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DRAFT: did:web Decentralized Identifier Method Specification

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Decide what to do about 'proof' section and other DID Doc Metadata

dmitrizagidulin opened this issue · comments

Signing the DID Document itself (adding an OPTIONAL/recommended proof section, for example) would offer integrity protection / move towards the did docs being self-certifying.

Since the proof property (as well as other metadata fields such as created and updated) were removed from the DID Core spec, we need to make a decision on how to handle these in the did:web method.

Our options:

  1. Put the metadata fields (proof, created etc) into the DID Document itself.
  2. Store not the DID Document in the .json file on the web server, but instead embed it in a structure similar to the DID Resolution Result.

Example structure for option 1:

	"@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/did/v1",
	"id": "did:web:example:com",
	"authentication": [{
		"id": "did:web:example:com#keys-1",
		"type": "Ed25519VerificationKey2018",
		"controller": "did:web:example:com",
		"publicKeyBase58": "H3C2AVvLMv6gmMNam3uVAjZpfkcJCwDwnZn6z3wXmqPV"
	"service": [{
		"id": "did:web:example:com#vcs",
		"type": "VerifiableCredentialService",
		"serviceEndpoint": "https://example.com/vc/"
	"proof": {
		// signature over the whole DID document would go here.
	"created": "2019-03-23T06:35:22Z",
	"updated": "2023-08-10T13:40:06Z"

Example structure for option 2:

	"@context": "https://w3id.org/did-resolution/v1",
	"didDocument": {
		"@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/did/v1",
		"id": "did:web:example:com",
		"authentication": [{
			"id": "did:web:example:com#keys-1",
			"type": "Ed25519VerificationKey2018",
			"controller": "did:web:example:com",
			"publicKeyBase58": "H3C2AVvLMv6gmMNam3uVAjZpfkcJCwDwnZn6z3wXmqPV"
		"service": [{
			"id": "did:web:example:com#vcs",
			"type": "VerifiableCredentialService",
			"serviceEndpoint": "https://example.com/vc/"
                "proof": {
                    // signature over the whole DID document would go here.
	"didDocumentMetadata": {
		"created": "2019-03-23T06:35:22Z",
		"updated": "2023-08-10T13:40:06Z"

@dmitrizagidulin Is it correct to say that option 2) might be the more standard way of doing it because it these are registered terms in DID Document Metadata Properties? Option 1) will require extensions to context. Further, would be the proof contain a detached JWS?

@awoie - hmm, good question. Option 2 (the DID Resolution Result) is still very much in progress, spec wise. Buuut, you're right, we don't want to mess with the context in option 1.

And now that I think about it, if we adopt option 2, it'll give us room to put things like the optional 'audit trail' (KERI-like), and other sorts of metadata.

@OR13 - do you have any strong preferences here?

I personally don't like the idea of attaching proofs to did:web.... I had done the same thing with did:github, and it made it super frustating to update.... we even tried getting github actions to add the proof, which worked but is still not as elegant as just relying on the web server... I guess end of the day, if you really need the extra security, you can sign your did document.

just be prepared to manage all the update complexity that comes with that.

regarding "audit trails".... I think this is a waste of time... did web is not meant to be like other did methods, and leaving some obvious reasons to upgrade for higher security scenarios makes sense.

The simpler the spec, the better, did:web should be a gateway to better did methods, not try to compete with them.

@OR13 I see, ok. That still leaves the question open about what to do with "did doc metadata" and did:web. Which option do you prefer?

@dmitrizagidulin I prefer to pull caching / expiration / headers from the resource and simply reflect them in the did doc meta data.

@OR13 got it, ok. So that seems like a vote for option 2.

@mirceanis would also be good to get your opinion on that.

I also don't see a good reason to add proof section to the did doc.
Perhaps I'm not grasping it completely but it seems to me that it serves only as decoration and does not add any more trust to the result, while also complicating any implementation.
I very much like the idea about the metadata, if any, being compiled from the headers instead of being written to the json document.

@OR13 got it, ok. So that seems like a vote for option 2.

I'm not reading it that way :)

Also, I'm not putting any weight on either of the two options presented. I guess I'm opting for a third where the JSON that is served is the actual DID document and the server is free to present metadata as headers. It would be the resolver's option to present some of the headers as metadata.

So, the reason I'm reading it as a vote for Option 2 is -- the question here is what's the data model of a did:web DID Doc stored on disk. In order for the web server to present those metadata headers, it's gotta get them from somewhere. Which assumes the need for an envelope document like in option 2.


it seems to me that it serves only as decoration and does not add any more trust to the result

But it does add one important part to the result - it adds the fact that the DID Document has not been tampered with (it's signed by the DID controller...).

And just to clarify, with option 2, the proof would not be in the DID Doc itself. It would be in the metadata section of the 'resolution result' data structure.

So, the reason I'm reading it as a vote for Option 2 is -- the question here is what's the data model of a did:web DID Doc stored on disk. In order for the web server to present those metadata headers, it's gotta get them from somewhere. Which assumes the need for an envelope document like in option 2.

So this would be applicable to documents that are served by "dumb" webservers, where the DID controller does not have too much control over the returned headers, right?

But it does add one important part to the result - it adds the fact that the DID Document has not been tampered with (it's signed by the DID controller...).

The reason why it looks like ceremony to me is that did:web already relies a lot on the trust in the webserver.
If the DID document is hosted or intercepted by a malicious server, it could very well replace the document entirely, including the DID controller and proof and a client would never be able to tell the difference unless some other out of band mechanism is in use.

On a separate note, I'm not very familiar with how DID document metadata is supposed to be used in practice, so my opinions here should not carry much weight.
If there is a proof section being served next to the DID document, who is supposed to verify it? if it's the resolver, then what types of proofs are accepted/recommended?
It complicates things a lot for a DID method that is supposed to be a bridge between old infrastructure(with its own cryptographic guarantees) and the new.

proof was removed from did core, and IMO, it's best not to use it at all on did documents.... trust in a did document should come from the DID Method and the VDR and the DID Controller OpSec.

if the proof is being used to pull the created timestamp... thats complicated, and as already pointed out, anyone with control of the web server can replace all of this... so proof does not add anything regarding trust... imo, its pure complexity and should be removed.


So this would be applicable to documents that are served by "dumb" webservers, where the DID controller does not have too much control over the returned headers, right?

That's right, yeah. Which applies to a large chunk of the use cases did:web is addressing.

If there is a proof section being served next to the DID document, who is supposed to verify it? if it's the resolver, then what types of proofs are accepted/recommended?

