vyakymenko / angular-seed-express

[DEPRECATED, Please use https://github.com/vyakymenko/angular-express] Extensible, reliable and modular starter project for Angular 7 with statically typed build AoT compilation, Express server and PM2 Daemon.

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some server enchantment thoughts

DmitryEfimenko opened this issue · comments

Currently server's code is written in js. We could step up the game and use TypeScript, just like the client side does it.
This would require the build to output files in the "dist" folder, which means things would have to be rearranged a bit in there (currently prod build puts whole client code in the root of the dist folder. We'd have to put it in the "/dist/client").

Another improvement would be setting up a watch task on server files and restarting server on change.

@DmitryEfimenko , I have some idea, but maybe after implementation of Redis integration.

@DmitryEfimenko , I had created another issue for some new additions:

Improve routing idea

Currently if you want to add another route, you have to touch multiple files:

  • create file with actual route
  • import it to the index of a whatever service
  • init it in routes.ts

In case you want to have a more complex hierarchy, there would be even more files to touch (ex: user/preferences/domains/add)

I wrote some code that I use in some of my apps that automates this a bit. With it, you'd only need to touch two places:

  • create file with route handler function (say in this location: routes/user/preferences/domains/add)
  • write the route that connects the url to the handler function. Something like:
router.post('api/user/preferences/domains/add', routes.user.preferences.domains.add)

Basically the routes object generates automatically by walking through the folder routes however deep nested.
Do you think this would be a good addition to the project?

@DmitryEfimenko , interesting idea. I think it will a good improvement.
But we need to keep in mind, that @angular routes and express routes need to do not conflict, maybe we will need some gulp checker task for this one to prevent this case if developer will try to use route that is used by @angular. I will think about it.