w8r / GreinerHormann

Greiner-Hormann polygon clipping algorithm. Does AND, OR, XOR. Plays nicely with Leaflet. Handles non-convex polygons and multiple clipping areas. ~3kb footprint, no dependencies

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Diff with Non-Intersecting Polygons

tp opened this issue · comments

Not sure whether this is a bug or a lack in my understanding:

I got surprised that I get an null result for the diff of non-intersecting polygons.

Is this expected and should my code first check whether the polygons are intersecting and only then try to calculate the diff?


const gh = require('greiner-hormann')
const pencilPolygon = [{"x":0.11612903225806452,"y":0.33455451259745367},{"x":0.11720430107526882,"y":0.33455451259745367},{"x":0.11720430107526882,"y":0.33064826259745367},{"x":0.11612903225806452,"y":0.33064826259745367}];
const eraserPolygon = [{"x":0.14516129032258066,"y":0.4109600939072074},{"x":0.14623655913978495,"y":0.4109600939072074},{"x":0.14623655913978495,"y":0.3718975939072074},{"x":0.14516129032258066,"y":0.3718975939072074}];

gh.diff(pencilPolygon, eraserPolygon); // -> null
gh.intersection(pencilPolygon, eraserPolygon); // -> null

I would assume either one or the other to return something. In this case diff returning the pencilPolygon.

That's strange. True, diff should return first polygon in this case.

Interestingly "martinez" does:

const m = require('martinez-polygon-clipping');
const p2arr = (p) => ([p.x, p.y])
m.diff([ pencilPolygon.map(p2arr) ], [ eraserPolygon.map(p2arr) ]);

[ [ [ 0.11612903225806452, 0.33455451259745367 ],
    [ 0.11720430107526882, 0.33455451259745367 ],
    [ 0.11720430107526882, 0.33064826259745367 ],
    [ 0.11612903225806452, 0.33064826259745367 ] ] ]

Maybe it would make sense to compare the two libs in test to find such discrepancies? They should always return the same results, right?

No, you already found it) Greiner-Hormann is a very primitive library with its own problems, so this just has to be fixed in the output here https://github.com/w8r/GreinerHormann/blob/master/src/polygon.js#L273