I'm not sure if I fully understand the question. It's exactly the same as with Verifiable Credentials. Whoever is consuming the DID (so, holder, verifier, etc) can verify it. And which type of proofs - whatever the DID Method (or even your use case) agrees on.


it's best not to use it at all on did documents.... trust in a did document should come from the DID Method and the VDR and the DID Controller OpSec.

So.. again, that seems like an argument for Option 2. "Trust in the VDR and DID Method" -- so, having a proof in the Resolution document (not the DID Document) increases trust in the VDR and the DID Method.

@dmitrizagidulin JSON-LD Proofs do not help increase trust with did:web. IMO, did:web should not have any normative requirements on JSON-LD Proofs.

did:web trust flows from web server control, and proof gives a false sense of security given this.

@OR13 but again, the question is not about proof specifically, or JSON-LD Proofs in general. (They are certainly not required). The main thing that we have to decide is - what should we do about any sort of metadata in the did document, with did:web.

@OR13 so far, if I'm understanding your argument correctly, you seem to be saying "no metadata in the DID Document at all". I think that's too limiting, and that there are several use cases that would be well served with a general metadata mechanism, on the data model level.

Yes, the DID WG has decided specifically to not put meta data in the did document, and the did spec registries has a separate section to make this even clearer: https://w3c.github.io/did-spec-registries/#did-document-metadata

I'm not against some "extension" which places meta data in the did document, but I think encouraging meta data in the did document generally for did web will be viewed as wrong by anyone familiar with other did methods.

@OR13 I remember that debate, sure. And one of the points that was made was -- the metadata belongs in the Resolution Result document. Which is exactly what we're talking about / proposing here.

I assume we are talking about the normative requirements did:web has on "resolution metadata" and "document metadata"

This issue is not very specific, and appears to be addressing both proof and meta data, hence the confusion.

To be crystal clear:

  1. There should be no meta data in a did:web did document (no proof, updated or created).
  2. I am ok with updated and created in did document meta data.

@OR13 ok, that seems pretty clear. (And like I said, that is exactly Option 2. Using the Resolution Result doc, which has 3 sections, the didDocument itself, the resolution metadata, and the didDocumentMetadata.)

@OR13 so the next question is.. so what does that look like, implementation wise? Is the .json file that's stored on a website - does it hold the overall Resolution Result doc, with the 3 sections? And then the resolver fetches that, does its thing, and only returns the didDocument part? That's kind of what I'm leaning towards.

@dmitrizagidulin yes, imo, it should be possible for the web server operator to control all 3 sections via vanilla JSON.

I would not be opposed to fancy HTTP Header based overrides for the did:web resolver to consider as well.

While we are on this subject, we might as well also consider did:web in JSON / CBOR / YAML...

IMO, a did web resolver builds a URL from https://w3c-ccg.github.io/did-resolution/#resolving-input

Makes a GET Request to the URL, and optionally considers headers returned in the response as taking priority over the field members.

did:web resolvers should implement:

resolveRepresentation ( did, did-resolution-input-metadata )
     -> ( did-resolution-metadata, did-document-stream, did-document-metadata )

over http... they should support representations other than JSON, such as CBOR.

I think its fine to "default them" to JSON, but we should allow to different JSON / JSON-LD at a minimum.

Just to chime in here as well, I'm leaning more towards the direction of option 2 over option 1. I don't see many benefits to option 1 that don't eventually lead to did:web ending up diverging from many other expected usage patterns of other did methods (e.g. metadata in a separate portion of the did resolution result).

On the topic of representation I think what Orie brings up is a potential answer to supporting multiple representations by storing multiple representations on the server independently. This does open the potential for the different representations to be in different states though, so I lean more towards the option of having a resolver fetch the JSON representation translating it to the ADM and then translating it to the requested representation instead. The downside to this approach is that different representations will likely have different signature formats used such that some requesting parties (the client of the resolver doing the translator) may be unable to verify the signature method of the JSON representation.

However, as @mirceanis points out here there are ways to subvert the integrity of document in ways that aren't going to be detectable. At best for these types of things we'll want to state "MUST use TLS 1.2 or greater" and warn about DNS injection issues in the security section as well.

Just as an update -- as the DID Core spec is nearing its first CR, the editors of the did:web spec are actively discussing this topic.

did web documents should not be signed with LD Proofs... its security theater... web admin can alter the proof... unless we are going to make did:web 100% dependent on LD Proofs, this is a feature that should removed from the spec, what people do with their own JSON-LD is their business, but I see no reason for did:web to endorse use of LD Proofs for anything.

I'd recommend doing this:

  1. application/did+json and application/did+ld+json both resolve to the same .json file on a web server.
  2. avoid discussing LD Proofs in the DID Web Spec.

Don't try and support CBOR yet, it's clearly not ready to be looked at seriously.

I think that most people are in agreement that Option 2 is the better option to support DID Doc Metadata--I'm not talking about the proof property. I think we might be even ready to provide a PR for the spec changes?

@dmitrizagidulin do you think that makes sense?

On a separate note, we should discuss whether other properties of the DID Doc Metadata such as versionId would require a spec change or if this can be done by the implementers themselves?

did web documents should not be signed with LD Proofs... its security theater...

Is it? What about caching systems? If the original web server signs a DID Document, no web mirrors worldwide can change it's contents. I think that is a real feature for enterprise systems.

I have to define a DID Document and I am exploring signing possibilities to increase the security of redistribution. Any ideas are welcome.


The proportion of modern web traffic that runs through external third parties that terminate SSL in edge data centers (CDNs) is large.

In this scenario, a signature adds another layer of verification beyond the base SSL to prevent tampering prior to delivery.

+1, that is a good point.

How would the resolver verify the integrity of the DID document?

How would the resolver verify the integrity of the DID document?

In my use case, the resolver has had direct access to the signer (or the trust registry the signer belongs to) in a previous event to collect and store an anchor of trust (x509 cert) for that signer. That anchor is hard coded in the resolver and the complete chain is verified at every resolve.

But do you think this would be the case for every did:web?
I'm trying to figure out how this would look like from a spec perspective.

Could it be optional and flexible?

I can foresee a scenario in which people might like to self-certify with a proof and then simply serve a static file including that proof over some large CDN provider.

But do you think this would be the case for every did:web? I'm trying to figure out how this would look like from a spec perspective.

I am not sure. But I don't see any point in having a key-resolving mechanism that is not cryptographically secure. In other words, what's the point of downloading a keyset document that an intermediary infrastructure can tweak around? What would the keys be good for if the environment is unsecured?

So, either the web infrastructure at play provides the security needed or the document itself must be signed. If users don't see a way to fully close all security loopholes their web infrastructure provides, users must choose the latter. If the spec doesn't offer that option, only a small subset of the web infrastructure can be used to provide DID:webs. For instance, by not having an optional proof element, you might be self-selecting the spec to only work inside secured VPNs.

