:`X.prob(x)` gives an abstract expression (:code:`Expr`). To evaluate it on a concrete model :code:`P`, use :code:`P[X.prob(x)]` as mentioned in the `Concrete model`_ section. This can also be used on :code:`ExprArray`, e.g. :code:`P[X.pmf()]` gives the same result as :code:`P[X]`.

- :code:`X.mean(f)` (an :code:`Expr` object) gives the expectation E[f(X)]. For joint probability, :code:`(X+Y).mean(f)` gives E[f(X, Y)]. The parameter :code:`f` follows the same requirements as :code:`ConcDist.mean` above.

- For other functions e.g. divergence, Rényi entropy, maximal correlation, varentropy, see `Real-valued information quantities`_ and `Real-valued information quantities (numerical only)`_.

- For general user-defined functions, use :code:`Expr.fcn` to wrap any function mapping a :code:`ConcModel` to a number as an :code:`Expr`. E.g. the Hamming distortion is given by :code:`Expr.fcn(lambda P: P[X+Y].mean(lambda x, y: float(x != y)))`. For optimization using PyTorch, the return value should be a scalar :code:`torch.Tensor` with gradient information.


The function :code:`ConcModel.minimize(expr, vs, reg)` (or :code:`maximize`) takes 3 arguments: :code:`expr` (:code:`Expr` object) is the optimization objective, :code:`vs` (:code:`ConcDist`, :code:`ConcReal`, or a list of these objects) specifies the variables to be optimized over, and :code:`reg` (:code:`Region` object, optional) specifies the constraints. The return value is the minimum (or maximum).

- :code:`reg` may contain `auxiliary random variable`_ s that are not already in the model. The auxiliary random variables are added to the model automatically.

- After calling :code:`P.minimize`, the optimal distributions are written to :code:`P`, and can be obtained via e.g. :code:`P[X+Y]`.

 - Note that :code:`P` only contains distributions of random variables originally in :code:`P` before calling :code:`P.minimize`. To also obtain the distributions of auxiliary random variables (e.g. :code:`U`), use :code:`P.opt_model()[U]`.

- General functions (not only linear combinations of entropy) may be used in :code:`expr` and :code:`reg` using :code:`Expr.fcn` (see `Useful functions`_).

- Use :code:`PsiOpts.setting(opt_optimizer = ???)` to choose the optimization method. The default algorithm is :code:`"SLSQP"` via :code:`scipy.optimize` [Kraft 1988], which is suitable for convex problems (e.g. channel capacity, rate-distortion). Other choices are :code:`"sgd"` (gradient descent) and :code:`"adam"` [Kingma 2014] via PyTorch. 

- Use :code:`PsiOpts.setting(opt_basinhopping = True)` to enable basin hopping [Wales-Doye 1997] for nonconvex problems (e.g. problems involving auxiliary random variables).

 - Use :code:`PsiOpts.setting(opt_num_hop = 50)` to set the number of hops for basin hopping.

- Use :code:`PsiOpts.setting(opt_num_iter = 100)` to set the number of iterations. Use :code:`PsiOpts.setting(opt_num_iter_mul = 2)` to multiply to the number of iterations.

- Use :code:`PsiOpts.setting(opt_num_points = 10)` to set the number of random initial points to try.

- Use :code:`PsiOpts.setting(opt_aux_card = 3)` to set the default cardinality of the auxiliary random variables where :code:`set_card` has not been called.

- Use :code:`PsiOpts.setting(verbose_opt = True)` and :code:`PsiOpts.setting(verbose_opt_step = True)` to display steps.

 .. _Finding examples:

- **Finding examples**. For a :code:`Region` :code:`r`, to find an example of distributions of random variables where :code:`r` is satisfied, use :code:`r.example(card = 3)` (fixing the cardinality of random variables with undeclared cardinalities to 3), which returns a :code:`ConcModel`. E.g. :code:`P = ((I(X & Y) == 0.2) & (H(X) == 0.3)).example(); print(P[X+Y])`. It uses :code:`ConcModel.minimize` internally, and all above options apply (turning on :code:`opt_basinhopping` is highly recommended).

 - To find a **counter example** of a :code:`Region` :code:`r`, simply find an example of its negation, i.e., :code:`(~r).example()`.

Example 1: Channel coding, finding optimal input distribution

.. code-block:: python

    # ********** Channel input distribution optimization **********

    import numpy
    import scipy
    import torch
    from psitip import *
    PsiOpts.setting(solver = "pyomo.glpk")
    PsiOpts.setting(istorch = True)     # Enable pytorch

    X, Y = rv("X", "Y").set_card(2)     # X,Y are binary RVs (cardinality = 2)
    P = ConcModel()                     # Underlying distribution of RVs
    P[X] = [0.3, 0.7]                   # Distribution of X is Bernoulli(0.7)
    P[Y | X] = [[0.8, 0.2], [0.2, 0.8]] # X->Y is BSC(0.2)

    print(P[Y])                         # Print distribution of Y
    print(P[I(X & Y)])                  # Print I(X;Y)

    P[X] = "var"                        # P[X] is a variable in optimization
    P.maximize(I(X & Y), P[X])          # Maximize I(X;Y) over variable P[X]

    print(P[I(X & Y)])                  # Print optimal I(X;Y)
    print(P[X])                         # Print distribution of X attaining optimum
    P.venn()                            # Draw information diagram

Example 2: Lossy source coding, rate-distortion

.. code-block:: python

    # ********** Rate-distortion **********

    import numpy
    import scipy
    import torch
    from psitip import *
    PsiOpts.setting(solver = "pyomo.glpk")
    PsiOpts.setting(istorch = True) # Enable pytorch

    X, Y = rv("X", "Y").set_card(2) # X,Y are binary RVs (cardinality = 2)
    P = ConcModel()                 # Underlying distribution of RVs
    P[X] = [0.3, 0.7]               # Distribution of X is Bernoulli(0.7)
    P[Y | X] = "var"                # P[Y | X] is a variable in optimization

    # Hamming distortion function is the mean of the function 1{x != y}
    # over the distribution P(X,Y). We demonstrate 4 methods to specify it:
    # Method 1: Use the mean function
    dist = (X+Y).mean(lambda x, y: float(x != y))

    # Method 2: Distortion = P(X=0,Y=1) + P(X=1,Y=0)
    # dist = (X+Y).prob(0, 1) + (X+Y).prob(1, 0)

    # Method 3: Use "pmf" to obtain probability matrix (ExprArray object)
    # and take 1 - trace
    # dist = 1 - (X+Y).pmf().trace()

