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Docs: use American English in 'customizing admin template' section

Stormheg opened this issue · comments

We are in the process of transitioning from British English to American English spelling in the docs. See #10608 for context.

I've stumbled upon one area in the docs that hasn't been updated yet: customising admin templates (source here)

Specific issues I see from a quick glance so far:

  • Colour (british) should become color (american)
  • customising -> customizing
  • ...there are probably more...

One way to go about this might be to run a spell checker set to American English on the page.

Fixing this does not require programming knowledge. Which means this issue might be a good fit for a non-technical contributor.

Contributing tips

If you are not familiar with git, you might find it easier to use GitHub's web editing interface. Here are instructions on how do so

Note: at step 9 in the GitHub documentation, it says to enter a description. Please reference this issue number in the description so we can keep track of work that has been done to fix this issue. Thanks!

I will start working on this right away

Amazing, that was very quick @Buraah!

To all other contributors: if you discover instances of British spelling in other places in docs (docs.wagtail.org), feel free to make a pull request (please mention issue #10608 in the description)

Pro tip: click the 'edit on GitHub' button at the top-right of the page to quickly go to the right source document 🤠

Hello, I've noticed that nobody has made a pr yet. If I finish earlier. Can i send a pr making the changes. Thank you.

Hi @h-lakshman

You are right there was no PR yet at the time you posted your comment, but someone else recently commented that they were working or a PR.

Please give others a chance to work on the issue. This is not a competition, finishing earlier does not have any meaning here.

As a rule of thumb for next time:

  1. If someone has posted a comment indicating they are working on the issue; AND this person hasn't opened a PR after a reasonable amount of time (say: one week, maybe two weeks for more complex issues)
  2. Post a comment asking if they are still working on a PR.
  3. You may get a reply. Or, in the case of no reply for a couple days, you may post a comment stating you will work on the issue given the amount of inactivity.