vyzo / gerbil-repl-history

A way to store forms entered and values returned from a REPL

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REPL History: a brief moment in time.

<edw> For me, I have a .scm/.ss file that has the functions I’m working on, and then at the REPL I’m doing sanity checking and exploratory coding, and then many of those sanity checking expressions graduate to what kids call unit tests or whatever. The REPL is ephemeral. Gloriously and irritatingly so.


When I started LISPing, the REPL history was one of the first things that really made it different. A program is alive, and we talk to it while it’s changing. Knowing what we said (aka +, ++, +++ in CL) and what the response was (*, ***, ***) is a big help.

In other-words, being able to refer to throwaways, and take them out of the garbage, is important when exploring and debugging.

With % chosen as the symbol, we make history!


In reality, all we are doing is recording what is read and eval’d and printed. There is one function exported that does it all. That function is repl-history%.

To add a history we use (repl-history% 'add! form result). To test, we’ll print the number.

(define (TOP>)
  (display "TOP> ")
  (let* ((form (read))
         (result (eval form))
         (num (repl-history% 'add! form result)))
    (display (string-append "%" (number->string num) " => "))

(define (test-repl-history>)
  (let ((t (TOP>)))
    (if (eq? t 'exit)
      (begin (display t) (display "\n") (test-repl-history>)))))

Here is the REPL interaction.

> (test-repl-history>)
TOP> (list 'this "is" '(the first) "numbered" 0)                   
%0 => (this is (the first) numbered 0)

TOP> 'now-the-second                                               
%1 => now-the-second

TOP> (list "We give a number" (+ 1 1 1))                           
%2 => (We give a number 3)

TOP> `(|Now, we just entered:| ,(repl-history% 'previous-form 0) " to get" , (repl-history% 'previous-result 0))
%3 => (Now, we just entered: (list We give a number (+ 1 1 1))  to get (We give a number 3))

TOP> `(|Now, we just entered:| ,(repl-history% 'previous-form 0) " to get" , (repl-history% 'previous-result 0))
%4 => (Now, we just entered: `(Now, we just entered: ,(repl-history% 'previous-form 0)  to get ,(repl-history% 'previous-result 0))  to get (Now, we just entered: (list We give a number (+ 1 1 1))  to get (We give a number 3)))

TOP> (begin "And we can do it by number. Remember %0?" (cons (repl-history% 'form 0) (repl-history% 'result 0)))
%5 => ((list 'this is '(the first) numbered 0) this is (the first) numbered 0)

TOP> (list "And %1" (repl-history% 'result 1))               
%6 => (And %1 now-the-second)

TOP> 'exit
%7 => exit

Reader Macros!

History is used all the time, and quick keystrokes are where it’s at. If we note the very first REPL example, it prints %0. We have created that syntax!

%0 for result number 0
%+8 for the form that eval’d to result 8.
% for the last result, %%% for 3 results ago, etc.
%+ for the form that eval’d to the the last result (%), with %++++ doing what it should.
> (test-repl-history>)
TOP> 'what-number-are-we-at?
%8 => what-number-are-we-at?

TOP> `(So what happens when I type ,%8 ?)
%9 => (So what happens when I type what-number-are-we-at? ?)

TOP> `(Awesome |,| and %+8 for the form: ,%+8)
%10 => (Awesome , and (repl-history% 'form 8) for the form 'what-number-are-we-at?)

TOP> `("now," % for previous result and %+ for previous form: ,% ,%+) 
%11 => (now, (repl-history% 'previous-result 0) for previous result and (repl-history% 'previous-form 0) for previous form (Awesome , and (repl-history% 'form 8) for the form 'what-number-are-we-at?) `(Awesome , and (repl-history% 'form 8) for the form ,(repl-history% 'form 8)))

TOP> (list 11 '- 4 'for 'multiple 'previous '%%%% '%++++ %%%% %++++)  
%12 => (11 - 4 for multiple previous (repl-history% 'previous-result 3) (repl-history% 'previous-form 3) what-number-are-we-at? 'what-number-are-we-at?)

History storage

Still in gambit

(define repl-history-number -1)

(define repl-history-result-table
  (make-table weak-values: #t
              test: eqv?))

(define repl-history-form-table
  (make-table weak-values: #t
              test: eqv?))