    # Method 4: Use Expr.fcn to wrap any function
    # mapping a ConcModel to a number as an Expr
    # dist = Expr.fcn(lambda P: P[X+Y][0, 1] + P[X+Y][1, 0])

    # Minimize I(X;Y) over P[Y | X], under constraint dist <= 0.1
    P.minimize(I(X & Y), P[Y | X], dist <= 0.1)

    print(P[I(X & Y)])        # print optimal I(X;Y)
    print(P[Y | X].given(0))  # print P[Y | X=0] attaining optimum
    print(P[Y | X].given(1))  # print P[Y | X=1] attaining optimum
    print(P[dist])            # print distortion
    P.venn()                  # draw information diagram

Example 3: Finding the most informative bit

.. code-block:: python

    # ********** Finding the most informative bit **********
    # Kumar and Courtade, "Which boolean functions are 
    # most informative?", ISIT 2013
    # Given X1,...,Xn i.i.d. fair bits, and Y1,...,Yn produced by passing 
    # X1,...,Xn through a memoryless BSC, the problem is to find a binary
    # function F(X1,...,Xn) that maximizes I(F;Y)

    import numpy
    import scipy
    import torch
    from psitip import *
    PsiOpts.setting(solver = "pyomo.glpk")
    PsiOpts.setting(istorch = True)       # Enable pytorch
    # PsiOpts.setting(verbose_opt = True) # Uncomment to display steps
    # PsiOpts.setting(verbose_opt_step = True)

    n = 3
    a = 0.1

    X = rv_seq("X", n).set_card(2) # X,Y are array of bits (cardinality = 2)
    Y = rv_seq("Y", n).set_card(2)
    F = rv("F").set_card(2)        # F is a binary random variable
    P = ConcModel()                # Underlying distribution of RVs

    # Add random variables to the model in the order they are generated
    for x, y in zip(X, Y):
        P[x] = ConcDist.bit()      # P(x) is Bernoulli(1/2)
        P[y | x] = ConcDist.bsc(a) # P(y|x) is BSC with crossover a

    P[F | X] = "var,rand"          # P(F|X) is the variable we optimize over

    # Maximize I(F ; Y1,Y2,Y3)
    # The default setting is not suitable for nonconvex optimization
    print(P.maximize(I(F & Y), P[F | X]))
    print(P[F | X])
    print(P[I(F & Y)])

    # Switch to basin-hopping for nonconvex optimization
    PsiOpts.setting(opt_basinhopping = True)
    PsiOpts.setting(opt_num_iter_mul = 2) # double the number of iterations

    # "timelimit = 60000" sets time limit 60000ms for code within the block
    with PsiOpts(timelimit = 60000):
        print(P.maximize(I(F & Y), P[F | X]))
    print(P[F | X])
    print(P[I(F & Y)])

Example 4: Parametric distribution

.. code-block:: python

    # ********** Parametric distribution **********

    import numpy
    import scipy
    import torch
    from psitip import *
    PsiOpts.setting(solver = "pyomo.glpk")
    PsiOpts.setting(istorch = True)       # Enable pytorch

    X = rv("X").set_card(2)               # X is binary RV (cardinality = 2)
    Y = rv("Y").set_card(3)               # Y is ternary RV (cardinality = 3)
    t = real("t")                         # Real variable

    P = ConcModel()                       # Underlying distribution of RVs
    P[t] = 0.5                            # Set value of t
    P[X] = [0.3, 0.7]                     # Distribution of X is Bernoulli(0.7)
    P[Y | X] = [[1-t, 0, t], [0, 1-t, t]] # X -> Y is BEC(t)
    t_reg = P[Y | X].valid_region()       # Region where P(Y|X) is valid is 0<=t<=1

    print(P[Y])                           # Print distribution of Y
    print(P[H(Y)])                        # Print value of H(Y)

    P[t] = "var"                          # Declare t is a variable in optimization
    P.maximize(H(Y), P[t], t_reg)         # Maximize H(Y) over t subject to t_reg
    print(P[Y])                           # Print optimal distribution of Y
    print(P[H(Y)])                        # Print optimal value of H(Y)

    P[X] = "var"                          # Declare P(X) is also a variable
    P.maximize(H(Y), [P[t], P[X]], t_reg) # Max H(Y) over t, P(X) subject to t_reg
    print(P[Y])                           # Print optimal distribution of Y
    print(P[H(Y)])                        # Print optimal value of H(Y)


Automated inner and outer bounds

`Index of Jupyter Notebook examples <>`_ :

- `Multiple access channel <>`_

- `Broadcast channel <>`_

- `Degraded broadcast channel <>`_

- `State-dependent semideterministic broadcast channel <>`_

- `Interference channel <>`_

- `Channel with state: Gelfand-Pinsker theorem <>`_

- `Slepian-Wolf coding <>`_

- `Wyner-Ahlswede-Körner network <>`_

- `Successive refinement coding <>`_

- `Lossy compression with side information: Wyner-Ziv theorem <>`_

- `Distributed lossy compression: Berger-Tung bounds <>`_

- `Gray-Wyner network <>`_

- `Network coding: Butterfly network and Vámos network <>`_

Psitip supports automated achievability and converse proofs in network information theory. The achievability part uses the general coding theorem for network information theory in [Lee-Chung 2015], whereas the converse part follows the general strategy of identifying auxiliaries using past and future random variables pioneered by Gallager [Gallager 1974], using Csiszár sum identity [Körner-Marton 1977], [Csiszár-Körner 1978].

A setting in network information theory is represented by a :code:`CodingModel` object. To specify a setting, use the following four functions (here we let :code:`model = CodingModel()`):

- :code:`model.set_rate(M, R)` specifies that M (:code:`Comp`) is a message with rate R (:code:`Expr`).

 - **Caution.** :code:`model.set_rate` must be called **before** all calls of :code:`model.add_node` and :code:`model.add_edge`.

- :code:`model.add_node(M, X)` specifies that there is an encoder/decoder which observes M (a :code:`Comp` object) and outputs X (:code:`Comp`).

 - For causal observation, use the argument :code:`rv_in_causal`. E.g. :code:`model.add_node(M+S, X, rv_in_causal = S)` means that the encoder produces Xi using only M,S1,...,Si.

