vx3r / wg-gen-web

Simple Web based configuration generator for WireGuard

Home Page:https://wg-gen-web-demo.127-0-0-1.fr

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Site to Site

Schu- opened this issue · comments

I have been working with this project and really like how it seems to work. I was wondering if there is an easy way to setup like a site to site connection with it. Maybe even a wg-gen-web to wg-gen-web configuration? Right now i might need to setup 2 wireguard interfaces so I can still achieve my site to site with one, while having another with client roaming clients.

Thanks for all the hard work in this tool.


hi, what is missing for the site to site config ? You need to add a static route right ?
If you can describe what is needed for your config i can look at it.

Ahh sorry. Maybe I was not clear. So Site A has wg-gen-web setup. Site B also has wg-gen-web setup. There is no way for me to setup a client at Site A and import it into Site B. I have been able to modify the config files and make it so both endpoints have the right info on both sides. Problem is I am not able to set an Endpoint for a client. So they never actually try and connect to each other. If I modify the wg0 config file it gets overwritten as expected.

I'm also looking for a solution to this problem. As far as I can tell, the [Peer]-Section of the resulting wg0.conf is missing an "Entrypoint = $dns.of.remote.endpoint:51280" and "PersistentKeepalive = 25" Entries. As soon I add those two lines to the wg0.conf generated by wg-gen-web, my site2site vpn is working.

Beside this, I manipulated the "PublicKey = " and "PresharedKey = " entries in the peer-json, that is merged with the server.json to wg0.conf

It would be great to be able to set those client-specific settings via the web-ui. But to get this up and running it would be awesome to be able to set those settings in the according json-file.

extended the Client struct in file https://github.com/vx3r/wg-gen-web/blob/master/model/client.go with those fields:

	Endpoint				string `json:"endpoint"`
	PersistentKeepalive		int `json:"persistentKeepalive"`

and maybe add checks accordingly.

Also in https://github.com/vx3r/wg-gen-web/blob/master/template/template.go
add the apropriate sections to the wgTpl-variable:

{{if ne .Endpoint "" -}}
Endpoint = {{ .Endpoint }}
{{- end }}
{{if ne .PersistentKeepalive 0 -}}
PersistentKeepalive = {{ .PersistentKeepalive }}
{{- end }}

As far as i saw, this should be enough to persist needed settings over regeneration of the wg0.conf-file. But that is just a result of a first look at the code.

What do you think?

Edit: I got it running with these modifications.