w3c / jlreq

Text Layout Requirements for Japanese

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3.1.10 "¢" listed as prefix

bluesunTL opened this issue · comments

In section 3.1.10d, the English translation lists the cent sign "¢" is listed as a prefix instead of a postfix.

"Between prefixed abbreviations (cl-12) (YEN SIGN "¥",DOLLAR SIGN "$",CENT SIGN "¢" etc.) and the following arabic or ideographic numeral (see Figure 82). The reason is that such character sequences are to be handled as one unit."
"前置省略記号(cl-12)(円記号[¥] (YEN SIGN),ドル記号[$] (DOLLAR SIGN)など)とその後ろにくるアラビア数字・漢数字との間(Figure 82).それらの文字列を一体として扱いたいためである."

In other parts of the document, the cent sign is considered a postfix, and being a postfix matches with its general English usage, so the English translation appears to be in error.

A potential version equivalent to the Japanese text could be as follows:
"Between prefixed abbreviations (cl-12) (YEN SIGN "¥",DOLLAR SIGN "$" etc.) and the following arabic or ideographic numeral (see Figure 82). The reason is that such character sequences are to be handled as one unit."

@KobayashiToshi @tlk714 @kidayasuo 前置省略記号($100)とかにセントも混じってる(英語版だけ)は、いわゆる日本語(縦組み??)の中では昔はすべからく金額単位記号は前置されていた、というところからきているのだと思うのですが、その理解で正しく、これは特に修正不要、でいいですよね?

@KobayashiToshi コメントありがとうございます。すみません、確かに文字クラスの表を見たらU+00A2は後置でした。本文修正します。