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Adding new pages fails with "Data too long for column 'translation_key' at row 1"

MHellmund opened this issue · comments

Wagtail 6.0.1
Django 5.0.3
MariaDB 10.11

Adding a new page in wagtail fails with

DataError at /iadmin/pages/add/xxx/
(1406, "Data too long for column 'translation_key' at row 1")

The cause is that UUIDFields like translation_key need a patch for MariaDB >= 10.7, as described
in the Django 5 release notes https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/5.0/releases/5.0/#migrating-existing-uuidfield-on-mariadb-10-7

Please provide migrations for this.

Confirmed on current Wagtail. Starting from a fresh virtualenv and running mariadb server:

  • pip install django<5 wagtail mysqlclient
  • wagtail start wagtailmaria
  • edit wagtailmaria/settings/base.py:
        "default": {
            "ENGINE": "django.db.backends.mysql",
            "NAME": "wagtailmaria",
            "USERNAME": "...",
            "PASSWORD": "...",
  • ./manage.py migrate ; ./manage.py createsuperuser ; ./manage.py runserver
  • log in; editing and creating pages works fine
  • pip install -U django
  • now creating a new homepage at the top level fails on save with django.db.utils.DataError: (1406, "Data too long for column 'translation_key' at row 1"), and editing the existing homepage fails with django.db.utils.DataError: (1406, "Data too long for column 'uuid' at row 1")

This is going to be a tricky one to resolve across all environments. I can add the migration as directed by the Django docs (gasman@68c1116) and that does fix a project that was created under Django 4.2 and broken in an upgrade to Django 5.0 - however, a new project created under Django 5.0 (and using MariaDB's native UUIDField with no issues) now fails when running that migration with Data too long for column 'translation_key' at row 1. I see it's also failing on non-MariaDB databases, presumably because those are implementing UUIDField as a CharField with the hyphen separator, which means they don't fit into a char(32). I suspect the Django developers didn't consider reusable cross-platform apps like Wagtail when they rolled that change out (and wrote the release note for it) :-(

To make matters worse, it's not just Wagtail's own apps that will need migrations - one of the UUIDFields in question is in TranslatableMixin, so changing that at Wagtail's end will trigger a migration in any app that defines a translatable snippet model, including on non-MariaDB-based projects.

I think the answer might be to side-step the migration mechanism entirely, and provide a management command that developers can run at the point that they upgrade to Django 5.0 (or MariaDB 10.7, whichever one happens later), which finds all the affected CharField-based UUIDFields and runs an ALTER TABLE to convert them to native UUIDFields. (In other words: "rewrite this database to behave as if its migrations were run under Django 5.0/MariaDB 10.7".)

just a note:

  • I applied the patch suggested in the Django5 release notes to the 3 instances of UUIDfield in the 3 files wagtail/models/{i18n.py, audit_log.py, reference_index.py} and this works for me (without any db migration). Of course, this is not an universal solution.
  • The update of MariaDB which triggered the problem happened when I updated a Debian/stable server from Debian 11 to Debian 12.