Use generics instead of dynamic dispatch
fu5ha opened this issue · comments
In many places currently, the code uses dynamic dispatch when you could instead use generics and static dispatch. For example, the render method
pub fn render(
scene: &Scene,
camera: &Arc<Camera + Send + Sync>,
sampler: &mut Box<Sampler + Send + Sync>,
integrator: &mut Box<SamplerIntegrator + Send + Sync>,
num_threads: u8,
) {
could instead be
pub fn render<SC, SA, I> (
scene: &SC,
camera: &Arc<Camera + Send + Sync>,
sampler: &mut SA,
integrator: &mut I,
num_threads: u8,
SC: Scene + Send + Sync,
SA: SamplerIntegrater + Send + Sync,
I: Integrator + Send + Sync
Thanks for the suggestion. I will look into it ...
This is usually not possible because the concrete type of most of the arguments, such as the Integrator, isn't known at compile time. It is only known at runtime after parsing the scene file...
I was able to use a generic function in commit 68580a9, there might be other places where this makes sense to change ... Thanks (again) for the suggestion.