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Name conflict with django-haystack update_index. TypeError: Unknown option(s) for update_index command

Gordey-Kachurin opened this issue · comments

Issue Summary

I installed django-haystack[elasticsearch]==3.2.1 and tried to run python manage.py rebuild_index. Got error:

TypeError: Unknown option(s) for update_index command: batchsize, commit, max_retries, using, workers. Valid options are: backend, backend_name, chunk_size, force_color, help, no_color, pythonpath, schema_only, settings, skip_ch
ecks, stderr, stdout, traceback, verbosity, version.

Looks like wagtail's update_index command conflicts with django-haystack's update_index command.

When I moved haystack to my project folder and renamed management commands, it looks like the problem was solved.

I suggest you rename your command.

Technical details

  • Python version: 3.8.
  • Django version: Django>=4.2,<4.3.
  • Wagtail version: wagtail>=5.2,<5.3.

We provide wagtail_update_index as an alias for this reason - see https://docs.wagtail.org/en/stable/reference/management_commands.html#wagtail-update-index.