I don't disagree with the necessity of securing here.
I'm trying to understand how you think it would look from a resolver/verifier perspective.
How does the proof provide anything extra over the TLS certificate checks?

Also, in these scenarios how do mirrors and CDN come into play, wouldn't they use different URLs?
(sorry if this is an ignorant question, I'm trying to understand)

Also, in these scenarios how do mirrors and CDN come into play, wouldn't they use different URLs?

Mirrors operate on their own domains with their own SSL certificates.

CDNs, on the other hand, can take over an entire domain and terminate TLS on behalf of that domain.

Speaking generally, to put a CDN in front of an origin, one points the appropriate DNS A records to the CDN IP addresses (generally a pair of v4 IPs, routed via BGP Anycast to geographically distributed "edge" locations that are located close to population centers where the clients will be). The CDN then is, from the point of view of clients, the target website.

The CDN "origin" is configured, often with the original address(es) of the webserver(s) that produce the content (including the did:web documents) and a host header with the domain name. The CDN edge servers request content from the origin server, cache that content, and deliver it to many clients.

The clients resolve the A records to the target domain name and receive the CDN BGP Anycast addresses. Each edge data center advertises those same routes, and the client traffic reaches the nearest edge data center, where the CDN servers handle SSL and respond to the client request.

I am fine with folks profiling on top of did web, adding various other JSON members to it, including "data integrity proofs"... I don't think the method spec is the right place to talk about that kind of thing, since it applies to all "did documents"... better to do that at a resolver layer, or in a specific profile of did web...

I'd like to close this issue, since I don't see us reaching any form of consensus on requiring or allowing data integrity proofs in the did web spec... and there are better places to have that discussion.

Fair enough.

there are better places to have that discussion.

Is there any specific place this conversation should happen?

I wouldn't dismiss the importance of specifying the correct, universally-accepted way to sign a did web. Even if the place is not in the spec itself, there must be a tight spec somewhere. Implementers shouldn't be just doing whatever they want in this. Otherwise, we are going to have an interoperability hell to correctly resolve did:webs.

There is this note in the DID-Core spec:

Some DID methods allow digital signatures and other proofs to be included in the DID document or a 7.3 Metadata Structure. However, such proofs by themselves do not necessarily prove control over a DID, or guarantee that the DID document is the correct one for the DID. In order to obtain the correct DID document and verify control over a DID, it is necessary to perform the DID resolution process as defined by the DID method.

It seems to say that the proof that guarantees that the DID document is the correct one should be specified by the DID resolution process of the DID method. So, it should be in the DID:WEB spec.

It also seems to make a distinction between "the correct one" (infrastructure proof) and "hasn't been changed" (application proof), which are different proofs.

The question is: where does each proof type go and how does it get there? Where does one store the proof section, such that resolvers can verify it if it's not in the did.json itself? Is there another file that the resolver hits to download the proof itself to put into the DID Resolution Result? Or should it be transferred over the HTTP headers of the did.json GET call? If so, how does the mapping between the section and the headers work?

Fair enough.

there are better places to have that discussion.

Is there any specific place this conversation should happen?

I'd say this fits way better within the context of did-resolution since this is a generic problem of a resolution protocol and resolution implementations. Trying to stuff this into a data model spec seems wrong and that security consideration was likely just because we've always known this was a problem and wanted to make people knew about the issue as they were writing the method (which really should be considering resolution considerations as well IMO)

I'd be curious what @peacekeeper take is on this as well

I'd say this fits way better within the context of did-resolution

I am afraid I simply cannot agree.

We have, in the not too far distant past, refused to handle content negotiation within did:web based on the complexity it would introduce, despite content negotiation being quite well understood for some years now in http.

Just recently, we've declined to implement the common parameters in section 3.2.1 on the same basis. #61

Adding cryptographic signatures in metadata rather than the content of a JSON document, on a webserver, is considerably more complex than either content negotiation or dynamically handling parameters.

We should be consistent in our treatment of these issues to avoid the appearance that the standards process is arbitrary.

Trying to stuff this into a data model spec seems wrong

In the context of did:web, given our strong and unyielding preference to avoid complexity, we've left ourselves no alternative. If the proof isn't in the document, and we won't approve extensions involving even the simplest of logic on the webserver, we are affirmatively and proactively limiting this method.

that security consideration was likely just because we've always known this was a problem

Yes, we have always known this is a problem. Now @vitorpamplona is asking for a resolution, and the request is sane and practical.

Ok, we have a few issues to solve.

1. Where is the DID Document Metadata stored for DID:WEB?

Option 1.1: Single json file: the did.json MUST be a combination of didDocument and didDocumentMetadata
Option 1.2: Multiple json files: did.json is the didDocument itself, didMetadata.json stores the didDocumentMetadata.

In the case of 1.2, the resolver makes 2 GET requests and merges them into their result.

2. How are different representations (JSON-LD, XML, CBOR) resolved?

Option 2.1: The Web Server calculates the representation on-demand based on the "accept" header.
Option 2.2: Multiple files with predefined names are pre-loaded (did.json, did.jsonld, did.cbor, did.xml).

Option 2.1 requires a dynamic server with capabilities to map the original DID Document into different representations by itself and assumes the original DID Document can be mapped without additional information (e.g. contexts for JSON-LD).

Option 2.2 requires prescriptive conversion from the DID URI to the GET request based on the "accept" parameter of the resolve function. If Option 1.2 is chosen, similar conversions must be available for the DID Document Metadata. This option allows for the use of CDNs and static servers.

3. Is security run at DID Document or DID Document Representation level?

The DID Document map doesn't offer security but a JSON-LD of that document might.

Option 3.1. Security is based on a representation, not the original DID Document.
Option 3.2. Security must be based on and calculated from the original DID Document.

Option 3.1 requires prescribing of security steps for each representation and the appropriate processing in the resolver side.
Option 3.2 forces everyone to use the same security procedure independent of representation. The method can force everyone to use a JWT for instance. LD-Proofs/CBOR-Proofs/XML proofs are not accepted. It simplifies implementations but reduces options.

4. Is the resolver's job to verify proofs or not?

Option 4.1 the resolver must run the verification
Option 4.2 the application must run the verification.

Option 4.1 requires the resolver library to depend on cryptographic tools for the forced security (3.1) or the many possible representations (3.2) plus forces the resolver to have contextual knowledge to verify (trusted keys, authorized signatures suites, etc).

Option 4.2 concedes that the DID:WEB method is unsecured by design.

