vyapp / vy

A vim-like in python made from scratch.

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Crash on windows

bkushnir opened this issue · comments

C:\Python27\Scripts>C:\Python27\python.exe vy.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "vy.py", line 16, in
root = App()
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\vyapp\app.py", line 41, in init
execfile(rc, ENV)
File "C:\Users\bogdan.vy\vyrc", line 141, in
import vyapp.plugins.pdb.debug
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\vyapp\plugins\pdb\debug.py", line 15, in
from untwisted.network import core, cmap, READ, Device
File "C:\Python27\lib\site-packages\untwisted\network.py", line 29, in
from os import O_NONBLOCK
ImportError: cannot import name O_NONBLOCK

Yes, you need to comment line lines below.

import vyapp.plugins.ibash

in your ~/.vy/vyrc file, the way to control processes on windows is with doors plugin.

Also ibash is a problem, it is not happening first and my stack trace is pointing to lines:
import vyapp.plugins.pdb.debug

After commenting out both, I was able to see window with red line blinking. I don't see a text editor in this.

It would be great if you guys at least try to run 'vy' on windows. I can help fixing some issues but if it is not working at all, it is hard understand where is top and bottom of this all.

Yes, the pdb plugin wouldn' work either you should comment those lines.
it would be nice if you could test vy on windows. what do you mean with it is hard to understand where is top and bottom?

it would be great if you helped us. do you access irc.freenode.org? if you join us there we could have a better insight. my nick is tau there.

the pdb and ibash plugin fails on untwisted because these use popen instances with non blocking. these work only on nix like systems. there is a way to start processes using threads, the doors plugin works on top of untwisted but using threads. i'll implement a pdb version that works on threads and popen processes. so pdb will work on windows as well. i'll figure out a way to not get those exceptions when vy is run on windows instead of the user having to comment those lines.

Apologies if my conclusions below are too harsh to you but re-writing vim using
python language was a plan which IMO is close to optimal, considering
portability, popularity, simplicity and power of the language (also I don't
think python is a perfect language). Taking into account that vim is a very
powerful editor which lacks a good programming language behind, 'vy' can be a
solution for many coders. So, my intent is to improve and help rather then to
show how bad it is.

Under "top-bottom" I meant first impression from this project.
On windows I was able to see window with a red line blinking. I was not
able to use vim key-chains neither to navigate within the line nor to
switch to the command line.
1) Code is written using Unix specific functionality which means that at
least one the following is true:
- There is no interest in Windows support at least for now.
- Current project strategy is to achieve result
quickly and then port to other platforms.
I hope that only later is the case but as a windows citizen I don't agree
with the approach.
2) There are no tests at all. For a bigger project built using dynamically
typed language, it simply means 'no quality'. Lack of tests may seem very
tempting to save time on the initial stage of the project but indeed it
will cause either too many bug fixes to make it stable or just a dead-born
baby. The only exception from this rule is a quick prototype/POC and not a
real result.

(still me, changed to personal account)

it would be great if you helped us. do you access irc.freenode.org? if you join us there we could have a better insight. my nick is tau there.

Not sure how much time I can spend on vy and whether goals of the project will align to mine but I'd like to help as much as I can for now.
Was not able to find free IRC client for windows. Web version of client looks like esoteric piece of something which I don't have time to learn. Also you didn't provide channel name, only user name. Have no idea how to connect to user, sorry. Please feel free to mail me directly.

Why not to use email groups??

The channel name is #vy, you can connect through https://webchat.freenode.net/
tell me when you'll be online there or you can add me on skype



I agree that i hadn't given a lot of window support although it is in my plan. i need to implement a platform scheme for plugins. There are actually two plugins that wouldn't run on windows platform, it is the ibash.py and pdb plugin which use untwisted non blocking sockets to interact with external processes. You can call a command line process through the doors.py i haven't documented how to use doors.py yet. but it is functional and tested. I will write some tests for vy and it would be great if i had help with some of them. Let us schedule a time to have a dynamic talk.