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Text Layout Requirements for Japanese

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[todo] Develop a way to mark issues for discussions over JLreq-d topics as pending for text development

himorin opened this issue · comments

From JL-TF call 2023-12-19, management of discussion at JLreq-d repository.

While we have draft text to be used for basis of upcoming JLreq-d, only some sections are well developed but others are not.
There are several discussion topics which have been well discussed within JL-TF and concluded with mature consensus, but without any target document for raising/drafting PR.
To separate these issues from other on-going issues or discussions, we need to have some method, which shall be easily noticeable at both list of issues page and individual issue page, and also easily handled by participants.

Several ideas raised during call

  • simply adding label
  • set milestone
  • use project view

Appleのバグトラッキングシステム(Radar)には次のステートがある: Analyze, Integrate, Build, Verify, and Close。またAnalyzeを細分化した状態に”Fix”がある。”Fix”は問題の原因は判明しているが具体的な修正を行う前の状態。修正でなく新しい機能を作るときもこのラベルを使っていた。今回必要なのはこの状態に近い(ちなみにIntegrateは修正が終わって、組み込みを待っている状態で、GitHubの開発サイクルではPush Requestが該当する)。ラベル名として、この"Fix"、もしくは新しく文書起こすことにフォーカスすると"Compose"を提案する。後者の方が良いかも。


Apple's bug tracking system (Radar) has the following states: Analyze, Integrate, Build, Verify, and Close. Also, the Analyze has (within the Engineering org.) has a substate "Fix". The 'Fix' state indicates that the analysis of the bug has been completed, but the actual fix has not yet been implemented. Therefore, something equivalent to Apple's "Fix" state would be what we need. I propose the "Fix", or by focusing on creating a new text, "Compose"?

Alternative management method is to separate the discussion of direction and the creation of the actual wording into different issues. This seems like it would be clearer.

と言うことで、方向は決まったがまだテキストは作っていない、状態を示すのに、Fix または Compose というラベルを使うのはどうでしょう。

また、ラベルより良い方法として、方向性のディスカッションと、実際の文言を作るIssueを分ける方法を提案します。方向性が決まったら、文言を作るissueを新たに作って、元のissueは閉じる。こうすればより状態が明確になって管理がしやすいかと思います。方向性のディスカッションは、最初にどのくらい議論の対象が明確かによって、議論の対象が明確ならIssue、幅広いならDisucssion などと緩く使い分けすれば良いかと。

At the JLReq TF meeting on 2024-1-9, the team agreed to separate issues that tracks discussions and issues that track the actual implementation of the agreements.