waiting-for-dev / devise-jwt

JWT token authentication with devise and rails

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

JWT Token generated by another backend: Missing jti/wrong scope errors

mariohmol opened this issue · comments

HI, thanks for this repo.

I'm trying to make an express app to generate a JWT token that will be used in the devise-jwt backend.

I was having a Missing jti error, then I included my payload to be

 const payload = { user_id: req.user.id, jti: req.user.id , aud: 'myappname'}

Then I started to get the "wrong scope" error.

Any suggestions on how to accomplish it? Is it possible to another backend generate the JWT and make the devise-jwt to use that ?

This is how I have my user model:

devise :database_authenticatable, :registerable,
         :recoverable, :rememberable, :trackable, :validatable,
         :jwt_authenticatable , jwt_revocation_strategy: Devise::JWT::RevocationStrategies::Null

Thanks a lot,

I could make it work in this way:

  1. make a token in your backend like this example. ou have to have scp as user and can't have an aud.
const payload = {
    scp: 'user',
    user_id: req.user.id,
    jti: req.user.id.toString(),
    // aud: 'dont pass aud'
  1. After that you have to implement a method in your User model, like:
    scope :find_for_jwt_authentication, ->(q) { where('id = ?', q).first }
    And our token will pass the sub as the user.id.

Is any method that I can implement to be executed just after the jwt token pass? I want to make some extra steps in session when this happens! thanks a lot!