5. If 3.1, how do creators/resolvers declare compliance with security stacks?

5.1. Through DID:WEB profiles: "I am implementing DID:WEB:JSONLD"
5.2. Through an overarching DID-CORE representation choice? "I only resolve DIDs that return JSONLD"

1. Where is the DID Document Metadata stored for DID:WEB?

Option 1.1: Single json file: the did.json MUST be a combination of didDocument and didDocumentMetadata Option 1.2: Multiple json files: did.json is the didDocument itself, didMetadata.json stores the didDocumentMetadata.

In the case of 1.2, the resolver makes 2 GET requests and merges them into their result.

Or you can read the http headers from the "did.json" and make your own didDocumentMetadata... the later is not required to be implemented by did core or did web today.

The short answer to your question is that did:web does not define a place to store didDocumentMetadata, or a way to expose it too resolvers... http headers seem like the natural answer to this question though.

2. How are different representations (JSON-LD, XML, CBOR) resolved?

Option 2.1: The Web Server calculates the representation on-demand based on the "accept" header. Option 2.2: Multiple files with predefined names are pre-loaded (did.json, did.jsonld, did.cbor, did.xml).

Option 2.1 requires a dynamic server with capabilities to map the original DID Document into different representations by itself and assumes the original DID Document can be mapped without additional information (e.g. contexts for JSON-LD).

Option 2.2 requires prescriptive conversion from the DID URI to the GET request based on the "accept" parameter of the resolve function. If Option 1.2 is chosen, similar conversions must be available for the DID Document Metadata. This option allows for the use of CDNs and static servers.

Today, only a single JSON representation is supported.

I am not in favor of changing this, as it harms interoperability.

However, we might introduce content negotiation to resolve this.. I suggest creating a separate issue to discuss.

3. Is security run at DID Document or DID Document Representation level?

The DID Document map doesn't offer security but a JSON-LD of that document might.

Option 3.1. Security is based on a representation, not the original DID Document. Option 3.2. Security must be based on and calculated from the original DID Document.

Option 3.1 requires prescribing of security steps for each representation and the appropriate processing in the resolver side. Option 3.2 forces everyone to use the same security procedure independent of representation. The method can force everyone to use a JWT for instance. LD-Proofs/CBOR-Proofs/XML proofs are not accepted. It simplifies implementations but reduces options.

In DID Web, the DID Document is JSON... how you store that internally is not really the concern of the method spec... you could pull the content from a blockchain, or from a raspberry pi sd card :)

Here is a similar example:


^ notice this JSON document is also not "signed".

4. Is the resolver's job to verify proofs or not?

Option 4.1 the resolver must run the verification Option 4.2 the application must run the verification.

Option 4.1 requires the resolver library to depend on cryptographic tools for the forced security (3.1) or the many possible representations (3.2) plus forces the resolver to have contextual knowledge to verify (trusted keys, authorized signatures suites, etc).

Option 4.2 concedes that the DID:WEB method is unsecured by design.

This is the repository for a method specification, this is not the place to discuss the "resolver's job"...

However... All resolvers trust the "did method specification" and some "software implementation" of it.

Specific resolvers might make additional security decisions, like not resolving any blockchain did methods, or any did web from certain origins (for example excluding Iran or North Korea), etc.... The resolver is a natural root of trust, even when you implement it yourself... The resolver isn't a place to handle interoperability at the did method layer... thats what the method specification is for.

In general, resolvers are expected to implement the did methods that they support, and not "do extra work" that is not described in the method specification... did web is trivial to implement today, and its security model is equivalent to the OIDC example I shared above.

5. If 3.1, how do creators/resolvers declare compliance with security stacks?

5.1. Through DID:WEB profiles: "I am implementing DID:WEB:JSONLD" 5.2. Through an overarching DID-CORE representation choice? "I only resolve DIDs that return JSONLD"

The DID Core spec is a W3C TR.

There are no "W3C Standard DID Methods" today.

There is also very little guidance regarding "DID Resolution" it was considered out of scope by the DID WG... which caused a number of problems.

Regarding security declarations (not sure exactly what you mean):

DID method specification authors do this by defining the method specification, and detailing concerns in the privacy and security sections.

DID method implementers read the method spec and develop implementations that cover its normative requirements.

In general, any resolver can "claim" to implement a did method, and can in practice lie about or tamper with the results.

You would want to make sure you really trusted the did method, then the resolver, including all its software dependencies, and its operators.

These are all very good questions, but this issue is titled:

"Decide what to do about 'proof' section and other DID Doc Metadata"

There is no normative requirement to include proof... but since the did document is a json object, nobody can stop you from including it... most people will ignore it... which is why you shouldn't try and use it for something important.

Similarly for "DID Doc Metadata"... there is no place to store that in the spec today... headers seem like the logical answer... I would be in favor of discussing that on a more focused issue.

Feel free to spawn fresher / more focused issues for any of these discussion points and cross link.

The short answer to your question is that did:web does not define a place to store didDocumentMetadata, or a way to expose it too resolvers... http headers seem like the natural answer to this question though.

So, if I want to place the "proof" inside the didDocumentMetadata or as a header, how do generic DID Web resolvers, or universal DID resolvers, out there know where it is and how to pass it on to my application? See, this is not a resolver question. It's a method question. I am asking how to find the didDocumentMetadata for this DID Method, not how to convert it for the resolution.

Do I need to reach out individually to each resolver to get them out of spec and implement my version of the proof method through unspecified metadata fields?

Today, only a single JSON representation is supported.

So... it doesn't support JSON-LD at all?

the DID Document is JSON.

This is absolutely not true. The DID Core spec makes sure to identify the JSON as just one of the possible representations of the properties listed in the DID Document. Don't confuse the examples in the text with the need to use JSON

  1. Representations
    A concrete serialization of a DID document in this specification is called a representation. A representation is created by serializing the data model through a process called production. A representation is transformed into the data model through a process called consumption. The production and consumption processes enable the conversion of information from one representation to another. This specification defines representations for JSON and JSON-LD, and developers can use any other representation, such as XML or YAML, that is capable of expressing the data model. The following sections define the general rules for production and consumption, as well as the JSON and JSON-LD representations.

On the:

This is the repository for a method specification, this is not the place to discuss the "resolver's job"...

I agree. But the DID Core spec says that the DID Method MUST specify how resolvers can verify the authenticity of the response:

A DID method specification MUST specify how a DID resolver uses a DID to resolve a DID document, including how the DID resolver can verify the authenticity of the response.

So, if I want to place the "proof" inside the didDocumentMetadata or as a header, how do generic DID Web resolvers, or universal DID resolvers, out there know where it is and how to pass it on to my application?

If the method spec defined where metadata was stored, then you could define a profile to secure it.

Since the method does not currently define where metadata is stored, I think it's a bit premature to consider securing it.

So... it doesn't support JSON-LD at all?