 - For strictly causal observation, use the argument :code:`rv_in_scausal`. E.g. :code:`model.add_node(M+Y, X, rv_in_scausal = Y)` means that the encoder produces Xi using only M,Y1,...,Y[i-1]. This is useful, for example, in communication with feedback. Note that this is used only in the computation of outer bounds, and is ignored in inner bounds.

 - Passing the argument :code:`rv_ndec_force = x` to :code:`add_node` instructs the algorithm to use simultaneous nonunique decoding on the message :code:`x` (:code:`Comp`) on this node. Passing the argument :code:`ndec_mode = "min"` to :code:`add_node` instructs the algorithm to avoid using simultaneous nonunique decoding (except those marked using :code:`rv_ndec_force = x`). The argument :code:`ndec_mode = "max"` instructs the algorithm to use simultaneous nonunique decoding whenever possible. The default is to try all possibilities and output the inner bound as the union, which can be quite slow.

- :code:`model.add_edge(X, Y)` specifies that Y (:code:`Comp`) is produced by a channel with input X (:code:`Comp`). The random variable Y is conditionally independent of all previously added random variables given X, and hence edges are also needed between correlated sources.

 - **Caution.** Random variables must be added in the order they are generated in the setting (e.g. channel outputs after channel inputs, decoders after encoders).

- (Optional) :code:`model &= r` specifies that the model satisfies the conditions in r (:code:`Region`). E.g. see `Example 2: Less noisy and more capable broadcast channel`_.

After a setting is specified, call:

- :code:`model.get_inner()` to obtain an inner bound (:code:`Region`).

 - Use :code:`model.get_inner(convexify = True)` instead to convexify the region using a time sharing random variable. Default is automatic (time sharing random variable is added only when it enlarges the inner bound, e.g. for multiple access channel, though the automatic check is not always accurate). The returned region is a valid inner bound regardless of whether :code:`convexify` is turned on or not.

 - If this is taking too long, use the option :code:`ndec_mode = "min"` for :code:`model.add_node` mentioned before, and use `model.get_inner(skip_simplify = True)` to skip simplification (gives a significant speedup for network coding settings).

- :code:`model.get_outer()` to obtain an outer bound (:code:`Region`). 

 - Note that the outer bound includes all past/future random variables, and is not simplified. Though this is useful for checking other outer bounds. For example, :code:`(model.get_outer() >> r).solve()` checks whether :code:`r` is an outer bound (by checking whether the outer bound implies :code:`r`), and if so, outputs the choices of auxiliaries for the proof. If :code:`r` is an inner bound, this checks whether :code:`r` is tight.

 - Use :code:`model.get_outer(n)` instead to limit the number of auxiliary random variables to :code:`n` (an :code:`int` zero or above). Including this parameter can give an outer bound in a simpler, more familiar form, but requires a significant computational time (especially when :code:`n` is at least 2).

 - Use :code:`model.get_outer(convexify = True)` instead to explicitly add the time sharing random variable. Default is automatic (time sharing random variable is added only when it is necessary, e.g. for multiple access channel). The returned region is a valid outer bound regardless of whether :code:`convexify` is turned on or not.

 - Use :code:`model.get_outer(full = True)` to include all past/future random variables. By default, some of those random variables that are unlikely to be used in proofs are not included.

 - Use :code:`model.get_outer(is_proof = True)` to express the outer bound in a way suitable for automated proof (redundant inequalities will be added).

- :code:`model.graph()` to obtain a graphical representation of the setting (Graphviz graph).

 - The :code:`graph` function accepts `Graphviz graph attributes <>`_, e.g. :code:`model.graph(nodesep = 0.15, ranksep = 0.2, resolution = 60)`.

**WARNING:** The program makes an implicit assumption that the empirical joint distribution of random variables (channel input/output, source) is fixed. It cannot optimize over channel input distributions. See `Gelfand-Pinsker Demo <>`_ for an example.

`Jupyter Notebook examples... <>`_

More examples:

Example 1: Degraded broadcast channel

.. code-block:: python

    # ********** Degraded broadcast channel **********

    import numpy
    import scipy
    import torch
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from psitip import *
    PsiOpts.setting(solver = "pyomo.glpk")

    X, Y, Z, M1, M2 = rv("X", "Y", "Z", "M1", "M2")
    R1, R2 = real("R1", "R2")

    model = CodingModel()
    model.set_rate(M1, R1)    # Rate of M1 is R1
    model.set_rate(M2, R2)    # Rate of M2 is R2
    model.add_node(M1+M2, X)  # Encoder maps M1,M2 to X
    model.add_edge(X, Y)      # Channel X -> Y -> Z
    model.add_edge(Y, Z)
    model.add_node(Y, M1)     # Decoder1 maps Y to M1
    model.add_node(Z, M2)     # Decoder2 maps Z to M2
    # display(model.graph())  # Draw the model

    r = model.get_inner()     # Get inner bound, recovers superposition region 
    print(r)                  # [Bergmans 1973], [Gallager 1974]
    # display(r.graph())      # Draw Bayesian network of RVs

    r_out = model.get_outer() # Get outer bound

    # Check outer bound implies inner bound and output auxiliaries for proof
    print((r_out >> r).solve())

    # *** Plot capacity region for Z-channel ***

    PsiOpts.setting(istorch = True)   # Enable pytorch
    PsiOpts.setting(opt_aux_card = 3) # Default cardinality for auxiliary
    X.set_card(2)                     # X,Y,Z have cardinality 2
    P = ConcModel()
    P[X] = "var"                      # Optimize over P(X)
    P[R1] = "var"                     # Optimize over R1,R2
    P[R2] = "var"
    P[Y|X] = [[1.0, 0.0], [0.2, 0.8]] # X->Y is a Z-channel
    P[Z|Y] = [[0.8, 0.2], [0.0, 1.0]] # Y->Z is a Z-channel

    lams = numpy.linspace(0.5, 1, 10)
    R1s = []
    R2s = []
    for lam in lams:
        # Maximize lambda sum-rate over P(X),R1,R2 subject to inner bound
        P.maximize(R1*(1-lam) + R2*lam, [P[X], R1, R2], r)
    plt.plot(R1s, R2s)  # Plot capacity region

Example 2: Less noisy and more capable broadcast channel

.. code-block:: python

    # ********** Less noisy and more capable broadcast channel **********

    from psitip import *
    PsiOpts.setting(solver = "pyomo.glpk")

