wanasit / chrono

A natural language date parser in Javascript

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Four failing tests due to DST

Cito opened this issue · comments

When I run the tests on October 1st 2022 in Germany (CEST time zone), the following four tests are failing.

As far as I see, these tests somehow cannot cope with the fact taht they run in DST (CEST = Central European Summer Time).

Tested with the master branch as of October 1st 2022 (version 2.4.1).

Suggestion: It would be good if there were was a GitHub action running the tests in different time zones.

See also #439.

  ● Test - Compare with native js

    Expected date to be: Mon Jan 01 1900 02:00:00 GMT+0100 (Mitteleuropäische Normalzeit) Received: Mon Jan 01 1900 03:00:00 GMT+0100 (Mitteleuropäische Normalzeit) ([ParsingResult {index: 0, text: '1900-01-01T00:00:00-01:00', ...}])

      138 |         testSingleCase(chrono, text, (result) => {
      139 |             expect(result.text).toBe(text);
    > 140 |             expect(result).toBeDate(expectedDate);
          |                            ^
      141 |         });
      142 |     };
      143 | 

      at checkResult (test/system.test.ts:140:28)
      at testByCompareWithNative (test/system.test.ts:138:9)
      at Object.<anonymous> (test/system.test.ts:158:5)

  ● Test - Random text

    Got 0 results from '03-27-2022, 02:00 AM'

       98 |     });
       99 | 
    > 100 |     testSingleCase(chrono, "03-27-2022, 02:00 AM", new Date(2017, 7 - 1, 7), (result) => {
          |     ^
      101 |         console.log("RAND2", result);
      102 |         expect(result.text).toBe("03-27-2022, 02:00 AM");
      103 |         expect(result.start.get("day")).toBe(27);

      at Object.<anonymous> (test/en/en.test.ts:100:5)

  ● Test - Future relative expressions

    Expected date to be: Tue Nov 01 2016 12:00:00 GMT+0100 (Mitteleuropäische Normalzeit) Received: Tue Nov 01 2016 11:00:00 GMT+0100 (Mitteleuropäische Normalzeit) ([ParsingComponents {knownValues: {"month":11,"year":2016}, impliedValues: {"day":1,"hour":12,"minute":0,"second":0,"millisecond":0,"timezoneOffset":120}}, reference: {"instant":"2016-10-01T10:00:00.000Z"}])

      58 |         expect(result.index).toBe(0);
      59 |         expect(result.text).toBe(text);
    > 60 |         expect(result.start).toBeDate(new Date(2016, 11 - 1, 1, 12));
         |                              ^
      61 |     });
      62 | 
      63 |     testSingleCase(chrono.ru, "в следующем квартале", new Date(2016, 10 - 1, 1, 12), (result, text) => {

      at checkResult (test/ru/ru_relative.test.ts:60:30)
      at Object.<anonymous> (test/ru/ru_relative.test.ts:57:5)

  ● Test - Positive time units

    Expected date to be: Sun Jan 01 2017 12:00:00 GMT+0100 (Mitteleuropäische Normalzeit) Received: Sun Jan 01 2017 11:00:00 GMT+0100 (Mitteleuropäische Normalzeit) ([ParsingComponents {knownValues: {"month":1,"year":2017}, impliedValues: {"day":1,"hour":12,"minute":0,"second":0,"millisecond":0,"timezoneOffset":120}}, reference: {"instant":"2016-10-01T10:00:00.000Z"}])

      48 |         expect(result.index).toBe(0);
      49 |         expect(result.text).toBe(text);
    > 50 |         expect(result.start).toBeDate(new Date(2017, 1 - 1, 1, 12));
         |                              ^
      51 |     });
      52 | 
      53 |     testSingleCase(chrono.ru, "через неделю", new Date(2016, 10 - 1, 1, 12), (result, text) => {

      at checkResult (test/ru/ru_time_units_casual_relative.test.ts:50:30)
      at Object.<anonymous> (test/ru/ru_time_units_casual_relative.test.ts:47:5)

Can confirm. Was trying to parse "Sept. 14 at 7 AM PT" and got back "5 PM" local time when in fact it should've been "4 PM". Missed an event due to this, so I had to learn it the hard way 😅

I seem to be having the same problem. Two of our tests are off by an hour. I can confirm that this was the problem come tomorrow.

I see now that the ones I mocked time for failed earlier (2 of them) and now with one hour to go all of my tests that have a tolerance of less than 1 hour off are failing.

I expect to be able to confirm this when they all pass again tomorrow.

Indeed all tests pass again.

@wanasit any thoughts about a possible fix?

Hello @slapbox @Prid13 @Cito. Thanks for reporting this.
Sorry, I haven't been working on the project recently.

I have fixed those tests in 5ebfcc0 (checking parsing result instead of JS date).

For now, I tested the change by running NodeJS with TZ flag. For example:

TZ=CET npm test

I will think of a way to make automated tests better.

Thanks for your attention on this @wanasit. You do a great job maintaining this library and I really appreciate it!

It appears I misread the issue - it was my own tests failing in conjunction with chrono. If we wanted to implement the fix on our own tests - is the core of the fix these lines? Is there not actually an issue in the library itself, but only the tests?

Thanks again for the great work!


Lines 152 to 155 in 5ebfcc0

const dateDstPre = new Date(2022, 3 - 1, 27, 2);
const dateDstPost = new Date(2022, 3 - 1, 27, 3);
if (dateDstPre.getTime() == dateDstPost.getTime()) {
const reference = new ReferenceWithTimezone(new Date());