It turns out that all JSON-LD is also JSON.

This is absolutely not true. The DID Core spec makes sure to identify the JSON as just one of the possible representations of the properties listed in the DID Document.

It also says that DID Methods are not required to implement all representations.


And I am referring to the did web method spec, not the did core spec... this is what the did web spec says today:


If you are arguing that did web should support JSON, JSON-LD, CBOR, CBOR-LD, YAML, YAML-LD, etc... all because the did core spec defines an abstract data model that can support an unbounded number of registered (or not registered) representations... I don't agree... but I would agree that a CBOR representation might be useful to define.

I agree. But the DID Core spec says that the DID Method MUST specify how resolvers can verify the authenticity of the response:

Ahh yes, but define "verify the authenticity of the response."... is it enough to trust TLS and DNS and a library that checks them?

Does the resolver need to verify 100% of the infrastructure powering hosting a JSON file on an https web server?

What about all the network layers between the resolver and the host?


It can be argued the current did web spec language fails to "sufficiently define an ability to verify the authenticity of the response".

I'd be open to more language regarding why DNS + TLS are trusted to secure OIDC / OAuth today.

It also says that DID Methods are not required to implement all representations.

Correct. You can force it to JSON (and not allow the use of LD Signatures). I don't think that is a good idea.

If you are arguing that did web should support JSON, JSON-LD, CBOR, CBOR-LD, YAML, YAML-LD, etc... all because the did core spec defines an abstract data model that can support an unbounded number of registered (or not registered) representations... I don't agree... but I would agree that a CBOR representation might be useful to define.

The DID:WEB should follow the DID-Core example and define everything in terms of generic properties. It doesn't matter what serialization form people use. Then any representation would automatically work. I don't understand why any spec would define things in JSON (or JSON-LD) only. You don't need to define an XML version. You just need to define the properties that would go in given structures in each file. Super simple.

is it enough to trust TLS and DNS and a library that checks them?

As we said before. No. TLS + DNSSec does not mean the answer is authentic. You need to put both Server and Resolver inside the same VPN, controlled by the resolver, to make that claim.

Correct. You can force it to JSON (and not allow the use of LD Signatures). I don't think that is a good idea.

JSON, by definition.... supports Data Integrity "proofs", when they are represented in JSON-LD.

The DID:WEB should follow the DID-Core example and define everything in terms of generic properties.

It does, it uses JSON to do this... I challenge you to make this simpler, by adding other representations :)

As we said before. No. TLS + DNSSec does not mean the answer is authentic. You need to put both Server and Resolver inside the same VPN, controlled by the resolver, to make that claim.

Can we eliminate the resolver for a second?

Lets just look at this example:


Screen Shot 2022-08-11 at 7 28 52 PM

How do I know the response is authentic? (and what do you mean by authentic).

You are saying I need to be on a different network?

It does, it uses JSON to do this... I challenge you to make this simpler, by adding other representations :)

You are wrong here. It USED to use JSON. The text is not bound by the serialization choice it anymore. If you read the text again, you can see that every mention to the DID Document is as an abstract data model represented as a map of properties, not a JSON (a serialization of that map).

Like this:

If the resolution is successful, and if the resolve function was called, this MUST be a DID document abstract data model (a map) as described in 4. Data Model that is capable of being transformed into a conforming DID Document (representation), using the production rules specified by the representation. The value of id in the resolved DID document MUST match the DID that was resolved. If the resolution is unsuccessful, this value MUST be empty.

How do I know the response is authentic? (and what do you mean by authentic).

You don't. You would have no idea if that TLS certificate is the same as the owner of the DID Document bought to resolve in this domain. It might be behind a third-party CDN that has their VALID TLS certificate and is just redirecting you there. The fact that the TLS is valid doesn't mean it's authentic. Google does that all the time with its preview pages.

Let me try a different approach. Because the DID:WEB spec are so open today, I'd like to define the following rules as my DID WEB... extension? I am not sure what to call it.



DID Producers MUST support every possible representation
DID Resolvers do not need to support every possible representation
(heavy pre-computation, thin on-demand resolution - burden is on the issuer)

DID Document Representations MUST be made available in the following files:

  • did.json
  • didMetadata.json (with JWT as proof)
  • did.jsonld
  • didMetadata.jsonld (with regular LD-Signatures as proof)
  • did.cbor
  • didMetadata.cbor (with CWT as proof)
  • did.cborld
  • didMetadata.cborld (with CBOR LD-Signatures as proof)
  • did.xml
  • didMetadata.xml (with XML token as proof)

All DID Document Representations MUST represent the same DID Document.
All DID Document Representations MUST be signed at all times

The didMetadata MUST include a proof section.
The didMetadata.proof MUST include a keyID field in the form of a DID
The didMetadata.proof MUST include a signature suite field to describe the algorithm used when signing the document.
The didMetadata.proof MUST include a signature in the format determined by the signature suite

Resolvers MUST cryptographically verify the proof of the chosen representation.
Applications MUST pass a cryptographic stack to the resolve function as a DID Resolution Options

Resolvers MUST pass all available metadata attributes to the application, unchanged.

Since representations MUST be signed at all times, no additional security is required. Calls through an unsecured http and DNS MUST be accepted (The Security section can be deleted)

The application must independently verify the trust status of the keyID


Would you folks be ok if somebody went rogue and started requiring DID:WEB resolvers to support all this?

You are wrong here. It USED to use JSON. The text is not bound by the serialization choice it anymore.

I think you are again, claiming that the DID Core spec is somehow more authoritative for representations than the did method spec.

Thats not my understanding.

But let's assume for a second you are correct.

We would need to rewrite the did web spec to talk about the abstract data model instead of JSON, and then define production and consumption rules for it.

You seem to be arguing thats what we should do, am I correct?

You don't. You would have no idea if that TLS certificate is the same as the owner of the DID Document bought to resolve in this domain.

Who is the "owner of the did document" ?

Which layers of the network are they in control of in your threat model?

Would you folks be ok if somebody went rogue and started requiring DID:WEB resolvers to support all this?

I'm pretty much ok not trusting anyone to resolve DIDs for me... I don't use 3rd party resolvers... you shouldn't either :)

The rest of your proposal seems to align with either:

  1. a new did method (which you are of course free to create)
  2. a change to the did method in this repo (which will require consensus)

As an editor, I am required to implement the consensus regarding PRs / issues, etc...

As an implementer, I don't like your proposal, and I don't intend to implement it, if your proposal "wins" I would register a new "did:web2" method... that had the same boring behavior that the current one does... I am not attached to the the method name... I like the simplicity.

We would need to rewrite the did web spec to talk about the abstract data model instead of JSON, and then define production and consumption rules for it.

