wagtail / wagtail-transfer

Content transfer for Wagtail

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Cannot import due to django_content error

loleg opened this issue · comments

Does this project support import into SQLite, or is it a problem with one of my app's modules? After following the instructions to the letter including the DB-prep step, running on a fresh deployment of Wagtail 2.12.6, Django 2.2.24, Python 3.9.6 this error is thrown:

IntegrityError at /admin/wagtail-transfer/import/
UNIQUE constraint failed: django_content_type.app_label, django_content_type.model
/home/oleg/.local/.../lib/python3.9/site-packages/django/db/backends/sqlite3/base.py  in execute, line 383

If anyone could suggest a way to debug or get around this, the tip would be much appreciated.

Hi @loleg, sorry I missed this! Yes, this should be compatible with SQLite. Could you try adding:

    'taggit.tag': ['slug'],
    'wagtailcore.locale': ["language_code"],
    'contenttypes.contenttype': ['app_label', 'model']

To your settings and seeing if this resolves things? Otherwise, could you let me know what you're trying to import and what its fields are?

Hi! I can confirm the same error. Setting those WAGTAILTRANSFER_LOOKUP_FIELDS gives me another error:

IntegrityError at /admin/wagtail-transfer/import/

UNIQUE constraint failed: auth_permission.content_type_id, auth_permission.codename

The error is gone after changing to this:

    'taggit.tag': ['slug'],
    'wagtailcore.locale': ["language_code"],
    'contenttypes.contenttype': ['app_label', 'model'],
    'auth.permission': ['codename'],

But I'm not sure if that is right...

It imported an image, but not pages. =(

At some point, while trying to solve the error, I did a ./manage.py preseed_transfer_table auth wagtailcore wagtailimages.image wagtaildocs at both sides, not sure if it's related.

I added a new page and tried to import it, got no error, but the page isn't imported.

@jacobtoppm sorry to have missed this question..a long while ago. Do you still need some input to close this?