w3c / webcodecs

WebCodecs is a flexible web API for encoding and decoding audio and video.

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Better errors

reinhrst opened this issue · comments

I'm trying to feed a newly created VideoDecoder an EncodedVideoChunk. The result I get (in Chrome 110) is (for new VideoDecoder({...., error: error=> console.log(error)}):
DOMException: Decoding error.

First of all, I think it should not be a DOMException.

Secondly, the error "Decoding error" is very unhelpful. I understand that it's hard to give specific errors, but some more information could be helpful.

We can't provide more specific details in the error message for fingerprinting reasons, but https://developer.chrome.com/docs/devtools/media-panel/ or chrome://media-internals will usually have more detailed error information.

If that's still not the case we file a new bug a https://crbug.com/new to track whats happening here (since this tracker is for browser-agnostic / spec issues)

Very useful feedback, these places helped me a lot!

For the next person coming here: it actually helped (and could have saved me 100 hours ;)) to switch off hardware acceleration for video decoding. Without HA, it all decodes well. (Chromium bug posted)