I don't think you are required to rewrite it. DID Methods can force the use of representations. I just don't think you should force them to use JSON. Especially when the DID:WEB text doesn't need much change to make it an abstract data model.

Which layers of the network are they in control of in your threat model?

I work for the WHO, I have to deal with sensitive health information transfers between medical providers from two countries at war with one another. Country-level attacks/hostilities against individuals and other countries define the threat model. They have literal control over the entire web stack of the country. All I have is a trust chain to identify DID Document providers on each end.

I'm pretty much ok not trusting anyone to resolve DIDs for me... I don't use 3rd party resolvers... you shouldn't either :)

It's not a question of trust. It's a question of a prescriptive/interoperable standard so that there is one less variable to be concerned about when choosing DID Resolvers or when having to reimplement a bunch of ad-hoc variations.

As an editor, I am required to implement the consensus regarding PRs / issues, etc...

So what are the consensus procedures? Who else needs to provide an ok in this? How do we move this forward? I am not pushing for MY idea. This is just a very real example of what can actually happen just because the spec leaves everything up in the air.

I am pushing for ANY idea that defines this metadata spec better. I am happy to spend months navigating consensus to get this done.

How do we move this forward?

I would recommend a dedicated method.

How do we move this forward?

I would recommend a dedicated method.

Even if all I need is a definition to where to put the metadata (proof goes inside)?

I just don't think you should force them to use JSON.

Nobody is forcing anyone to just use JSON, the did core spec allows you to define your own representations and register them... did web could support CBOR-LD and YAML-LD... the method spec gets to define this stuff.... if you want did web to support a new representation you are in the right place to argue for that.

They have literal control over the entire web stack of the country.

Sounds like did:web might not be a best fit... It's built on the assumption that you are not being attacked by nation states... which applies to most use cases... but maybe my/your proposal below will somehow make DID web capable of surviving nation state attacks?

It's not a question of trust. It's a question of a prescriptive/interoperable standard so that there is one less variable to be concerned about when choosing DID Resolvers or when having to reimplement a bunch of ad-hoc variations.

And just so I understand it... if we were to make did:web use a JWT or CWT and then you would verify if, decode it and obtain the did document and meta data, this would work for you?

https://example.com/issuer/123/jwt -> json -> didDocument, didDocumentMetadata
https://example.com/issuer/123/cwt -> cbor -> didDocument, didDocumentMetadata
https://example.com/issuer/123/proof -> json-ld -> didDocument, didDocumentMetadata

Nobody is forcing anyone to just use JSON

The spec requires a file called did.json. There are no generalizations of file names for the other representations. A simple change to did.<representation> to make it representation-independent would fix the narrative. Until then, it does force implementers to use JSON.

maybe my/your proposal below will somehow make DID web capable of surviving nation-state attacks?

Yes, an implementation of a signed DID Document provides all the security needed to be resilient even against nation-state attacks. And I think it is a good (optional) feature to have on the DID:WEB spec.

we were to make did:web use a JWT or CWT

You don't need to make implementers use a specific signature style (JWT, LDProof, etc), you just need to define where the signature would go in the style that it needs to be from another spec. LD Proof for instance is extremely well-defined. There is no need to repeat the definitions in the spec.

https://example.com/issuer/123/jwt -> json -> didDocument, didDocumentMetadata
https://example.com/issuer/123/cwt -> cbor -> didDocument, didDocumentMetadata
https://example.com/issuer/123/proof -> json-ld -> didDocument, didDocumentMetadata

This could definitely work.

Thanks for being open to the idea.

LD Proof for instance is extremely well-defined.

They are being renamed "Data Integrity Proofs", and are now a Verifiable Credentials WG item:

https://w3c.github.io/data-integrity/ (notice the 404).

I assume DID Core authors have some thoughts on how to write proofs inside their metadata structure. If so, then DID:WEB should only let people know how to find the metadata file. DID Core/DID Spec Registries should take care of the rest (defining fields for each proof type, in each representation option).

Also, FYI, the current draft of the DID Resolution talks about 3 types of proofs:

In the DID Resolution Metadata:

  • Proofs added by a DID resolver (e.g. to establish trusted resolution).

This is signed by the resolver itself. In the real world, the resolver can take legal liability to assert the DID Document is correct. It's super useful when apps are dependent on third-party resolvers.

In the DID Document Metadata

  • Proofs added by a DID controller (e.g. to establish control authority).
  • State proofs from the verifiable data registry.

The former is what I am looking for: an application-layer signature that can be verified by the application itself. The resolver is just a pass-through.

The latter is where the resolver cryptographically verifies the DID Document with the help of a "verifiable data registry". Very useful for blockchain systems. But DID:WEB could also use a version of this.

DID Core is highly unlikely to provide guidance on "securing meta data"... in a way that will support an abstract data model.

Certainly the registries can help if you plan to use Data Integrity Proofs with JSON-LD and a DID Document (of another method type) as the signer.

If the DID Web Metadata is going to be secured, this repository is the right place to define that... and to limit the potential unbounded number of ways that might happen.

@dmitrizagidulin @msporny @tplooker Where should did:web metadata go?

  1. In headers?
  2. In a document next to the did document?
  3. Inside the did document?

The DID Core specification is very consistent with existing HTTP content negotiation, using an accept element to specify desired representations and content types to identify those representations. In HTTP, accept is a request header containing one or more content type strings, content-type is a response header, and the process of identifying the best response is referred to as content negotiation.

This should be more efficient than mapping to specific URLs in the resolver, in that server-side logic would be able to identify the best available representation and deliver it in a single request. The explicit .json filename is a challenge in this scenario.

Pros and cons:

If in the headers then we might need to define a mapping function for each representation to an HTTP header. Maybe a dumb Base64 encoding of the raw DID Document Metadata contents in the chosen representation?

Two documents require two HTTP calls. Not super efficient, but not the end of the world either. Are there any security concerns when the web infra diverts the two calls to two different servers?

If inside the DID Document, then the spec should define that the did.json file is not a DID Document but an incomplete DID Resolution Result.

  1. in headers?

From a practical perspective, HTTP response headers are often limited in size, with 8k being a common default.

This is not required by the specification, and it is configurable, but it's worth noting.

  1. in headers?

From a practical perspective, HTTP response headers are often limited in size, with 8k being a common default.

This is not required by the specification, and it is configurable, but it's worth noting.

Here is the limit of the most popular web servers:

  • Apache - 8K
  • Nginx - 4K-8K
  • II S - 8K-16K
  • Tomcat - 8K – 48K
  • Node (<13) - 8K; (>13) - 16K

@gribneau would the map->HTTP header conversion require a dynamic web server? Are custom HTTP headers per file easy to set up/deal with on static servers and CDNs?

would the map->HTTP header conversion require a dynamic web server?

