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Unwanted left column padding in listings with chooser modals

lb- opened this issue · comments

Issue Summary

Chooser listings appear to have an unwanted padding.

Screenshot 2024-02-28 at 8 35 54 pm

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Open any page editor where the page model has RichText enabled
  2. Navigate to the RichText field
  3. Select to add a link
  4. Observe in the chooser modal that there is a large amount of additional padding on the left column
  5. Expected: This padding should not be there.
  • I have confirmed that this issue can be reproduced as described on a fresh Wagtail project: (no)

Technical details

  • Wagtail version: 6.1a
  • See file client/scss/components/_listing.scss, somewhere around the lines indicated below
  • This nested usage of not/has is overly complex and may need to be reviewed across all usage of listings
  • Possibly from this commit 81ea6d6 / #11332

&:has(.bulk-actions-filter-checkbox) {
// Bulk actions, match the width of the header spacing up until
// the page title (final breadcrumb item):
// Breadcrumbs left padding: 20px
// Breadcrumbs toggle: 50px
// Breadcrumbs toggle margin right: 10px
// Total: 80px
td:first-child {
width: theme('spacing.20');
// Follow the left padding for the breadcrumbs (20px)
// so the checkbox align with the breadcrumbs toggle.
padding-inline-start: theme('spacing.5');

Working on this

Anyone can contribute to this. View our contributing guidelines, add a comment to the issue once you’re ready to start.

Be sure to fully understand the impact of any changes here with nested usage of not has and other selectors, plus the listings are used within modals and outside of modals.

Thank you! I can confirm this, and yeah it does seem to be a regression from the PR.


On another note, I also noticed that there might be another regression from #1150 when the side panel is opened:


Oh, sorry, just noticed that you've opened #11703 for the other issue. Thanks!