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Enhance Draftail to not rely on `window.chooserUrls`

lb- opened this issue · comments

Removing the usage of window.chooserUrls for Drafttail would resolve a bunch of CSP issues and make Draftail more available across all of admin (e.g. custom image models).

Is your proposal related to a problem?

Draftail relies on hard-coded global (window) JS values to determine the correct chooser URL for things like links, document links and embeds.

This adds complexity as each Draftail plugin that relies on choosers, also has to set a global window value via a JS hook. This also makes it harder to achieve CSP compliance in the Wagtail code as these values have to be determined at runtime and injected into the browser via inline scripts.

This is also breaking our ability to provide Draftail on other places in the admin more easily, as you have to add the _editor_js.html include to potentially every single view that may want to ever use Draftail. See #11421 & #10377 along with initial proposed fix in #11571

Describe the solution you'd like

Ideally, the existing Chooser viewset classes should provide a way to be leveraged as a Draftail feature more intuitively. The Chooser viewset classes already contain knowledge for client-side interaction (via Telepath) and allow determining the chooser URL via either a data attribute or initialisation code built in.

However, this may require a larger change and need some architectural decisions and research.

The next best option is to pass down an object of chooserUrls to the Draftail JS initialisation code either centrally (as in, the same object gets passed in, irrespective of plugins) or on a per-plugin basis.

We will need to ensure there is a backwards compatible usage of the global though.

We will also need to account for Document, Document-link, Embeds and other chooser usage.

Idea 1 - Add a chooserUrls options object to Draftail's JS initialisation

  • wagtail/admin/rich_text/editors/draftail/__init__.py - get_context could be extended with an additional method to pull in all chooser URLs.
  • From here, the data needs to pass down through initEditor (which will get this value in originalOptions) client/src/components/Draftail/index.js then to either the entity types or some shared props that can be used.
  • The end goal being that we no longer need to use window.chooserUrls in client/src/components/Draftail/sources/ModalWorkflowSource.js
## Note: This does not account for non-core modules (e.g. documents) but gives a rough idea.
    def get_options(self):
        chooserUrls = {
            'pageChooser': reverse("wagtailadmin_choose_page"),
            'externalLinkChooser': reverse("wagtailadmin_choose_page_external_link"),
            'emailLinkChooser': reverse("wagtailadmin_choose_page_email_link"),
            'phoneLinkChooser': reverse("wagtailadmin_choose_page_phone_link"),
            'anchorLinkChooser': reverse("wagtailadmin_choose_page_anchor_link"),
        return {**self.options, "chooserUrls": chooserUrls};

    def get_context(self, name, value, attrs):
        context = super().get_context(name, value, attrs)
        context["widget"]["options_json"] = json.dumps(self.get_options())
        return context

Idea 2 - Pass the chooserUrl through the plugin options

  • In wagtail/admin/wagtail_hooks.py we can pass in any arbitrary values to the entityFeature setup.
  • However, when trying to reverse a URL here it fails as the URLs are not yet set up.
  • Additionally using lazy_reverse here does not seem to work as we get a JSON serialization failure.
  • This feels like the 'right' way to do this but not sure on working around the Django complexities.
  • However, if we can get this to work, the value comes right into the code (JS) where we need.
                "chooserUrl": "/path/to/chooser", # works, but will not be dynamic
                # "chooserUrl": reverse("wagtailadmin_choose_page"), # fails due to URLs not being available yet
                # "chooserUrl": reverse_lazy("wagtailadmin_choose_page"), # fails due to JSON proxy issue
                "type": "LINK",
                "icon": "link",
// Note: We will likely need a chooserUrls object as the Link chooser handles more than just one chooser type.
class LinkModalWorkflowSource extends ModalWorkflowSource {
  getChooserConfig(entity, selectedText) {
      'LinkModalWorkflowSource getChooserConfig',
      this.props.entityType,// contains chooserUrl set in feature registration
    let url = this.props.chooserUrl || global.chooserUrls.pageChooser;
    const urlParams = {

Describe alternatives you've considered

  • We keep using JS globals and just find a way to add these without CSP compliance issues across all pages in the editor.
  • Maybe we head towards a more complex approach for setting JS globals via some pre-defined/Stimulus controller. However, based on the discussion in #9771 - Our preference is to see how we can solve this on the Django/Python side where possible.

Additional context

  • #9771 -> discussion and planning around over-reliance on JS window global values.
  • #1288 -> CSP compliance.
  • #2936 -> Trying to remove/refine how we use editor_js.html, as it now needs to be added everywhere.
  • #11571 (comment) -> Initial investigation into this approach.

Working on this

@elhussienalmasri - I have prepared this issue with a bit more detail and some other ideas on approaches.

Hopefully you are up for continuing on this solution, please add comments & questions here if you get stuck.

yes @lb- , I am very interested to continue to work on this issue , and already follow your last comment ,
and I will take a look on this valuable info also.
I thought pass choosers urls from Backend to Frontend easy but I found it require some concepts and
I face some problems , and I already solved most of it
and may be I can raise PR this week if I can ,t make PR at least I will tell my update on work on this issue ,
I will try to find time as possible to continue work and finish this issue.

Thanks for the update.

From @gasman - #11571 (comment)

I wouldn't be opposed to moving the contents of _editor_js.html into the base template - along with the appropriate cleanup (such as eliminating places where pages import things like modal-workflow.js individually, which will now be duplicated) and deprecating the insert_editor_js hook.