(define repl-history-previous-cache-length 3)

(define repl-history-previous-cache '())

(define (repl-history-add! form result)
  "=> the number"
  (let ((this-number (+ repl-history-number 1))
        (new-cache (cons (cons form result) repl-history-previous-cache)))
    (when (> (length new-cache) repl-history-previous-cache-length)
      (set! new-cache (take new-cache repl-history-previous-cache-length)))
    (table-set! repl-history-form-table this-number form)
    (table-set! repl-history-result-table this-number result)
    (set! repl-history-previous-cache new-cache)
    (set! repl-history-number  this-number)

(define repl-history-number-cache-length 10)

(define repl-history-number-cache '())

(define (repl-history-clear)
 (set! repl-history-number -1)
 (set! repl-history-previous-cache '())
 (set! repl-history-number-cache '()))

(define repl-history-nope (gensym))

(define (repl-history-find-cached-cons-by-number n)
  (let ((cached (assoc n repl-history-number-cache eqv?)))
    (or cached
        (let* ((result (table-ref repl-history-result-table n repl-history-nope))
               (form (table-ref repl-history-form-table n repl-history-nope)))
          (if (eq? result repl-history-nope)
            (let ((new-cache (cons (cons n (cons form result)) repl-history-number-cache)))
              (when (> (length new-cache) repl-history-number-cache-length)
                (set! new-cache (take new-cache repl-history-number-cache-length)))
              (set! repl-history-number-cache new-cache)
              (car new-cache)))))))

(define (repl-history-result n)
  (let ((cached (repl-history-find-cached-cons-by-number n)))
    (if (pair? cached)
      (cddr cached)

(define (repl-history-previous-result n)
  (repl-history-result (- repl-history-number n)))

(define (repl-history-form n)
  (let ((cached (repl-history-find-cached-cons-by-number n)))
    (if (pair? cached)
      (cadr cached)

(define (repl-history-previous-form n)
  (repl-history-form (- repl-history-number n)))

;;; Make it so only one forms need exporting repl-history%

(define (repl-history% type . args)
  (case type
    ((add!) (apply repl-history-add! args))
    ((result) (apply repl-history-result args))
    ((previous-result) (apply repl-history-previous-result args))
    ((form) (apply repl-history-form args))
    ((previous-form) (apply repl-history-previous-form args))))

ask vyzo how to gerbilize it


First things first, + and * are bound variables in scheme. I’ve decided on #\% as the delimiter. I, of course, use %name all the time for making things marked as internal. While that makes it a good candidate, it also means I cannot simply steal it as a reader syntax.

So, the % sign is for the previous result, with %% being the second last result, etc.

The %+ is for the previous form that, when it was eval’d, returned the previous result. %++ does what it should.

Now, all return values have a number, starting at 0. %n, where n is an integer, returns that result. Furthermore, %+n returns the form that gave it.

  ;;; This works only in gambit for now.

(##include "~~lib/gambit#.scm")
(##include "~~lib/_gambit#.scm")

(##define-macro (macro-peek-next-char-or-eof re) ;; possibly returns EOF
  `(macro-peek-char (macro-readenv-port ,re)))

(##define-macro (macro-read-next-char-or-eof re) ;; possibly returns EOF
  `(macro-read-char (macro-readenv-port ,re)))

(define (read-percent re c)
  (let ((start-pos (##readenv-current-filepos re)))
    (macro-read-next-char-or-eof re) ;; skip #\#
    (read-percent-aux re start-pos)))

(define (every pred tlist)
  (if (char? pred)
    (let ((c pred))
      (set! pred (lambda (i) (equal? i c)))))
  (if (null? tlist)
    (let ((t (pred (car tlist))))
      (if t
        (if (null? (cdr tlist))
          (every pred (cdr tlist)))

(define (make-history-form re type n)
  (macro-readenv-wrap re (list 'repl-history% (list 'quote type) n)))

(define (read-percent-aux re start-pos)
  (let* ((str (##build-delimited-string re #\% 1))
         (length (string-length str))
         (slist (string->list str))) 

     ;; First "%" repeating
     ((every #\% slist)
       re 'previous-result (- length 1)))
     ;; Now, "%+" with "+" repeating
     ((every #\+ (cdr slist))
       re 'previous-form (- length 2)))
     ;; Ok, is it now "%n" with n being an integer?
     ((every char-numeric? (cdr slist))
       re 'result (##string->number/keyword/symbol re (list->string (cdr slist)) #t)))
     ((and (equal? (cadr slist) #\+)
           (every char-numeric? (cddr slist)))
       re 'form (##string->number/keyword/symbol re (list->string (cddr slist)) #t)))
      (macro-readenv-wrap re (##string->number/keyword/symbol re str #t))))))

  (##readtable-char-handler-set! (current-readtable) #\%  read-percent)


Right now, it’s all manual! This week I’ll open some strings for read and test.

For now.

$ gsi
Gambit v4.9.1

> (load "_repl-history.scm")    
> (load "test_repl-history.scm")
> (test-repl-history>)          
TOP> (begin "Zero form" 'first-result)
%0 => first-result
TOP> (begin "Previous result" %)
%1 => first-result
TOP> (begin "Previous form" %+) 
%2 => (begin Previous result (repl-history% 'previous-result 0))
TOP> %+++
%3 => (begin Zero form 'first-result)
TOP> %%%%
%4 => first-result
TOP> %0  
%5 => first-result
TOP> %+0
%6 => (begin Zero form 'first-result)
TOP> %6
%7 => (begin Zero form 'first-result)

Gambit _repl-history.scm




A way to store forms entered and values returned from a REPL

License:MIT License


Language:Scheme 100.0%