    X, Y, Z, M1, M2 = rv("X", "Y", "Z", "M1", "M2")
    U, V = rv("U", "V")
    R1, R2 = real("R1", "R2")

    model = CodingModel()
    model.set_rate(M1, R1)    # Rate of M1 is R1
    model.set_rate(M2, R2)    # Rate of M2 is R2
    model.add_node(M1+M2, X)  # Encoder maps M1,M2 to X
    model.add_edge(X, Y)      # Channel X -> Y
    model.add_edge(X, Z)      # Channel X -> Z
    model.add_node(Y, M1)     # Decoder1 maps Y to M1
    model.add_node(Z, M2)     # Decoder2 maps Z to M2
    # display(model.graph())  # Draw the model

    # More capable BC [Körner-Marton 1975], [El Gamal 1979]
    model &= (markov(V, X, Y+Z) >> (I(X & Y | V) >= I(X & Z | V))).forall(V)

    # Less noisy BC [Körner-Marton 1975]
    # model &= (markov(U+V, X, Y+Z) >> (I(U & Y | V) >= I(U & Z | V))).forall(U+V)

    r = model.get_inner()     # Get inner bound, recovers superposition region 
    print(r)                  # [Bergmans 1973], [Gallager 1974]
    # display(r.graph())      # Draw Bayesian network of RVs

    # If none of more capable/less noisy is added, will recover the union of
    # 2-auxiliary Marton's inner bound [Marton 1979] and superposition region.
    # To recover the 3-auxiliary Marton's inner bound [Liang-Kramer 2007],
    # a common message must be included explicitly.

    r_out = model.get_outer() # Get outer bound

    # Check outer bound implies inner bound and output auxiliaries for proof
    print((r_out >> r).solve())

Example 3: Lossy source coding with side information at decoder

.. code-block:: python

    # ********** Wyner-Ziv theorem [Wyner-Ziv 1976] **********

    from psitip import *
    PsiOpts.setting(solver = "pyomo.glpk")

    X, Y, Z, M = rv("X", "Y", "Z", "M")
    R = real("R")

    model = CodingModel()
    model.set_rate(M, R)      # The rate of M is R
    model.add_edge(X, Y)      # X and Y are correlated
    model.add_node(X, M)      # Encoder observes X, produces M
    model.add_node(M+Y, Z)    # Decoder observes M,Y, produces Z
    # model.add_node(M+Y, Z, rv_in_causal = Y) # Use this instead if 
                                              # Y observed causally

    r = model.get_inner()     # Get inner bound, recovers Wyner-Ziv
    r_out = model.get_outer() # Get outer bound

    with PsiOpts(proof_new = True):        # Record human-readable proof
        print((r_out >> r).solve()) # Tightness, output auxiliaries
        print(PsiOpts.get_proof())         # Print tightness proof


Integration with Jupyter Notebook and LaTeX output

Psitip can be used within Jupyter Notebook.

- Add the line :code:`PsiOpts.setting(repr_latex = True)` at the beginning to turn on LaTeX output.

- Alternatively, use :code:`x.display()` to display an object (:code:`Comp`, :code:`Expr` or :code:`Region`) using LaTeX. For the LaTeX code, use use :code:`x.latex()`.

- For a region :code:`x`, use :code:`x.display_bool()` to display both the region and its truth value.


Fourier-Motzkin elimination

The :code:`exists` method of :code:`Region` with real variable arguments performs Fourier-Motzkin elimination over those variables, for example:

.. code-block:: python

    from psitip import *
    PsiOpts.setting(solver = "pyomo.glpk")

    # Fourier-Motzkin elimination for Marton's inner bound with common message
    # [Marton 1979], [Liang-Kramer 2007]
    R0, R1, R2, R10, R20, Rs = real("R0", "R1", "R2", "R10", "R20", "Rs")
    U0, U1, U2, X, Y1, Y2 = rv("U0", "U1", "U2", "X", "Y1", "Y2")

    # alland([r1, r2]) is a shorthand for r1 & r2
    r = alland([
            R0 >= 0,
            R1 >= 0,
            R2 >= 0,
            R10 >= 0,
            R10 <= R1,
            R20 >= 0,
            R20 <= R2,
            Rs >= 0,
            R0 + R20 + R1 + Rs <= I(U0 + U1 & Y1),
            R1 - R10 + Rs <= I(U1 & Y1 | U0),
            R0 + R10 + R2 - Rs <= I(U0 + U2 & Y2) - I(U1 & U2 | U0),
            R0 + R10 + R2 <= I(U0 + U2 & Y2),
            R2 - R20 - Rs <= I(U2 & Y2 | U0) - I(U1 & U2 | U0),
            R2 - R20 <= I(U2 & Y2 | U0),
            markov(U0+U1+U2, X, Y1+Y2)

    r = r.exists(R10+R20+Rs)  # Eliminate R10, R20, Rs

    # Project the region to obtain Marton's inner bound for private messages
    S1, S2 = real("S1", "S2")
    print(r.projected((S1 >= 0) & (S2 >= 0) & (S1 <= R0+R1) 
                      & (S2 <= R0+R2) & (S1+S2 <= R0+R1+R2)))

Discover inequalities

The :code:`discover` method of :code:`Region` accepts a list of variables of interest (:code:`Comp` or :code:`Expr`), and automatically discover inequalities among those variables implied by the region. It either uses the convex hull method for polyhedron projection [Lassez-Lassez 1991], or trial and error in case the region is a :code:`RegionOp` object. 

- Use :code:`PsiOpts.setting(verbose_discover_terms_outer = True)` to enable output of intermediate results.

- **Caution:** A randomized algorithm will be used if the problem is larger than a threshold (which can be set by :code:`PsiOpts.setting(discover_max_facet = ???)`; default is 100000). In this case, the program will not terminate unless the block is enclosed by :code:`with PsiOpts(timelimit = ???):` or :code:`with PsiOpts(stop_file = ???):`.


