wangguanan / HOReID

[CVPR2020] High-Order Information Matters: Learning Relation and Topology for Occluded Person Re-Identification

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Details about experiments on occluded datasets and partial datasets

dcp15 opened this issue · comments


Thanks for opening the code! I want to figure out the training dataset of Occluded-REID. Is it Occluded-Duke? or other ones?
Besides, for Partial-REID and Partial-iLIDS, the training dataset is market, whether fine-tuning is performed on them?

you can refer to the cloded issues, the auther answered it,

you can refer to the cloded issues, the auther answered it,

Thanks for your reply.

The training dataset for occluded-reid, partial-ilids, partial-reid are market.