vyakymenko / angular-seed-express

[DEPRECATED, Please use https://github.com/vyakymenko/angular-express] Extensible, reliable and modular starter project for Angular 7 with statically typed build AoT compilation, Express server and PM2 Daemon.

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Backend debugging

NiLeShpatil777 opened this issue · comments

What steps will reproduce the problem?

  1. I have two directories in my source folder one with Server which contains backend code written in node.js with typescript. I have used gulp task manager & express server to run backend code. My node version is v6.8.1
    & npm version is 3.10.7. Second directory is Client which contains front end code written in angular 2 - 2.0 version.
  2. I have attached screenshot of my project structure. ( Screenshot_attachment : seed_project_1, seed_project_2, seed_project_3)
    My Nodejs Sever directory structure is ( Screenshot_attachment : project_node_structure)
  3. When I compile my project with 'npm start', transpiled files are created inside 'Dist' folder as per shown in Screenshot. ( Screenshot_attachment : project_node_compiled )
  4. Screenshot with my Node.js Debug configuration. ( Screenshot_attachment : nodejsDebuggerConfiguration )
  5. Added a breakpoints in Javascript file and press Debug.
  6. Here is I am getting Error for v8debug in WebStorm debugger console but not in terminal. ( Screenshot_attachment : user_controller_debug )
  7. I started my front-end & when I hit login functionality it simply gives error for Server Connection. It means my server has not started yet, but in debugger it shows mongodb connection. (Screenshot_attachment : user_controller_debug)

What is the expected result ?

I want WebStorm to stop on breakpoint inside of the .ts/.js file and should be able to inspect the typescript variables as per when I debug node.js with pure javascript. ( In that earlier project, I have used separate single directory for backend code in node.js with typescript. )

What happens instead?

nothing happens, IDE doesn't stop on any typescript/Javascript file breakpoints. Though it shows green 'right' mark inside breakpoint circle (screenshot). But I am unable to Inspect the variables.

Any additional information needed is below :

I'm using Ubuntu,with webstorm IDE running grunt task.
Node.js Version : v6.8.1
Npm version : 3.10.7
Front-End : Angular 2 version 2.0
Back-End : Node.js with Typescript

@NiLeShpatil777 , your back-end debugging not a seed issue.
Look here: #9

Thanks #9 worked for me .
I just configure my server folder and that's all.