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Wagtail Documentation favicon icon is missing (Not Found)

dostogircse171 opened this issue · comments

Pertinent section of the Wagtail docs


The issue persists in all the pages of documentation.


Wagtail has a nice favicon as per the logo which is displayed fine on this page of the documentation https://docs.wagtail.org/en/stable/
But on all the other pages the favicon is missing and not showing on the tab of chrome or any other browser tabs. When I checked the page source I found the favicon.ico is linked via <link rel="shortcut icon" href="../../_static/favicon.ico" /> and this is going to https://docs.wagtail.org/en/_static/favicon.ico which is Not Found!
When I checked other sources for example CSS or logo image I found that is sourced like src="../_static/img/wagtail-logo-new.svg and takes to https://docs.wagtail.org/en/stable/_static/img/wagtail-logo-new.svg which is correct.

The difference between the favicon going 404 and the logo being available is that the favicon icon source is '../../_static' with an extra ../ which needs to be removed.

Working on this

It's a very minor fix and I already described the issue above. I could fix it but I am not sure exactly where in the documentation this favicon is coming from.

Anyone can contribute to this. View our contributing guidelines, add a comment to the issue once you’re ready to start.

Thanks @dostogircse171 - we'll keep this issue open but it also has been raised on the Sphinx theme.


We thought we had fixed it in time for 6.0 but it wasn't a full fix.

Any suggestions for code changes or a PR would be appreciated on that repo if you have time.

There is this PR up also that may fix it. wagtail/sphinx-wagtail-theme#282

Respected @lb- sir,
I tried to resolve this error and when run this on the local host, favicon on all the links mentioned above is working fine on local host.

Please Assign me this task. I can solve this issue, please assign it to me.

Please Assign me this task. I can solve this issue, please assign it to me.

Actually I am working on this issue. Have find the solution and will fix it as soon as possible.

Please Assign me this task. I can solve this issue, please assign it to me.

Actually I am working on this issue. Have find the solution and will fix it as soon as possible.

Ohk Bro no issues you can give it a go if you figured this out. Thank you.

This has been fixed in upstream wagtail/sphinx-wagtail-theme#282

Once a new release of the sphinx-wagtail-theme package is out, I'll update our version in setup.py in #11660.