I'd like us to continue working towards reducing our reliance on globally-defined JS, especially when it comes to our Draftail widget. Moving these JS imports from a "sort-of-global" include to an "actually global" one might seem like a step backwards - but the whole concept of "the page editor" as a specific part of the admin that requires a bunch of extra JS is quite an outdated one, now that we're moving more and more of the editing interface into generic views. Ideally, we would use form media to ensure that the supporting scripts for Draftail only get brought in when needed, but until we reach that goal, I think it's better to have them just work everywhere, rather than requiring pages to pretend to be "the page editor" to work correctly.

Additional notes.

  • This makes sense, we will continue with the attempt to remove the window.chooserUrls under this issue.
  • Once resolved, we may try to close out #2936 by moving the editor_js.html content to the base admin template.
  • There's also the potential of us deprecating the insert_editor_js hook, but that can be addressed separately if needed in the future.

@elhussienalmasri I have been playing around with your PR and reviewing some other ideas, I think we can do this with the following changes.

A. Pass in the chooserUrls as an options object when we register the entity.

This is a different approach to your PR where you are adding all the options in wagtail/admin/rich_text/editors/draftail/__init__.py even for apps that may not be used.

Firstly, we get an object that is for the general link chooser.

# wagtail/admin/wagtail_hooks.py
from django.urls import reverse, reverse_lazy # add reverse_lazy
# other imports

def register_core_features(features):
   # ... all the other things
                "type": "LINK",
                "icon": "link",
                "description": gettext("Link"),
                # We want to enforce constraints on which links can be pasted into rich text.
                # Keep only the attributes Wagtail needs.
                "attributes": ["url", "id", "parentId"],
                "allowlist": {
                    # Keep pasted links with http/https protocol, and not-pasted links (href = undefined).
                    "href": "^(http:|https:|undefined$)",
                "chooserUrls": { # add this object here, essentially the same as what's in editor_js.html but not in the template, using reverse_lazy
                    'pageChooser': reverse_lazy("wagtailadmin_choose_page"),
                    'externalLinkChooser': reverse_lazy("wagtailadmin_choose_page_external_link"),
                    'emailLinkChooser': reverse_lazy("wagtailadmin_choose_page_email_link"),
                    'phoneLinkChooser': reverse_lazy("wagtailadmin_choose_page_phone_link"),
                    'anchorLinkChooser': reverse_lazy("wagtailadmin_choose_page_anchor_link"),

Now for the documents app, we do a similar change but in the document hooks only.

# wagtail/documents/wagtail_hooks.py

from django.urls import include, path, reverse, reverse_lazy

# ... other stuff

def register_document_feature(features):

                "type": "DOCUMENT",
                "icon": "doc-full-inverse",
                "description": gettext("Document"),
                "chooserUrls": { # add this object structure, using reverse_lazy
                    "documentChooser": reverse_lazy("wagtaildocs_chooser:choose")

B. On the Draftail client-side code

In each of the getChooserConfig methods, create a new object that is a merge of the global and the props entityType chooser Urls as follows.

Note: Embed/Image need to be done but rough examples below.

class LinkModalWorkflowSource extends ModalWorkflowSource {
  getChooserConfig(entity, selectedText) {
    const chooserUrls = {

    let url = chooserUrls.pageChooser;

    const urlParams = {
      page_type: 'wagtailcore.page',
      allow_external_link: true,
      allow_email_link: true,
      allow_phone_link: true,
      allow_anchor_link: true,
      link_text: selectedText,

    if (entity) {
      const data = entity.getData();

      if (data.id) {
        if (data.parentId !== null) {
          url = `${chooserUrls.pageChooser}${data.parentId}/`;
        } else {
          url = chooserUrls.pageChooser;
      } else if (data.url.startsWith('mailto:')) {
        url = chooserUrls.emailLinkChooser;
        urlParams.link_url = data.url.replace('mailto:', '');
      } else if (data.url.startsWith('tel:')) {
        url = chooserUrls.phoneLinkChooser;
        urlParams.link_url = data.url.replace('tel:', '');
      } else if (data.url.startsWith('#')) {
        url = chooserUrls.anchorLinkChooser;
        urlParams.link_url = data.url.replace('#', '');
      } else {
        url = chooserUrls.externalLinkChooser;
        urlParams.link_url = data.url;
// ...
class DocumentModalWorkflowSource extends ModalWorkflowSource {
  getChooserConfig() {
    const { documentChooser } = {

    return {
      url: documentChooser,
      urlParams: {},
      responses: {
        chosen: this.onChosen,
// ... 

Now, this only creates a sub-set of chooserUrls for each ModalWorkflowSource (i.e. the DocumentModalWorkflowSource would not be able to use the image chooser URL or the page chooser URL). However, I think this is fine from my understanding of the code. client/src/components/Draftail/sources/ModalWorkflowSource.js - it looks looks like each ModalWorkflowSource does not need to access chooser URls outside of its own group.

I did some testing and this worked well.

Note that you will not be able to print the output of the reverse lazy URLs for debugging on the server side (mostly) as they have to resolve late.

The lazy URLs will resolve when json.dumps runs in wagtail/admin/rich_text/editors/draftail/__init__.py DraftailRichTextArea.get_context.

Hope this helps, your PR is on the right track but this should hopefully get you to a place where you can validate things and start writing unit tests.

Great , Thanks @lb- for the detailed explanation.