wangand / google_analytics_flattener

Google Cloud Platform solution that provides an event driven process that flattens (unnests) Google Analytics 360 data that has been exported to BigQuery.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


Google Analytics 360 Flattener. A Google Cloud Platform (GCP) solution that unnests (flattens) Google Analytics Data stored in Bigquery. The GCP resources for the solutions are installed via Deployment Manager.

Local dependencies

  • Python 3.7 or higher as base interpreter
  • Create a virtual environment
  • Install python packages using cf/requirements.txt


  • cf : pub/sub triggered cloud function that executes a destination query to unnest(flatten) the .ga_sessions_yyyymmdd table immediately upon arrival in BigQuery into 5 tables:
    • ga_flat_sessions_yyyymmdd
    • ga_flat_hits_yyyymmdd
    • ga_flat_products_yyyymmdd
    • ga_flat_experiments_yyyymmdd
    • ga_flat_promotions_yyyymmdd
  • tests : units test for both cloud functions and deployment manager templates
  • cfconfigbuilder(ps) : cloud function that finds all BigQuery datasets that have a ga_sessions table and adds them to the default configuration on Google's Cloud Storage in the following location: [DEPLOYMENT NAME]-[PROJECT_NUMBER]-adswerve-ga-flat-config\config_datasets.json


  • provides consistent names for GCP resources accross solution. Configuration and constants also found in the class in this file
  • dmt-*: any files prefixed with dmt_ are python based Deployment Manager templates
  • ga_flattener.yaml: Deployment Manager configuration file. The entire solution packages in this file. Used in the deployment manager create command
  • tools/ : python based utility to publish a message to simulate an event that's being monitored in GCP logging. Useful for smoke testing and back-filling data historically.
  • LICENSE: BSD 3-Clause open source license


  1. Create Google GCP project or use an existing project that has Google Analytics data flowing to it. Referred to as [PROJECT_ID]
  2. Enable the Cloud Build API
  3. Enable the Cloud Functions API
  4. Enable the Identity and Access Management (IAM) API
  5. Add "Logs Configuration Writer", "Cloud Functions Developer", "pub/sub Admin" pre defined IAM roles to [PROJECT_NUMBER] (built in service account) otherwise deployment will fail with permission errors. See for detailed explanation.
  6. Install gCloud locally or use cloud shell.
  7. Clone this github repo
  8. Create bucket for staging code during deployment, for example: [PROJECT_NUMBER]-function-code-staging. Referred to as [BUCKET_NAME].
  9. Edit the ga_flattener.yaml file, specifically the properties-->codeBucket value of the function and httpfunction resources. Set the value for both to [BUCKET_NAME] (see previous step)

Installation steps

  1. Execute command: gcloud config set project [PROJECT_ID]
  2. Execute command: gcloud config set account
  3. Navigate (locally) to root directory of this repository
  4. If [PROJECT_ID] does NOT contain a colon (:) execute command:
    • gcloud deployment-manager deployments create [Deployment Name] --config ga_flattener.yaml otherwise follow these steps:
      1. execute command:
      • gcloud deployment-manager deployments create [Deployment Name] --config ga_flattener_colon.yaml
      1. Trigger function (with a blank message) named [Deployment Name]-cfconfigbuilderps. It will create the necessary configuration file in the applications Google Coud Storage bucket.

Verification steps

  1. After installation, a configuration file named config_datasets.json will exists in gs://[Deployment Name]-[PROJECT_NUMBER]-adswerve-ga-flat-config/ (Cloud Storage Bucket within [PROJECT_ID]). This file will contains all the datasets that have "ga_sessions_yyyymmdd" tables and which tables to unnest. This configuration is required for the cloud function to execute.

Testing / Simulating Event

  1. Modify values in lines 7-17 of tools/ accordingly.
  2. Run tools/ locally, which will publish a simulated logging event of GA data being ingested into BigQuery. Check dataset for date sharded tables named:
    • ga_flat_experiments_(x)
    • ga_flat_hits_(x)
    • ga_flat_products_(x)
    • ga_flat_promotions_(x)
    • ga_flat_sessions_(x)

Un-install steps

  1. Optional command to remove solution:
    • gcloud deployment-manager deployments delete [Deployment Name] -q

Common install errors

    • Message: Step #2: AccessDeniedException: 403 [PROJECT_NUMBER] does not have storage.objects.list access to the Google Cloud Storage bucket.
    • Resolution: Ensure the value (Cloud Storage bucket name) configured in "codeBucket" setting of ga_flattener*.yaml is correct. [PROJECT_NUMBER] only requires GCP predefined role of Cloud Build Service Account


Google Cloud Platform solution that provides an event driven process that flattens (unnests) Google Analytics 360 data that has been exported to BigQuery.

License:BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License


Language:Python 100.0%