vydimitrov / react-countdown-circle-timer

Lightweight React/React Native countdown timer component with color and progress animation based on SVG

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How to make incremental count

rajeevverma076 opened this issue · comments

I wanted to know I can clock incremental way. There are no props available for this. Can someone help me with this?

Hey @rajeevverma076, can you give a bit more info on what you want to achieve?

Hi @vydimitrov

I wanted to achieve incremental count down. For example, if I will click on any button my timer will start in an incremental way, not decremental. Currently it is working count down in incremental only.

Ex- https://codepen.io/ninjascribble/pen/DRPwQY

Do you need the circle animation or just the count up numbers?

circle animation same as [react-countdown-circle-timer]

How about this one? https://codesandbox.io/s/cool-bardeen-0e3gu1?file=/src/index.jss

This is good but duration={10} should be dymanic. Means no limit.

How to used children props.

const children = ({ remainingTime }) => {
const minutes = Math.floor(remainingTime / 60)
const seconds = remainingTime % 60
return ${minutes}:${seconds}

Please help me with this.
const children = ({ remainingTime }) => {
const minutes = Math.floor(remainingTime / 60)
const seconds = remainingTime % 60
return ${minutes}:${seconds}

This is good but duration={10} should be dymanic. Means no limit.

Just pass big enough number

Please help me with this.
const children = ({ remainingTime }) => {
const minutes = Math.floor(remainingTime / 60)
const seconds = remainingTime % 60
return ${minutes}:${seconds}

What do you want me to help you with?

Hello @vydimitrov

Thank you for your prompt response to my query. Can you please let me know one more query it is possible to show the progress bar on the continuous way with stoping watch and I will pass props once the process has been completed?
For example, I have pass duration={100} and my process completed in 60 seconds till the time progress bar should continually run like this. https://codesandbox.io/s/ccttsj?file=/demo.js

Let me know if you manage to achieve what you wanted so I can close the issue.

Closing this issue, let me know if you have any other questions.