w33zy / learning-oop-in-php

A collection of resources to learn object-oriented programming and related concepts for PHP developers.

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Learning OOP in PHP

A collection of resources to learn object-oriented programming and related concepts for PHP developers. Please see CONTRIBUTING for details and contribute. ;)


OOP Fundamentals

Object-oriented programming fundamentals tutorials.

OOP Advanced

Object-oriented programming advanced tutorials.

Object-Oriented Design

Object-oriented design tutorials.

Design Patterns

Design patterns tutorials.


Refactoring tutorials.


Architecture tutorials.


Not related to OOP but interesting resources.


Videos about object-oriented programming and related concepts.

  • ...more to come...


Slides about object-oriented programming and related concepts.

  • The OOP in PHP - An introductory tutorial to OOP concepts and terminology using PHP's object model as an example.


Courses about object-oriented programming and related concepts.

  • ...more to come...


Fantastic and must-read books about object-oriented programming, analysis, design and related concepts.


Some fantastic and influential PHP and non-PHP developers.

  • Adam Culp - Consultant at Zend Technologies and Sunshine PHP organizer.
  • Alvaro Videla - Creator of PHP library for RabbitMQ and co-author of RabbitMQ in Action.
  • Andi Gutmans - CEO and co-founder of Zend and PHP co-architect.
  • Andy Hunt - One of the original authors of Agile Manifesto and co-author of The Pragmatic Programmer book.
  • Anthony Ferrara - Co-author of PHP Internals book and Developer Advocate for Google.
  • Benjamin Eberlei - Project-leader of Doctrine ORM and contributor to the Symfony2 Framework.
  • Bernhard Schussek - Member of Symfony2 core development and creator of Puli library.
  • Bruno Skvorc - Web developer and PHP editor in Sitepoint.
  • Cal Evans - PHP developer and open source contributor.
  • Chad Fowler - Developer, speaker and author of The Passionate Programmer book.
  • Christophe Coevoet - Member of Symfony2 core development and open source contributor to projects like Doctrine ORM.
  • David Zuelke - PHP developer at Heroku and regular speaker.
  • Dayle Rees - Laravel evangelist and author of Laravel Code Bright and Code Happy books.
  • Derick Rethans - Author of Xdebug and PHP engineer/evangelist on MongoDB.
  • Erika Heidi - Author of Vagrant Cookbook and Phansible project and developer evangelist at Digital Ocean.
  • Fabien Potencier - CEO and co-founder of SensioLabs and founder and project lead of Symfony Framework.
  • Guilherme Blanco - PHP developer and open source contributor to projects like Doctrine ORM and Zend and Symfony frameworks.
  • Hugo Hamon - PHP developer and head of training in SensioLabs.
  • Igor Wiedler - Creator of Silex micro-framework and open-source contributor to projects like Symfony and Composer.
  • Javier Eguiluz - Symfony evangelist in SensioLab and creator of easybook project.
  • Jeffrey Way - Creator of Laracasts and Laravel contributor and evangelist.
  • Jeremy Mikola - Engineer at MongoDB, open source contributor to projects like Doctrine ODM and Symfony Framework, and co-organizer of WurstCon.
  • Johannes Schmitt - Founder of Scrutinizer CI and open source contributor to projects like Symfony.
  • Jordi Boggiano - Founder of Toran Proxy, co-creator and project lead of Composer and Monolog and Symfony core developer.
  • Josh Lockhart - Creator of Slim Framework and PHP The Right Way site.
  • Julien Pauli - Co-author of PHP Internals book and open source contributor.
  • Kent Beck - One of the original authors of Agile Manifesto and creator of Exteme Programming and Test Driven Development.
  • Konstantin Kudryashov - Creator of Behat and PhpSpec test frameworks.
  • Kris Wallsmith - PHP developer and creator of Assetic framework and Buzz library.
  • Larry Garfield - PHP developer and core contributor of Drupal.
  • Lukas Kahwe Smith - PHP developer and open source contributor to projects like Doctrine ORM and Symfony Framework.
  • Marcello Duarte - PHP developer and co-creator of PhpSpec test framework.
  • Martin Fowler - One of the original authors of Agile Manifesto and author of the best selling books about software engineering like Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture and Refactoring books.
  • Matthew Weier O'Phinney - Principal Enginner at Zend Technologies and project lead for Zend Framework and Apigility.
  • Matthias Noback - PHP developer and author of books like A Year with Symfony and Principles of Package Design.
  • Marco Pivetta - PHP developer and core team member of Doctrine ORM and team member of Zend Framework.
  • Michael Dowling - Software enginner at Amazon Web Services and creator of Guzzle library.
  • Mike van Riel - PHP developer and lead developer of phpDocumentor and Cilex projects.
  • Nikita Popov - Co-author of PHP Internals book, open source contributor and creator of PHP Parser library.
  • Nils Adermann - PHP developer and co-creator of Composer.
  • Pablo Godel - PHP developer, open source contributor and co-organizer of Sunshine PHP.
  • Paul Jones - PHP developer, creator of Aura PHP, open source contributor and author of Modernizing Legacy Applications in PHP.
  • Phil Sturgeon - Founder of PyroCMS, open source contributor and author of Build APIs You Won't Hate book.
  • Philip Brown - PHP developer and writer in Culttt website.
  • Pádraic Brady - Creator of Mockery library and open source contributor to projects like Zend Framework.
  • Rafael Dohms - PHP developer and evangelist, open source contributor and organizer of Amsterdam PHP.
  • Rasmus Lerdorf - Creator of PHP and open source contributor.
  • Rob Allen - PHP developer, Zend Framework contributor and co-author of Zend Framework in Action book.
  • Robert C. Martin - One of the original authors of Agile Manifesto and author of the best selling books about software engineering like Clean Code and Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C# books.
  • Ryan Weaver - PHP developer, trainer and consultant at KnpLabs and member of Symfony core team.
  • Sara Golemon - Open source contributor to projects like PHP runtime and HHVM and author of Extending and Embedding PHP book.
  • Sebastian Bergmann - PHP developer, open source contributor and creator of PHPUnit test framework.
  • Taylor Otwell - PHP developer and creator of Laravel Framework.
  • Ward Cunningham - Programmer pioneer in Design Patterns and Extreme Programming.
  • William Durand - PHP developer, open source contributor and creator of Geocoder library.
  • Zeev Suraski - CTO and co-founder of Zend and PHP co-architect.

Some Questions

I found not related to PHP resources. Is this correct?
The project name is "Learning OOP in PHP". But, despite the name, object oriented programming is a concept related to a lot of other languages like C++, Java, C#, Python, Ruby and so on. That said, exists a lot of fantastic resources like videos and tutorials about object-oriented programming made in another programming languages and I considered reasonable include them here in this reference.

There are some tutorials that aren't in the correct section?
I tried to keep this reference as simple as possible and divided it in a few areas. But there are some problems! Feel free to make any suggestions and contribute.


A collection of resources to learn object-oriented programming and related concepts for PHP developers.