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`to_python` throws `AttributeError` on `TableBlock` when value is None

katdom13 opened this issue · comments


Issue Summary

Similar to: #4822

After upgrading one of our sites to 6.0, attempting to update some of our pages' indices results in a server error.

  File "/venv/lib/python3.8/site-packages/wagtail/contrib/table_block/blocks.py", line 135, in to_python
    if not value.get("table_header_choice", ""):
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get'

This is because, in Wagtail 6.0, the following code has been added:

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Create a page with an empty TableBlock in its body
  2. Before Wagtail 6.0, this should save and render OK
  3. After upgrading to 6.0, editing the same page will throw an error.
  4. Looking at the logs, you should see the error above

A workaround is to identify those pages and remove the empty TableBlocks, but this would prove to be a tedious task if there are many page instances.

A possible fix would be to check if the value is not None first:

if value and not value.get("table_header_choice", ""):

Thanks for the report! I can confirm this issue using the bakerydemo by creating a new Recipe page with an empty table block.

Thanks for the bug report and the quick fix @laymonage