It is plausible that one might be able to accomplish this with pre-rendered metadata in files that are then included as headers in the response document, which would not require a scripting engine.

Rendering those files will necessarily be dynamic, but if they don't change they could (plausibly) be served as static files.

Are custom HTTP headers per file easy to set up/deal with on static servers

This would fall squarely into the advanced category. Relatively few people are familiar with the layout of headers vs. content in HTTP responses.

and CDNs?

CDNs cache what the origins send, and this can include headers. Expect an 8k limit.

Calls through an unsecured http and DNS MUST be accepted (The Security section can be deleted)

This requirement, particularly, is a non-starter for me.

Without TLS / SSL, an HTTP GET, together with any request headers, is visible in the clear to any network device that handles the traffic. The response, together with any headers, is similarly visible.

This change would expose use of did:web to surveillance.

Calls through an unsecured http and DNS MUST be accepted (The Security section can be deleted)

This requirement, particularly, is a non-starter for me.

Without TLS / SSL, an HTTP GET, together with any request headers, is visible in the clear to any network device that handles the traffic. The response, together with any headers, is similarly visible.

This change would expose use of did:web to surveillance.

I agree. Next time, I am not going to suggest a crazy example :)

So, looks like idea 3 is the leading contender. Do we all like this option? Please signal with a Like/Dislike reaction.

did.json will look like this: (this snippet is a variation of Option 2 from the first post)

	"@context": "https://w3id.org/did-resolution/v1",
	"didDocument": {
		"@context": "https://www.w3.org/ns/did/v1",
		"id": "did:web:example:com",
		"authentication": [{
			"id": "did:web:example:com#keys-1",
			"type": "Ed25519VerificationKey2018",
			"controller": "did:web:example:com",
			"publicKeyBase58": "H3C2AVvLMv6gmMNam3uVAjZpfkcJCwDwnZn6z3wXmqPV"
		"service": [{
			"id": "did:web:example:com#vcs",
			"type": "VerifiableCredentialService",
			"serviceEndpoint": "https://example.com/vc/"
	"didDocumentMetadata": {
		"created": "2019-03-23T06:35:22Z",
		"updated": "2023-08-10T13:40:06Z"
                "proof": {
                    // signature over the "didDocument" would go here.

what's the point of downloading a keyset document that an intermediary infrastructure can tweak around

It's one fundamental problem of the did:web method that it is easy for intermediary infrastructure to replace the entire DID document. I mean it's all relative, but a did:web is easier to manipulate than let's say a did:btcr.

  • If the DID document (or DID document metadata) contains a proof created by the DID controller, then that proof is worthless, because an attacker could manipulate the DID document content including the public keys and proofs themselves.
  • If the DID document (or DID document metadata) contains a proof created by some hardcoded external trusted signer (as suggested in a comment above), then that could make sense in some scenarios, but defining how to verify that is out of scope for individual DID methods and should be specified elsewhere.

Where is the DID Document Metadata stored for DID:WEB

This question is definitely in scope for a DID method spec, and I have been wondering myself how this could work for did:web. I don't have any preference here at all, but the original idea of DID document metadata was that it could originate from the DID controller and/or the DID method, or some combination of the two.

For example, in my mind it would be perfectly legitimate to say that in did:web, some DID document metadata (such as "updated") would be mapped from an HTTP header (such as "Last-Modified"). Note that the DID controller typically doesn't "manually" control such headers, it's the DID method that controls them. Whereas other DID document metadata (such as proofs) could come from a separate file on the webserver that the DID controller can edit however they like.

But again, I don't really have an opinion if and how exactly this should be supported by did:web.

I just realized that idea 3 breaks backward compatibility since most DID:WEB documents deployed right now have only the didDocument properties in the JSON. Since there is no versioning in the DID:WEB spec, DID:WEB resolvers would have to accept the old method (a direct DID Document in the JSON) and a new method (a JSON structure that includes the DID Document).

Is backward compatibility important at this stage? Or, because this is still a draft spec, we shouldn't care too much about it?

Is backward compatibility important at this stage? Or, because this is still a draft spec, we shouldn't care too much about it?

Backwards compatibility is not important at this stage. Until did:web achieves standardization and significant production deployment, we should be willing to change it. Experimental implementations will have to determine how they might keep backwards compatability if its important to them. For example, you could support both the "old style" and "new style" mechanisms described above by just checking for the existence of a few fields. That said, we shouldn't memorialize that experimental backwards compatibility in the specification in order to keep implementations as simple as we can achieve.

Hi all,

Please review PR #63.

Following the discussion here, the PR proposes:

  1. Changing the nature of the did.json document to become a DID Resolution Document that contains a DID Document and not the DID Document itself.
  2. Establishing the presence of DID Document Metadata with possibilities of adding cryptographic proofs to verify DID Documents.
  3. Allowing multiple representations (JSON, JSONLD, XML, CBOR, etc) of the DID Resolution Document for the same DID:WEB based on DID Resolution Options

Hi all,

@msporny requested to move the proposed (#63) proof section from the DID Document Metadata to the DID Document itself.

I am happy to do it either way (in the DID Document or in the DID Document Metadata). But since so many of you have said here that proof should not go in the did document, what do you think? Do we have any consensus on this?

I am comfortable either way.

I view adding signatures as a net positive, but remain agnostic on the question of placement in the DID document vs the DID metadata.

I am happy to do it either way (in the DID Document or in the DID Document Metadata). But since so many of you have said here that proof should not go in the did document, what do you think? Do we have any consensus on this?

I think the only viable answer here is "both". Implementers will want to secure the DID Document itself (provided by the DID Controller), and they will also want to provide a digital signature on the metadata associated with the DID Document (provided by the Verifiable Data Registry and/or the DID Resolver), and possibly over the entire resolution result (provided by the DID Resolver). All of those are valid use cases, and luckily, Data Integrity allows for all of that to happen. That said, if people want to use JWTs or some other mechanism that requires base64 encoding before signature, it will complicate matters.

Something to keep in mind as people weigh in... this isn't an either/or decision, IMHO.

Maybe we need a table on what types of proofs are acceptable in what places.

Type DID Document DID Document Metadata DID Resolution Metadata DID Resolution Result
Proof by a DID Controller 🚫 🚫
Proof by a Verifiable Data Registry 🚫 🚫 🚫
Proof by a DID Resolver 🚫 🚫 🚫

Does this make sense?

What's an example of a Verifiable Data Registry for DID WEB?

