vulsio / windows-vuln-feed

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

windows-vuln-feed help

externaldeveloper2 opened this issue · comments


I would like to thank you so much for this amazing repo, My question is how can I Detect the missed KB in my computer

Now I have your vulnerability Json, supersedence Json & I have the all installed KB on my computer, what is the next step and how can I detect which KB is missing in my computer?

if you have a simple python code or any draft code can do it or any high level how you can use the collected KB from the computer & vulnerability Json, supersedence Json to how get the missed KB


missed KB does not mean unapplied KB, right?
Can you be more specific about the type of case you are looking for?

Yes "missed KB does not mean unapplied KB, right?"

I need to get the unapplied KB (missed KB)
for example, my windwos is up to date which means that I don't have any unapplied KB (no missed KB)

but if my windwos is out of date or I have unapplied kb

by using supersedence JSON KB how can I determine which KBs are unapplied?

opps for this NO "missed KB does not mean unapplied KB, right?"

missed KB means the unapplied KB

I will soon implement a feature at that asks for a list of unapplied KBs from a list of applied KBs.

You can use gost in this way to find the unapplied KB.

$ gost version
gost v0.4.2 19488b9
$ gost fetch microsoft 
INFO[02-24|04:46:32] Initialize Database 
INFO[02-24|04:46:33] Fetched all CVEs from Microsoft 
INFO[02-24|04:46:35] Insert Microsoft CVEs into DB            db=sqlite3
INFO[02-24|04:46:35] Inserting cves                           cves=11609
11609 / 11609 [-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100.00% 3894 p/s
INFO[02-24|04:46:38] Insert KB Relation                       relations=6016
6016 / 6016 [---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------] 100.00% 6815 p/s
$ gost server
INFO[02-24|04:46:46] Starting HTTP Server... 
INFO[02-24|04:46:46] Listening                                URL=

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High performance, minimalist Go web framework
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$ curl -H "Content-type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"applied": ["3194343"], "unapplied": ["4503327"]}' | jq
  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
100   228  100   178  100    50  61485  17271 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--  111k
  "applied": [
  "unapplied": [