vyzo / gerbil-directory

Gerbil Package Directory

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Gerbil Package Directory

This is a list of known Gerbil packages; to add your package to the list, just edit README.md and open a PR!

Package Description
github.com/Glow-lang/glow Glow: language of safe decentralized applications
github.com/danielsz/gerbil-gumbo Gumbo parser bindings
github.com/dlozeve/fancy Fancy terminal pretty-printing utilities
github.com/dlozeve/uniplot Unicode plotting tool for displaying CSV data directly in your terminal
github.com/drewc/ftw For the Web!
github.com/drewc/gerbil-local-time A gerbil package that implements "The Long, Painful History of Time"
github.com/drewc/gerbil-midi A simple way of interacting with MIDI events and files.
github.com/drewc/gerbil-repl-history Make the # char work for all REPLs
github.com/ecraven/r7rs-swank Swank server for r7rs Schemes
github.com/eraserhd/clojerbil Clojure-compatibility stuff
github.com/eraserhd/gerbil-bencode A bencode library
github.com/eraserhd/gitout Missing git/github command-line utilities
github.com/hckiang/srfi-54 SRFI-54
github.com/kwannoel/gerbilKanren MicroKanren on Gerbil Scheme
github.com/kyoto-shift/spirit A minimal command line parsing library
github.com/lassik/gerbil-srfi-175 SRFI 175: ASCII character library
github.com/mighty-gerbils/gerbil-crypto Gerbil Crypto: Extra Cryptographic Primitives for Gerbil
github.com/mighty-gerbils/gerbil-ethereum Gerbil Ethereum: Gerbil client to Ethereum nodes
github.com/mighty-gerbils/gerbil-leveldb Gerbil leveldb: use leveldb key-value stores via FFI
github.com/mighty-gerbils/gerbil-lmdb Gerbil LMDB: use LMDB key-value stores via FFI
github.com/mighty-gerbils/gerbil-libxml Gerbil libxml: parse and process XML and HTML via FFI
github.com/mighty-gerbils/gerbil-libyaml Gerbil libyaml: parse and process YAML configurations via FFI
github.com/mighty-gerbils/gerbil-persist Gerbil Persist: Persistence for Concurrent Activities
github.com/mighty-gerbils/gerbil-mysql Gerbil mysql: connect to MySQL/MariaDB via FFI
github.com/mighty-gerbils/gerbil-poo Gerbil POO: Prototype Object Orientation
github.com/mighty-gerbils/gerbil-utils Gerbil Clan: Community curated Collection of Common Utilities
github.com/ober/Kunabi Cloudtrail parser
github.com/ober/confluence Confluence cli
github.com/ober/datadog Datadog package
github.com/ober/jira Jira client
github.com/ober/pagerduty Pagerduty Package
github.com/ober/slack Slack Package
github.com/proksi21/gerbil-tools Gerbil Xerx: Collection of useful macros (aif, alambda and so on)
github.com/thunknyc/gerbil-apropos Tool for generating exported Gerbil names
github.com/thunknyc/gerbil-hash Hash table match macro and constructor
github.com/thunknyc/gerbil-ioenv IO environments
github.com/thunknyc/gerbil-list List utilities
github.com/thunknyc/gerbil-sugar Thunk NYC Corp. sugar for Gerbil
github.com/thunknyc/gerbil-treadmill Gerbil back-end for Emacs integration
github.com/vyzo/gerbil-aws AWS client libraries
github.com/vyzo/gerbil-cairo Cairo bindings
github.com/vyzo/gerbil-libp2p libp2p bindings
github.com/vyzo/gerbil-netvis A simple network visualizer for pubsub message propagation
github.com/vyzo/gerbil-simsub A pubsub protocol and its simulator
github.com/yanndegat/colorstring a library for outputting colored strings to a console using a simple inline syntax in your string to specify the color to print as
github.com/yanndegat/gerbil-namegen Namegen is a gerbil package for generating random names


Gerbil Package Directory