wa0x6e / ResqueBoard

ResqueBoard is an analytics software for PHP Resque. Monitor your workers health and job activities in realtime

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Retry failed jobs

maark85 opened this issue · comments

Hello Kamisama.

In my resque-web i can retry jobs that are in Failed Queue.
It's possible to do the same thing on ResqueBoard? The Failed queue isn't displayed on Queues.

Thank you!


It's not possible yet.

Unlike resque-web, Resqueboard is built to be also ran from another server than the one running the workers, so ResqueBoard does not always have access to resque.

It's in the to-do list though

Ok. I've noticed that php-resque-ex writes in my Redis server in a different way.
When a job fail, he creates a key like that:


The php-resque sent the keys with failed to a default queue, and the worker automatically retried the job. It's possible to do that?


I think it could be done, since the job's details are saved in the redis key.

But it should be implemented on php-resque-ex side, since it manipulates redis keys owned by resque, and not resqueboard.

for retry jobs i'm using:

  • added a Resque_Event for onFailure for the Workers
Resque_Event::listen('onFailure', [callback]); 
  • in the callback I use ResqueScheduler to add the same job in 10min in the same queue
ResqueScheduler::enqueueIn(600, 'email', 'SendFollowUpEmail', $args);