waiting-for-dev / devise-jwt

JWT token authentication with devise and rails

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Not Authorizing on custom devise signup route

maqsudinamdar opened this issue · comments

Problem Statement

I'm Newbie in Rails and following this tutorial for setting up JWT based authentication in API.

This rails project works fine for a web applications. However, Incase of API I'm getting empty resource while I still have value in params.

Expected behavior

Return Authorization token after signup


rails (6.1.4)

devise (4.8.0)
devise-jwt (0.9.0)

warden (1.2.9)
warden-jwt_auth (0.6.0)

Controller & Route


class Api::V1::Users::RegistrationsController < Devise::RegistrationsController
    respond_to :json
    skip_before_action :verify_authenticity_token
    # POST /resource
    def create
    def respond_with(resource, _opts = {})
    if resource.persisted?
        render json: {
        status: { code: 200, message: "Signed up sucessfully." },
        data: UserSerializer.new(resource).serializable_hash[:data][:attributes]
        render json: {
        status: { message: "User couldn't be created successfully. #{resource.errors.full_messages.to_sentence}" }
        }, status: :unprocessable_entity


namespace :api do
    namespace :v1 do

      devise_for :users, path: '', path_names: {
        sign_in: 'login',
        sign_out: 'logout',
        registration: 'signup'
      controllers: {
        sessions: 'api/v1/users/sessions',
        registrations: 'api/v1/users/registrations'

Debugging information

|    66:   private
|    67:     def respond_with(resource, _opts = {})
|    68:       byebug
| => 69:       if resource.persisted?
|    70:         render json: {
|    71:           status: { code: 200, message: "Signed up sucessfully." },
|    72:           data: UserSerializer.new(resource).serializable_hash[:data][:attributes]
|    73:         }
| (byebug) resource
| #<User 
    id: nil, 
    email: "", 
    first_name: "", 
    last_name: "", 
    role: "member", 
    created_at: nil, 
    updated_at: nil, 
    jti: nil

| (byebug) params
| #<ActionController::Parameters 
    } permitted: false>

Setup and configuration

  • Output of Devise::JWT.config
 => #<Dry::Configurable::Config 
        ["POST", /^\/api\/v1\/login$/], 
        ["POST", /^\/users\/sign_in$/], 
        ["POST", /^\/users$/], 
        ["POST", /^\/api\/v1\/login$/], 
        ["POST", /^\/api\/v1\/signup$/]
        ["DELETE", /^\/api\/v1\/logout$/], 
        ["DELETE", /^\/users\/sign_out$/], 
        ["DELETE", /^\/api\/v1\/logout$/]

  • Output of Warden::JWTAuth.config
 => #<Dry::Configurable::Config 
        :user=>User (call 'User.connection' to establish a connection), 
        :api_v1_user=>User (call 'User.connection' to establish a connection)}, 
            ["POST", /^\/api\/v1\/login$/], 
            ["POST", /^\/users\/sign_in$/], 
            ["POST", /^\/users$/], 
            ["POST", /^\/api\/v1\/login$/], 
            ["POST", /^\/api\/v1\/signup$/]
            ["DELETE", /^\/api\/v1\/logout$/], 
            ["DELETE", /^\/users\/sign_out$/], 
            ["DELETE", /^\/api\/v1\/logout$/]
            :user=>User (call 'User.connection' to establish a connection), 
            :api_v1_user=>User (call 'User.connection' to establish a connection)

  • Output of Devise.mappings
Devise.mappings => {
        @klass=#<Devise::Getter:0x000055a418711558 @name="User">, 
        @routes=[:session, :password, :registration ], 
        @used_routes=[:session, :password, :registration ], 
        @used_helpers=[:session, :password, :registration ]
        @klass=#<Devise::Getter:0x000055a4185630a8 @name="User">, 
            @routes=[:session, :password, :registration], 
            @used_routes=[:session, :password, :registration], 
            @used_helpers=[:session, :password, :registration]
  • Request
curl -X POST \ \
-H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
    "email": "test@test.com",
    "first_name": "John",
    "last_name": "Wick",
    "password": "password"
  • Response
    "status": {
        "message": "User couldn't be created successfully. Email can't be blank and Password can't be blank"

It doesn't seem an issue with devise-jwt. Your user is not being created, and that's a responsibility that doesn't belong to this library but to devise itself. At first sight, I think you have a problem with your params, as they should be within the name of the user scope, like in `{"user": {"email": "...",...}}"

Hi @waiting-for-dev,

Thanks for your response. I tried keeping parameter inside "user" but then to it was not working.

  • Request
curl -X POST \ \
-H 'Cache-Control: no-cache' \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{  
    "user": {
        "email": "test@test2.com",
        "password": "password",
        "password_confirmation": "password"

  • Response
    "status": {
        "message": "User couldn't be created successfully. Email can't be blank and Password can't be blank"

I'm really sorry for not being able to give more support here. You'd better be off trying to find a solution in stack overflow as it seems it's a problem with your setup (devise-jwt is not involved here).

I dig around devise-jwt, warden-jwt_auth, warden and devise codebases for hours to figure how to get a token on the headers after registration. Hopefully it will save people time.

Your RegistrationsController has to look like this:

class RegistrationsController < Devise::RegistrationsController
  # Needed by devise to authenticate the user after registration and return the auth token
  prepend_before_action :allow_params_authentication!, only: :create

  respond_to :json

  # Sign in after sign up
  def sign_up(resource_name, resource)
    resource = warden.authenticate!
    sign_in(resource_name, resource)

  # By default devise tries to build the resources with a session like this:
  # resource_class.new_with_session(hash, session)
  # but because we are on API mode we don't have a session so we need to build the user
  # without it
  def build_resource(hash = {})
    self.resource = resource_class.new(hash)

And the routes looks like this

Rails.application.routes.draw do
  devise_for :users,
    path: '',
    path_names: {
      sign_in: 'login',
      sign_out: 'logout',
      registration: 'signup'
    controllers: {
      sessions: 'sessions',
      registrations: 'registrations'

@maqsudinamdar override resource_name method in registration controller. By default it takes your controller path as a resource. So it looks like api_v1_user. And it tried to fetch params with this key. But params contains another hash which called user for registration. So you need to override method to be like that:

def resource_name