.. code-block:: python

    from psitip import *

    PsiOpts.setting(solver = "pyomo.glpk")

    X, Y, Z, W, U = rv("X", "Y", "Z", "W", "U")

    K = gacs_korner(X&Y)
    J = wyner_ci(X&Y)
    G = exact_ci(X&Y)

    RK, RJ, RG = real("RK", "RJ", "RG")

    # Automatically discover relationship between different notions of common information
    # Gives RK >= 0, RG >= RJ, RG <= H(X), RG <= H(Y), RK <= I(X;Y), RJ >= I(X;Y)
    print(universe().discover([(RK, K), (RJ, J), (RG, G), X, Y], maxsize = 2))

    # State the copy lemma [Zhang-Yeung 1998], [Dougherty-Freiling-Zeger 2011]
    r = eqdist([X, Y, U], [X, Y, Z]) & markov(Z+W, X+Y, U)

    # Automatically discover non-Shannon-type inequalities using copy lemma
    # Gives 2I(X;Y|Z,W)+I(X;Z|Y,W)+I(Y;Z|X,W)+I(Z;W|X,Y)+I(X;Y;W|Z)+2I(X;Z;W|Y)+2I(Y;Z;W|X) >= 0, etc
    print(, Y, Z, W)))

Bayesian network optimization

Bayesian network optimization is turned on by default. It builds a Bayesian network automatically using the given conditional independence conditions, so as to reduce the dimension of the linear programming problem. The speed up is significant when the Bayesian network is sparse, for instance, when the variables form a Markov chain:

.. code-block:: python

    X = rv_seq("X", 0, 9)
    print(bool(markov(*X) >> (I(X[0] & X[8]) <= H(X[4]))))

Nevertheless, building the Bayesian network can take some time. If your problem does not admit a sparse Bayesian network structure, you may turn off this optimization by:

.. code-block:: python

    PsiOpts.setting(lptype = "H")

The :code:`get_bayesnet` method of :code:`Region` returns a :code:`BayesNet` object (a Bayesian network) that can be deduced by the conditional independence conditions in the region. The :code:`check_ic` method of :code:`BayesNet` checks whether an expression containing conditional mutual information terms is always zero. The :code:`get_region` method of :code:`BayesNet` returns the :code:`Region` corresponding to the network. The :code:`graph` method of :code:`BayesNet` draws the Bayesian network (as a Graphviz graph). E.g.:

.. code-block:: python

    ((I(X&Y|Z) == 0) & (I(U&X+Z|Y) <= 0)).get_bayesnet().check_ic(I(X&U|Z))
    ((I(X&Y|Z) == 0) & (I(U&X+Z|Y) <= 0)).get_bayesnet().get_region()

Built-in functions

There are several built-in information functions listed below. While they can be defined by the user easily (see the source code for their definitions), they are provided for convenience.


The following are true statements (:code:`Region` objects) that allow Psitip to prove results not provable by Shannon-type inequalities (at the expense of longer computation time). They can either be used in the context manager (e.g. :code:`with sfrl(logg).assumed():`), or directly (e.g. sfrl().implies(excess_fi(X, Y) <= H(X | Y))).

- **Strong functional representation lemma** [Li-El Gamal 2018] is given by :code:`sfrl(logg)`. It states that for any random variables (X, Y), there exists random variable Z independent of X such that Y is a function of (X, Z), and I(X;Z|Y) <= log(I(X;Y) + 1) + 4. The "log(I(X;Y) + 1) + 4" term is usually represented by the real variable :code:`logg = real("logg")` (which is the argument of :code:`sfrl(logg)`). Omitting the :code:`logg` argument gives the original functional representation lemma [El Gamal-Kim 2011]. For example:

  .. code-block:: python

    R = real("R") # declare real variable
    logg = real("logg")

    # Channel with state information at encoder, lower bound
    r_op = ((R <= I(M & Y)) & indep(M,S) & markov(M, X+S, Y)
            & (R >= 0)).exists(M).marginal_exists(X)
    # Gelfand-Pinsker theorem [Gel'fand-Pinsker 1980]
    r = ((R <= I(U & Y) - I(U & S)) & markov(U, X+S, Y)
            & (R >= 0)).exists(U).marginal_exists(X)
    # Using strong functional representation lemma
    with sfrl(logg).assumed():
        # Automated achievability proof of Gelfand-Pinsker theorem
        print(r.implies(r_op.relaxed(R, logg * 5))) # returns True

 - Note that writing :code:`with sfrl(logg).assumed():` allows SFRL to be used only once. To allow it to be used twice, write :code:`with (sfrl(logg) & sfrl(logg)).assumed():`.

- **Copy lemma** [Zhang-Yeung 1998], [Dougherty-Freiling-Zeger 2011] is given by :code:`copylem(n, m)`. It states that for any random variables X_1,...,X_n,Y_1,...,Y_m, there exists Z_1,...,Z_m such that (X_1,...,X_n,Y_1,...,Y_m) has the same distribution as (X_1,...,X_n,Z_1,...,Z_m) (only equalities of entropies are enforced in Psitip), and (Y_1,...,Y_m)-(X_1,...,X_n)-(Z_1,...,Z_m) forms a Markov chain. The default values of n, m are 2, 1 respectively. For example:

  .. code-block:: python

    # Using copy lemma
    with copylem().assumed():
        # Prove Zhang-Yeung inequality
        print(bool(2*I(Z&W) <= I(X&Y) + I(X & Z+W) + 3*I(Z&W | X) + I(Z&W | Y))) # returns True

- **Double Markov property** [Csiszar-Körner 2011] is given by :code:`dblmarkov()`. It states that if X-Y-Z and Y-X-Z are Markov chains, then there exists W that is a function of X, a function of Y, and (X,Y)-W-Z is Markov chain. For example:

  .. code-block:: python
    # Using double Markov property
    with dblmarkov().assumed():
        aux = ((markov(X, Y, Z) & markov(Y, X, Z))
            >> (H(mss(X, Z) | mss(Y, Z)) == 0)).solve()
        aux = ((markov(X, Y, Z) & markov(Y, X, Z))
            >> markov(X+Y, meet(X, Y), Z)).solve()

- The approximate infinite divisibility of information [Li 2020] is given by :code:`ainfdiv(n)`.

- The non-Shannon inequality in [Makarychev-Makarychev-Romashchenko-Vereshchagin 2002] is given by :code:`mmrv_thm(n)`.

- The non-Shannon inequalities in four variables in [Zhang-Yeung 1998] and [Dougherty-Freiling-Zeger 2006] are given by :code:`zydfz_thm()`.

- **Existence of meet and minimal sufficient statistics** is given by :code:`existence(meet)` and :code:`existence(mss)` respectively.


The following are conditions (:code:`Region` objects) on the random variable arguments.

- **Mutual independence** is expressed as :code:`indep(X, Y, Z)`. The function :code:`indep` can take any number of arguments. For random sequence :code:`X = rv_seq("X", 5)`, the mutual independence condition can be expressed as :code:`indep(*X)`.

- **Markov chain** is expressed as :code:`markov(X, Y, Z)`. The function :code:`markov` can take any number of arguments. For random sequence :code:`X = rv_seq("X", 5)`, the Markov chain condition can be expressed as :code:`markov(*X)`.

