vyapp / vy

A vim-like in python made from scratch.

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Addition of virtual events.

iogf opened this issue · comments

It may be better to implement custom keymaps for plugins
to use virtual events like:

class ExampleEvent(object):
    def __init__(self, area):
        self.area = area
        area.install(('BETA', '<<ExampleEvent.OutputData>>', self.output_data))
        area.event_add('<<ExampleEvent.OutputData>>', '<Key-h>')

    def output_data(self, e):
        self.area.insert('end', 'This is nice')

install = ExampleEvent

or it could be.


Just a test to demonstrate virtual events.


Mode: BETA
Event: <<ExampleEvent.OutputData>>, <Key-h>
Description: insert the text 'This is nice' on the focused

class ExampleEvent(object):
    def __init__(self, area):
        self.area = area
        area.install(('BETA', ('<<ExampleEvent.OutputData>>', '<Key-h>', ...), self.output_data))
        # area.event_add('<<ExampleEvent.OutputData>>', '<Key-h>')

    def output_data(self, e):
        self.area.insert('end', 'This is nice')

install = ExampleEvent

I do prefer the first one, but I don't get why going for this.
Is it a shortcut to bind multiple keys to the same function?
<< VirtualEvent >> -> my_pretty_function
Key-a -> << VirtualEvent >>
Key-b -> << VirtualEvent >>


The main goal would be turning it easier for users to remap functionalities. Instead of having to remap a key to a key, one could just remap a custom event to a keypress. The custom event would be documented by the plugin. Basicly, you would do something like:

remap('<SomeFunctionality>', '<Key-x>')

Instead of

remap('<Key-y>', '<Key-x>')

Where Key-y is linked to some function. It is much more meaningful to have


rather than


when having to remap keys.

Definetly true.
Although it could also be done the other way around by having a way to pass plugins params from vyrc where you could specify the keys you desires (as well other configurations some plugins might need, like where to find a language server if a plugin needs one) and, only if not found, fallback to default.

I still think remap is a cool feature to keep, but I do think it should not be the default for plugins key.