For JWTs, do we prefer something like:

  "didDocument": {
    "id": "did:web:example:com",
    "authentication": [{
      "id": "did:web:example:com#keys-1",
      "type": "Ed25519VerificationKey2018",
      "controller": "did:web:example:com",
      "publicKeyBase58": "H3C2AVvLMv6gmMNam3uVAjZpfkcJCwDwnZn6z3wXmqPV"
    "service": [{
      "id": "did:web:example:com#vcs",
      "type": "VerifiableCredentialService",
      "serviceEndpoint": "https://example.com/vc/"
  "didDocumentMetadata": {
    "created": "2019-03-23T06:35:22Z",
    "updated": "2023-08-10T13:40:06Z",
    "proof": {
      "type": "JwtProof2020",
      "jwt": "xxxx.yyyyy.zzzz"

or like this:

  "didDocument": {
    "id": "did:web:example:com",
    "authentication": [{
      "id": "did:web:example:com#keys-1",
      "type": "Ed25519VerificationKey2018",
      "controller": "did:web:example:com",
      "publicKeyBase58": "H3C2AVvLMv6gmMNam3uVAjZpfkcJCwDwnZn6z3wXmqPV"
    "service": [{
      "id": "did:web:example:com#vcs",
      "type": "VerifiableCredentialService",
      "serviceEndpoint": "https://example.com/vc/"
    "proof": {
      "type": "JwtProof2020",
      "jwt": "xxxx.yyyyy.zzzz"
  "didDocumentMetadata": {
    "created": "2019-03-23T06:35:22Z",
    "updated": "2023-08-10T13:40:06Z",

and since the JWT has a copy of the payload within itself, do we allow this? This is the equivalent to the LD-Signatures proof format, but for native JWT, where the didDocument is verifiably found in the yyyy section. In the previous method, the verifier needs to manually check if the yyyy section of the JWT matches the didDocument copy.

  "didDocument": "xxxx.yyyyy.zzzz"
  "didDocumentMetadata": {
    "created": "2019-03-23T06:35:22Z",
    "updated": "2023-08-10T13:40:06Z",

This is important because there is also a CWT (using CBOR), where the same questions have to be asked.

the JWT has a copy of the payload within itself

I generally prefer detached signatures to avoid duplicating data.

I don't like the confusion of the proof in the DID Document being a signature about the DID Document while the proof in the DID Document Metadata being about the DID Document as well and not the DID Document Metadata itself.

Maybe we need a different field name when the proof of the DID Document is placed inside the Metadata? didDocumentProof?

I don't like the confusion of the proof in the DID Document being a signature about the DID Document while the proof in the DID Document Metadata being about the DID Document as well and not the DID Document Metadata itself.

-1 to "the proof in the DID Document Metadata being about the DID Document".

Maybe we need a different field name when the proof of the DID Document is placed inside the Metadata? didDocumentProof?

-1 to this as well.

This conversation is reviving all that is terrible about how JWS and JWTs are used in practice. If you want to use proof, that is about signing the object that it's a part of, full stop. Don't do anything else with it, you'll confuse things greatly.

You could add things like didDocumentProof, but again, now you're doing that because JWTs are not capable of being natively embedded... they are external proofs and thus they require you to either wrap your entire data structure you're signing, or contort your data structures to fit into the JWTs-are-the-center-of-the-world data model (by inventing some sort of referencing "the data really lives over there and you must process it in this bespoke special way" solution). You're effectively defining a specific type of digital signature that is only valid in a DID Document Metadata section and making application-layer logic more complex as a result. JWTs are not fit for purpose for this kind of use case (where you are trying to achieve multiple signatures from multiple parties over subsets of data in the same document).

If you're going to use proof, use it in the way it was intended -- embed it in the objects you wanted to sign and you're good. No complex cross-referencing of subparts of a document.

If you want to try and shoe-horn non-embedded signatures into these responses, you're going to have to standardize something to do that, or create a one-off special purpose signature for DID Document Metadata. If you are going to do the latter, I expect there will be strong push-back due to the application layer complexity introduced with those type of half-baked approaches.

The only other alternative for JWT-based signatures that feels possibly workable is embedding the entire object being signed in the metadata, which results in duplication of content.

This conversation is reviving all that is terrible about how JWS and JWTs are used in practice.

It's also reminding us that VC WG has not yet defined proof.

You could make the entire resolution response be a JWS for JSON + JSON-LD and a CWS for CBOR.

This conversation is reviving all that is terrible about how JWS and JWTs are used in practice.

I agree, but we can either say that JWS and JWT MUST NOT be used OR we MUST provide the right way for people to use them. Not addressing the issue with finality is terrible for interoperability.

There is also SAML2 Assertions to deal with when the representation is XML

Of course, Linked proofs can be written in XML-LD and CBOR-LD as well. But that would simply follow the same solution for JSON-LD.

You could make the entire resolution response be a JWS for JSON + JSON-LD and a CWS for CBOR.

Please provide a complete proposal so that we can evaluate it. Note the requirements, there are three pieces of information that need to be digitally signed by three different parties, and then carried in the DID Resolution Response.

That proposal exists for Data Integrity (just add a proof to each sub-part of the response you want to have covered).

Of course, Linked proofs can be written in XML-LD and CBOR-LD as well. But that would simply follow the same solution for JSON-LD.

Yep, exactly. So we have at least one solution that is serialization format agnostic (granted, XML-LD doesn't exist yet... but the JSON and CBOR serializations certainly do exist). I suggest we don't try to support XML at this point in time unless we get large customer demand for it.

There is also SAML2 Assertions to deal with when the representation is XML

Who is currently planning to return SAML2 Assertions in XML format in a DID Resolution response?

Who is currently planning to return SAML2 Assertions in XML format in a DID Resolution response?

I don't want to diverge the discussion, but the XML-loving community is as big as the JSON-loving community. Anyone working with verifiable schema definitions (i.e. XSD) and data transformations (i.e. XSLT) is probably running XML-based services and wouldn't want to change it. JSON just doesn't provide the same level of tooling yet. Personally, I have two customers in that mindset. Since these are just representations of the common data model we are trying to spec out, I would argue the idea here is to be inclusive of people's needs.

That proposal exists for Data Integrity (just add a proof to each sub-part of the response you want to have covered).

It's also reminding us that VC WG has not yet defined proof.

Once VC WG defines proof, it could make sense to register it as an extension property in the DID spec registries, which of course would also serve to show that Data Integrity can be used for other things than VCs :)

You could make the entire resolution response be a JWS for JSON + JSON-LD and a CWS for CBOR.

Maybe we segment the spec into Data Integrity proofs and other proof packaging needs? (Independent from the representation choice)

Once VC WG defines proof, it could make sense to register it as an extension property in the DID spec registries, which of course would also serve to show that Data Integrity can be used for other things than VCs :)

Assuming proof is not scoped to "only mean VCs"... 💯