- **Informational equivalence** (i.e., containing the same information) is expressed as :code:`equiv(X, Y, Z)`. The function :code:`equiv` can take any number of arguments. Note that :code:`equiv(X, Y)` is the same as :code:`(H(X|Y) == 0) & (H(Y|X) == 0)`.

- **Same distribution**. The condition that (X,Y) has the same distribution as (Z,W) is expressed as :code:`eqdist([X, Y], [Z, W])`. The function :code:`eqdist` can take any number of arguments (that are all lists). Note that only equalities of entropies are enforced (i.e., H(X)=H(Z), H(Y)=H(W), H(X,Y)=H(Z,W)).

- **Exchangeability** is expressed as :code:`exchangeable(X, Y, Z)`. The function :code:`exchangeable` can take any number of arguments. For random sequence :code:`X = rv_seq("X", 5)`, the condition that it is an exchangeable sequence of random variables can be expressed as :code:`exchangeable(*X)`. Note that only equalities of entropies are enforced.

- **IID sequence** is expressed as :code:`iidseq(X, Y, Z)`. The function :code:`iidseq` can take any number of arguments. For random sequence :code:`X = rv_seq("X", 5)`, the condition that it is an IID sequence of random variables can be expressed as :code:`iidseq(*X)`. Note that only equalities of entropies are enforced.

Random variables

The following are :code:`Comp` objects (random-variable-valued functions).

- **Meet** or **Gács-Körner common part** [Gács-Körner 1973] between X and Y is denoted as :code:`meet(X, Y)` (a :code:`Comp` object).

- **Minimal sufficient statistic** of X about Y is denoted as :code:`mss(X, Y)` (a :code:`Comp` object).

- The random variable given by the **strong functional representation lemma** [Li-El Gamal 2018] applied on X, Y (:code:`Comp` objects) with a gap term logg (:code:`Expr` object) is denoted as :code:`sfrl_rv(X, Y, logg)` (a :code:`Comp` object). If the gap term is omitted, this will be the ordinary functional representation lemma [El Gamal-Kim 2011].

Real-valued information quantities

The following are :code:`Expr` objects (real-valued functions).

- **Gács-Körner common information** [Gács-Körner 1973] is given by :code:`gacs_korner(X & Y)`. The multivariate conditional version can be obtained by :code:`gacs_korner(X & Y & Z | W)`. The following tests return True:

  .. code-block:: python

    # Definition
    print(bool(gacs_korner(X & Y) == 
        ((H(U|X) == 0) & (H(U|Y) == 0)).maximum(H(U), U)))
    print(bool(gacs_korner(X & Y) == H(meet(X, Y))))

    # Properties
    print(bool(markov(X, Y, Z) >> (gacs_korner(X & Y) >= gacs_korner(X & Z))))
    print(bool(indep(X, Y, Z) >> (gacs_korner(X+Z & Y+Z) == H(Z))))
    print(bool(indep(X+Y, Z+W) >> 
        (gacs_korner(X & Y) + gacs_korner(Z & W) <= gacs_korner(X+Z & Y+W))))

- **Wyner's common information** [Wyner 1975] is given by :code:`wyner_ci(X & Y)`. The multivariate conditional version can be obtained by :code:`wyner_ci(X & Y & Z | W)`. The following tests return True:

  .. code-block:: python

    # Definition
    print(bool(wyner_ci(X & Y) == markov(X, U, Y).minimum(I(U & X+Y), U)))

    # Properties
    print(bool(markov(X, Y, Z) >> (wyner_ci(X & Y) >= wyner_ci(X & Z))))
    print(bool(indep(X, Y, Z) >> (wyner_ci(X+Z & Y+Z) == H(Z))))
    print(bool(indep(X+Y, Z+W) >> 
        (wyner_ci(X & Y) + wyner_ci(Z & W) <= wyner_ci(X+Z & Y+W))))
    print(bool(indep(X+Y, Z+W) >> 
        (wyner_ci(X & Y) + wyner_ci(Z & W) >= wyner_ci(X+Z & Y+W))))

- **Common entropy** (or one-shot exact common information) [Kumar-Li-El Gamal 2014] is given by :code:`exact_ci(X & Y)`. The multivariate conditional version can be obtained by :code:`exact_ci(X & Y & Z | W)`. The following tests return True:

  .. code-block:: python

    # Definition
    print(bool(exact_ci(X & Y) == markov(X, U, Y).minimum(H(U), U)))

    # Properties
    print(bool(markov(X, Y, Z) >> (exact_ci(X & Y) >= exact_ci(X & Z))))
    print(bool(indep(X, Y, Z) >> (exact_ci(X+Z & Y+Z) == H(Z))))
    print(bool(indep(X+Y, Z+W) >> 
        (exact_ci(X & Y) + exact_ci(Z & W) >= exact_ci(X+Z & Y+W))))

- **Total correlation** [Watanabe 1960] is given by :code:`total_corr(X & Y & Z)`. The conditional version can be obtained by :code:`total_corr(X & Y & Z | W)`. The following test returns True:

  .. code-block:: python

    # By definition
    print(bool(total_corr(X & Y & Z) == H(X) + H(Y) + H(Z) - H(X+Y+Z)))

- **Dual total correlation** [Han 1978] is given by :code:`dual_total_corr(X & Y & Z)`. The conditional version can be obtained by :code:`dual_total_corr(X & Y & Z | W)`. The following test returns True:

  .. code-block:: python

    # By definition
    print(bool(dual_total_corr(X & Y & Z) == 
        H(X+Y+Z) - H(X|Y+Z) - H(Y|X+Z) - H(Z|X+Y)))

- **Multivariate mutual information** [McGill 1954] is simply given by :code:`I(X & Y & Z) == I(X & Y) - I(X & Y | Z)`. The conditional version can be obtained by :code:`I(X & Y & Z | W)`.

