w3c-ccg / vc-test-suite-implementations

Implementations for VC HTTP API tests

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Rename README Tag sections to Opting into a Test Suite

aljones15 opened this issue · comments

The README does not contain instructions on which endpoints are needed for opting into a test suite.

So this section needs to be revised:


  1. Either replace the Tag Section with a new Section ## Opting into a Test Suite
  2. in the new section provide instructions on which endpoints are needed for to opt into a test suite, where in the manifest to add them, and which tag the endpoint will need


## Opting into a Test Suite
### Ed25519Signature2020
You will need to add a VC API complaint issuer and verifer that support the Ed25519Signature2020 to your implementation.
  "issuers": [{
      "id": "urn:uuid:my:implementation:issuer:id",
      "endpoint": "https://product.example.com/issuers/foo/credentials/issue",
    "tags": ["Ed25519Signature2020"]
  "verifiers": [{
    "id": "https://product.example.com/verifiers/z19uokPn3b1Z4XDbQSHo7VhFR",
    "endpoint": "https://product.example.com/verifiers/z19uokPn3b1Z4XDbQSHo7VhFR/credentials/verify",
    "tags": ["Ed25519Signature2020"]

Closing. Addressed by #91