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Instructions for preparing icon listings for documentation no longer work

lb- opened this issue · comments

Pertinent section of the Wagtail docs

<!-- In DevTools: copy($$('[data-icons-table^="wagtailadmin"]')[0].innerHTML.replace(/\s+/g, ' ').replace(/<t/g, '\n<t')) -->

When I ran that I did not get the actual SVG content, only the svg use references.

The actual svg sources (paths etc) are needed for the generated content https://github.com/wagtail/wagtail/blob/main/docs/_static/wagtail_icons_table.txt

Which gets used on this page: https://docs.wagtail.org/en/stable/advanced_topics/icons.html


The output generated does not contain the actual SVG but just the reference.

<td><svg class="icon icon-folder-inverse w-w-8 w-h-8" aria-hidden="true"><use href="#icon-folder-inverse"></use></svg></td> 
<td> folder (solid): Font Awesome Pro 6.4.0 </td> 
<td><code>wagtailadmin/icons/folder-inverse.svg</code></td> </tr> 

Originally posted by @rohitsrma in #11768 (comment)

Not sure when this broke but it appears that the last sets of new icons were added over a year ago so maybe sometime since then. See #10320

It's possible this has never worked since we updated to use the new sprite approach sometime around 2022.

Working on this

  • It's recommended that someone with knowledge of this original set up help support this issue.
  • There may be a better way to do this instead of copy/pasting console output.

@thibaudcolas or @laymonage - do either of you know when the icon copy script last worked? Or if we are doing something wrong.