w23 / alacritty

A cross-platform, GPU-accelerated terminal emulator

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hidpi glithes

w23 opened this issue · comments

On Windows w/ hidpi u_cell_dim can end up being not integer, thus breaking pixel alignment in shader.

On Windows w/ hidpi u_cell_dim can end up being not integer, thus breaking pixel alignment in shader.

Are you sure that cell dimensions are non integer? All cell metrics are floor'ed in a code, and it'll be strange to get something like that. But I can only speak for latest master, since SizeInfo got changed.

I'm sure that modding by u_cell_dim does not get expected sample-point aligned values, and I can't come up with another explanation. I've only seen it on hidpi windows, so maybe something weird is going on there specifically.

Well, if you think that it's due to HiDPI and you have XWayland around, you can do WINIT_X11_SCALE_FACTOR=1.2 (or whatever) to try setting arbitrary scaling factors. However before you start digging into that I'd suggest you to rebase, so you'll get latest update to SizeInfo handling.

Oddly enough, I can't see any similar artifacts on Linux+x11. This is even w/o rebase.

Oddly enough, I can't see any similar artifacts on Linux+x11. This is even w/o rebase.

Maybe Windows doens't like shaders for whatever reason? I'd suggest to assert fractional parts of size info feilds before setting uniforms, maybe something is fractional..