wagerfield / parallax

Parallax Engine that reacts to the orientation of a smart device

Home Page:http://wagerfield.github.io/parallax/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Can't make it work

dancs2520 opened this issue · comments

Hey there,
I am trying to use parallax.js with the downloaded files but I just can't make it work.

Browser returns: "Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined at parallax.js:9"
What does it mean? Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?

It somehow works fine if I use the CDN, but it would be preferable to my project to use local files.

I am a old user of this plugin. I still using a very old version.
Today i try to use the new version, i download the version 3.1 file from there, i cannot make it work too.

After a few hours, i try another file from:

the parallax.min.js on this site is working fine.
May be the file on github have some bugs......? It waste me few hours.....

You should both read the Readme file and then come back with a more detailed error report. Most likely you're both not using the provided precompiled files.

@reneroth , I have downloaded again the compiled zip file and you were right, it works now.. I really don't know where did I get the files I were using, I was pretty sure to have downloaded it from the same place I did now... I hope my friend @michaelichiro will make it work too. Thanks a lot for the help!