- **Mutual dependence** [Csiszar-Narayan 2004] is given by :code:`mutual_dep(X & Y & Z)`. The conditional version can be obtained by :code:`mutual_dep(X & Y & Z | W)`. The following tests return True:

  .. code-block:: python

    # By definition
    print(bool(mutual_dep(X & Y & Z) == 
        emin(I(X+Y & Z), I(X+Z & Y), I(Y+Z & X), total_corr(X & Y & Z) / 2)))

    # Properties
    print(bool(mutual_dep(X & Y & Z) <= total_corr(X & Y & Z) / 2))
    print(bool(mutual_dep(X & Y & Z) <= dual_total_corr(X & Y & Z)))
    print(bool(markov(X, Y, Z) >> 
        (mutual_dep(X & Y & Z) == emin(I(X & Y), I(Y & Z)))))

- **Intrinsic mutual information** [Maurer-Wolf 1999] is given by :code:`intrinsic_mi(X & Y | Z)`. The following tests return True:

  .. code-block:: python

    # Definition
    print(bool(intrinsic_mi(X & Y | Z) == markov(X+Y, Z, U).exists(U).minimum(I(X & Y | U))))

    # Properties
    print(bool(intrinsic_mi(X & Y | Z) <= I(X & Y | Z)))

- **Necessary conditional entropy** [Cuff-Permuter-Cover 2010] is given by :code:`H_nec(Y | X)`.

- **Excess functional information** [Li-El Gamal 2018] is given by :code:`excess_fi(X, Y)`.

- The entropy of the **minimum entropy coupling** of the distributions p_{Y|X=x} is given by :code:`minent_coupling(X, Y)` ([Vidyasagar 2012], [Painsky et al. 2013], [Kovacevic et al. 2015], [Kocaoglu et al. 2017], [Cicalese et al. 2019], [Li 2020]).

- **Directed information** [Massey 1990] is given by :code:`directed_info(X, Y, Z)`. The arguments :code:`X, Y, Z` are either :code:`CompArray` or lists of :code:`Comp`.

- **Entropy vector** [Zhang-Yeung 1998] is given by :code:`ent_vector(*X)` (where :code:`X` is a random sequence of length n e.g. :code:`X = rv_seq("X", n)`). The return value is an :code:`ExprArray` of length 2^n-1.

Real-valued information quantities (numerical only)

The following are :code:`Expr` objects (real-valued functions) with limited symbolic capabilities. They are mostly used with :code:`ConcModel` for numerical optimization (they support automated gradient).

- **Renyi entropy** [Renyi 1961] is given by :code:`renyi(X, order)`. The argument :code:`X` can be a :code:`Comp` or :code:`ConcDist`.

- **Maximal correlation** [Hirschfeld 1935], [Gebelein 1941], [Renyi 1959] is given by :code:`maxcorr(X & Y)`.

- **Divergence** is given by :code:`divergence(X, Y, mode)`. The arguments :code:`X,Y` can be :code:`Comp` or :code:`ConcDist`. Choices of :code:`mode` are :code:`"kl"` for Kullback-Leibler divergence, "tv" for total variation distance, "chi2" for chi-squared divergence, "hellinger" for Hellinger distance [Hellinger 1909] and "js" for Jensen-Shannon divergence.

- **Varentropy** and **dispersion** [Kontoyiannis-Verdu 2013], [Polyanskiy-Poor-Verdu 2010] are given by :code:`varent(X)` and :code:`varent(X & Y)`.


There are two ways to set options. One can set an option globally using:

.. code-block:: python

    PsiOpts.setting(option = value)

or locally within a :code:`with` block using context manager:

.. code-block:: python

    with PsiOpts(option = value):
        # do something here

Some of the options are:

- :code:`ent_base` : The base of logarithm for entropy. Default is 2.

- :code:`eps` : Epsilon used for comparing floating point numbers. Default is 1e-10.

- :code:`truth` : Specify a region that is assumed to be true in all deductions. For example, use :code:`truth = sfrl(logg)` to assume the strong functional representation lemma with logarithmic gap given by :code:`logg = real("logg")`. Default is None.

- :code:`truth_add` : Add another assumption (:code:`Region` object) to :code:`truth`.

- :code:`solver` : The solver used (e.g. :code:`"pulp.glpk"`, :code:`"pyomo.glpk"`, :code:`"pulp.cbc"`, :code:`"scipy"`).

- :code:`pyomo_options` : Dictionary of options for Pyomo solver (see ).

- :code:`pulp_options` : List of options for PuLP solver (see ).

- :code:`solver_scipy_maxsize` : For linear programming problems with number of variables less than or equal to this value, the scipy solver will be used (regardless of the :code:`solver` option). This can lead to significant speed-up for small problems. Default is -1 (disabled).

- :code:`lptype` : Values are :code:`"HC1BN"` (Bayesian network optimization, default) or :code:`"H"` (no optimization).

- :code:`lp_bounded` : Set to True to add an upper bound (given by the option :code:`lp_ubound`) on the joint entropy of all random variables (so the linear program is always bounded). Default is False.

- :code:`lp_ubound` : The value of the upper bound for :code:`lp_bounded`. Default is :code:`1e3`. It should be set to a value larger than all affine constants in the problem.

- :code:`lp_eps` : Strict inequalities in the constraints like :code:`H(X) > H(Y)` are replaced by :code:`H(X) >= H(Y) + lp_eps`. Default is :code:`1e-3`. It should be set to a value smaller than all affine constants in the problem.

- :code:`lp_eps_obj` : Strict inequalities in the objective (region to be proved) like :code:`H(X) > H(Y)` are replaced by :code:`H(X) >= H(Y) + lp_eps_obj`. Default is :code:`1e-4`. It should be set to a value smaller than :code:`lp_eps`.

- :code:`lp_zero_cutoff` : An optimal value larger than :code:`lp_zero_cutoff` is considered nonnegative in a linear program. Default is :code:`-1e-5`. It should be set to a value smaller than all affine constants in the problem.

- :code:`simplify_level` : The simplification level (integer in 0,...,10) for :code:`simplify` calls (which may be called indirectly via other functions, e.g. :code:`exists`). A higher level takes more time.

- :code:`auxsearch_level` : The level of searching (integer in 0,...,10) for deducing implications. A higher level takes more time.

- :code:`level` : Set both :code:`simplify_level` and :code:`auxsearch_level`. A higher level takes more time.

- :code:`cases` : Set to True to handle case decomposition in auxiliary search. Default is False.

- :code:`forall_multiuse` : Set to False to only allow one value for variables with universal quantification. Default is True. Note that if this option is True, then the auxiliary search result for variables with universal quantification will be meaningless.

- :code:`str_style` : The style of string conversion :code:`str(x)` and verbose output. Values are :code:`"standard"` (e.g. :code:`3I(X,Y;Z|W)-H(X) >= 0`, default), :code:`"code"` (e.g. :code:`3*I(X+Y&Z|W)-H(X) >= 0`, consistent with the Psitip syntax so the output can be copied back to the code), or :code:`"latex"` (e.g. :code:`3I(X,Y;Z|W)-H(X) \ge 0`, for LaTeX equations).

