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No image chooser for image field in admin

robslotboom opened this issue · comments

Issue Summary

The folowing code results in a select rather than an image chooser.

class PageMixin(ImageMixin, Page, RevisionMixin):
    image = models.ForeignKey(
        verbose_name = 'image',
        help_text = 'help'),
        null = True,
        blank = True,
        on_delete = models.SET_NULL,
        related_name = '+'

    image_panels = [
    edit_handler = TabbedInterface(
            ObjectList(image_panels, 'image'),

Technical details

  • Python version: 3.12.
  • Django version: 5.0.4.
  • Wagtail version: 6.0.2.
  • Browser version: Safari 17.4.1.
Schermafbeelding 2024-04-12 om 17 53 31

Hi @robslotboom - thanks for the report.
The code you've provided isn't complete (it doesn't include the definition of ImageMixin, and adding RevisionMixin to a Page class seems wrong as pages already have revision history built in), so this doesn't give us enough information to replicate the issue. Please can you provide a standalone code snippet that demonstrates the issue?

Hi Matt, My RevisionMixin is as follows:

class RevisionMixin(object):
    def delete_irrelavant_revisions(self):
        keep_num = NUMBER_OF_REVISIONS
        revisions_to_keep = self.revisions.order_by('-created_at', '-id').all()[:keep_num]
        ids = [revision.id for revision in revisions_to_keep]
        if ids:
            result_num, result_dict = self.revisions.exclude(pk__in=ids).delete()

I call it in chron scripts to delete old revisions

And the ImageMixin is as follows:

class ImageMixin(models.Model): 

    image = models.ForeignKey(
        verbose_name = _('image'),
        help_text = _('some help...'),
        null = True,
        blank = True,
        on_delete = models.SET_NULL,
        related_name = '+'

    class Meta:
        abstract = True

    def promo_image(self):
        return self.image

This mixin also has some functions to return thumb-urls etc.

Thanks - please can you try placing all the above code into the models.py of a fresh Wagtail project, and confirm whether the issue still appears?

Hi Matt, Found the problem.
I configured a base_form_class for the page model which used some form mixins which were inheriting from forms.Form.
These mixins had a class Meta in them.

After removing Meta from the mixins the image chooser was back :-D