- :code:`str_eqn_prefer_ge` : Whether "a >= b" is preferred over "b <= a" in string conversion. Default is False.

- :code:`str_float_dp` : The number of digits after decimal point to display for floats. Default is 5.

- :code:`repr_simplify` : Whether the repr of an :code:`Expr` or :code:`Region` object is simplified (useful for console and Jupyter Notebook). Default is True.

- :code:`repr_check` : Whether the repr of a :code:`Region` object returns its truth value instead of the region itself (useful for console and Jupyter Notebook). Default is False.

- :code:`latex_line_len` : Maximum number of characters in a line in LaTeX output. Useful for breaking long lines. Default is None (unlimited).

- :code:`latex_???` : LaTeX code for various symbols. The :code:`???` can be :code:`mi_delim` (delimiter for mutual information; common choices are :code:`";"`, :code:`"\wedge"` and :code:`":"`), :code:`rv_delim` (delimiter for joint random variable; common choices are :code:`","` and :code:`" "`), :code:`cond` (the :code:`"|"` for conditional entropy), :code:`H` (entropy), :code:`I` (mutual information), :code:`quantifier_sep` (symbol after existentially or universally quantified variables; common choices are :code:`":"`, :code:`"."` and :code:`"\;"`), :code:`exists`, :code:`forall`, :code:`indep` (independent random variables; common choices are :code:`"{\\perp\\!\\!\\!\\perp}"` and :code:`"\\perp"`), :code:`markov` (Markov chain; common choices are :code:`"\\leftrightarrow"`, :code:`"\\to"` and :code:`"-"`), :code:`and`, :code:`or`, :code:`matimplies` (material implication), :code:`equiv` (logical equivalence), :code:`implies` (logical implication), :code:`times` (multiplication), :code:`prob` (probability), :code:`rv_empty` (the empty random variable), :code:`region_universe` (the universe region), :code:`region_empty` (the empty region).

- :code:`verbose_???` : Verbose options:

  - :code:`verbose_lp` : Set to True to output linear programming problem sizes and results. Default is False.

  - :code:`verbose_lp_cons` : Set to True to output the constraints in the linear program. Default is False. For example:

    .. code-block:: python

      with PsiOpts(lptype = "H", verbose_lp = True, verbose_lp_cons = True):
          bool(H(X) * 2 >= I(X & Y))


      ============ LP constraints ============
      { H(X,Y)-H(Y) >= 0,
        H(X,Y)-H(X) >= 0,
        H(X)+H(Y)-H(X,Y) >= 0 }
      ============  LP objective  ============
      LP nrv=2 nreal=0 nvar=3/3 nineq=3 neq=0 solver=pyomo.glpk
        status=Optimal optval=0.0

  - :code:`verbose_solver` : Set to True to enable output of the linear programming solver.

  - :code:`verbose_auxsearch` : Set to True to output each problem of auxiliary random variable searching. Default is False.

  - :code:`verbose_auxsearch_step` : Set to True to output each step in auxiliary searching. Default is False.

  - :code:`verbose_auxsearch_result` : Set to True to output the final result of auxiliary searching. Default is False.

  - :code:`verbose_auxsearch_all` : Set to True to turn on :code:`verbose_auxsearch`, :code:`verbose_auxsearch_step` and :code:`verbose_auxsearch_result`.

  - :code:`verbose_auxsearch_cache` : Set to True to output each event in which the cache of auxiliary searching is discarded. Default is False.

  - :code:`verbose_subset` : Set to True to output each implication problem. Default is False.

  - :code:`verbose_sfrl` : Set to True to output strong functional representation lemma searching steps. Default is False.

  - :code:`verbose_flatten` : Set to True to output progress in unfolding user-defined information quantities. Default is False.

  - :code:`verbose_eliminate_toreal` : Set to True to output progress in eliminating random variables using the :code:`method = "real"` option. Default is False.


The source code of Psitip is released under the GNU General Public License v3.0 ( ).

This program comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.


Please contact Cheuk Ting Li ( ) for any feedback.


The general method of using linear programming for solving information 
theoretic inequality is based on the following work:

- \R. W. Yeung, "A new outlook on Shannon's information measures," IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 37, pp. 466-474, May 1991.

- \R. W. Yeung, "A framework for linear information inequalities," IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 43, pp. 1924-1934, Nov 1997.

- \Z. Zhang and R. W. Yeung, "On characterization of entropy function via information inequalities," IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, vol. 44, pp. 1440-1452, Jul 1998.

- \S. W. Ho, L. Ling, C. W. Tan, and R. W. Yeung, "Proving and disproving information inequalities: Theory and scalable algorithms," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 66, no. 9, pp. 5522–5536, 2020.

There are several other pieces of software based on the linear programming approach in ITIP, for example, `Xitip <>`_, `FME-IT <>`_, `Minitip <>`_, `Citip <>`_, `AITIP <>`_, `CAI <>`_, and `ITTP <>`_ (which uses an axiomatic approach instead).

We remark that there is a Python package for discrete information theory called dit ( ), which contains a collection of numerical optimization algorithms for information theory. Though it is not for proving information theoretic results.

Convex hull method for polyhedron projection:

- \C. Lassez and J.-L. Lassez, Quantifier elimination for conjunctions of linear constraints via a convex hull algorithm, IBM Research Report, T.J. Watson Research Center, RC 16779 (1991)

General coding theorem for network information theory:

- Si-Hyeon Lee and Sae-Young Chung, "A unified approach for network information theory," 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), IEEE, 2015.

- Si-Hyeon Lee and Sae-Young Chung, "A unified random coding bound," IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, vol. 64, no. 10, pp. 6779–6802, 2018.

Semi-graphoid axioms for conditional independence implication:

- Judea Pearl and Azaria Paz, "Graphoids: a graph-based logic for reasoning about relevance relations", Advances in Artificial Intelligence (1987), pp. 357--363.

Basic inequalities of quantum information theory:

- Pippenger, Nicholas. "The inequalities of quantum information theory." IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 49.4 (2003): 773-789.

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- Kingma, Diederik P., and Jimmy Ba. "Adam: A method for stochastic optimization." arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.6980 (2014).

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Python Symbolic Information Theoretic Inequality Prover

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 99.1%Language:Jupyter Notebook 0.9%