vulpineblaze / irc_bot_test001

gonna experiment with making a game-focused irc bot

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gonna experiment with making a game-focused irc bot


This is an irc based idle-quest minigame bot.

Install Instructions:

// need to describe how to get a bot work for someone else

Design Doc:

Current Version is: 1.0.1

Command List:

// need to put current command list and re-iterate version here

Design Goals:

Simple is better than complex. Complex is better than complicated.

I'd rather have a simple front end and a complex back end, than a simple backend and a complicated fromt end.

The fewer unique commands the better. The fewer nested commands the more-better; OR better yet, not at all.

Joke-Theme: Make enough of the text configurable such that this game could be MLP themed.

Function Requirements for Version 1.0.1

  • Players will be inducted into the database upon joining the channel.

  • Players may attack other players in the channel

  • Stats are as follows: --Version 1.0.1

    • attack , int , starts at 1
    • defense , int , starts at 1
    • health , int , starts at 100
  • Fighting algorithm now: --Version 1.0.1

    • max( 1, Ad6 - Dd6 ) , where A and D are attack and defense
    • so A of 5 and D of 6 would become 5d6 - 6d6 , or (5 to 30) minus (6 to 36)
  • Death can occur, but isnt implemented --Version 1.0.1

  • health exists, but there is no way to regenerate it --Version 1.0.1

  • admin command only does reload right now --Version 1.0.1

Function Requirements for Version 1.1.0

  • Change the name of the bot

    • ...
  • Debug output will be toggled by some kinda of !debug flag

    • sometimes I want to watch the bot work, most times I dont.
    • toggle boolean based on db object
  • Players will be inducted into the database upon joining the channel. --Version 1.0.1

  • Players may attack other players in the channel --Version 1.0.1

    • Monsters will be separate bots, not in this code base
  • Players earn juice for winning fights

  • Players may increase their stats

    • cost in juice to initiate timer
    • timedelta = (lvl)^2.8 in seconds
      • at lvl 13, increasing a stat will take 21 minutes
  • Stats could become:

    • attack - int, starts at 1
      • purchased
    • defense - int, starts at 1
      • purchased
    • crit - int, starts at 1
      • purchased
    • level - int, starts at 1
      • anytime any other stat is purchased, this increments too
      • juice cost to level anything = lvl*stat
    • health - int, starts at (doesnt matter, non-zero default val)
      • replaced by lvl*2 + defense*2 + 20
      • cost to rez = lvl*(defense) + health
      • current health is stored is db, max health is calculated when needed
        • if effect makes current health > max health, then current health = max health. duh.
    • juice
      • combo of gold and XP, reward for fighting
      • juice = max(1, 2 * (enemy.lvl - 0.9*your.lvl) )
        • juice = min( juice, your.lvl*2 )
        • you cant get more juice from a kill than double your current level
      • juice issued to Player upon enemy death, last hit
      • rename-able stat? all stats renameable?
  • Fighting algorithm could be:

    • max(1 , A + C - D)
    • C = max(0, (crit*3)d6 - (crit*3)d6)
      • slight chance of doing additional x3 damage
  • Equipment might be cool, but there are no plans to implement

    • Complicates everything. Might prefer this to be flavor-text only.
    • attack + "My massive enhanced rocket-powered flaming mini-nuke mjornir of burninateing does 1 damage..."
  • skills might be cool, but no plan to implement

    • same as equipment, only worse.
    • could be limited to effect + flavor-text
    • attack + "I cast lvl.99999999 Magic Missile for 1 damage...", now you have spells
    • heal as negative attack? temporary stat-boost skill?
  • Death can occur, but isnt implemented Version 1.0.1

    • dead Players should'nt be able to attack, be victim, level up, etc..

      • make sure dying is un-fun, something to be avoided
    • need a way to revive, continue playing

      • rez one per hour/day/week ?
      • command-based cost? auto-deduct gold? loss of xp, levels, stats?
  • health exists, but there is no way to regenerate it --Version 1.0.1

    • free potions? find potions? buy potions?

    • free health every hour/day/week?

      • command based on timer, or passive
    • combat healing skill? cost mana? gold? xp?

  • health vs dying

    • dying is not just 0 health, you have to un-do the death
    • avoid dying; more than just "oh my health is low, lawl whatev"
    • ultra-high chars should be significantly more expensive to rez
  • admin command only does reload right now --Version 1.0.1

    • should be able to manipulate any part of any Players anything
    • maybe even change say_hi and good_bye messages?
    • die command?
  • monster commands

    • monster bots will need access to specialized admin-esque commands, to respawn and whatnot
    • implement a new command, !monster , check is_monster flag, hide from !help list
  • attacks, defends, and other actions may be madlib'able by each player

    • eg. :
      • !q setname bloodninja
      • !q setattack casts lvl.9999999 lightning bolt
      • !q setdefend I put on my hat and wizard robe
    • make a "profile" db object, store all of the madlib text
    • this opens up the option of having bots act as 'Player' to create monsters, saves a shitton of coding and complexity in this project
      • second project would be config-driven bot Monsters, might need is_monster flag in this project though for some logic
  • madlib events:

    • attack
      • <Player> <does_attack> to <Victim> who <does_defend> for X <damage> <if_die_message>
    • crit > attack
      • <Player> <does_crit> for X <damage>
        • leave off defend text?
    • defend
      • covered in attack
    • die
      • covered in attack
    • heal
      • <Player> <does_heal> for X <health>
    • rez
      • <Player> <does_rez>
  • madlib, new word for each stats / effect:

    • attack
      • Increase <attack> for X <juice>? Will take X seconds|minutes|hours|days.
      • stats: <attack>:X | <defense>:Y | <crit>:Z | ...
        • or keep both?
        • stats: attack:"<attack>":X | defense:"<defense>":Y | crit:"<crit>":Z | ...
        • or keep original in stats, and have separate prfile viewer?
        • stats: attack:X | defense:Y | crit:Z | ...
    • defense
    • crit
    • level
    • health
    • damage
    • heal
    • rez
    • juice
item # # # # # # # # # #
attack 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 20 20 60
defense 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 20 60 20
crit 1 2 5 10 20 50 100 60 20 20
health 24 32 56 96 176 416 816 256 336 256
level 1 4 13 28 58 148 298 98 98 98
cost to rez 25 40 121 376 1336 7816 30616 2216 6216 2216
max damage no crit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -240 240
max damage high def 0.15 0.3 0.75 1.5 3 7.5 15 9 -237 243
max damage wo def 20 40 100 200 400 1000 2000 1000 360 640
max damage 15 30 75 150 300 750 1500 900 60 540
max crit 15 30 75 150 300 750 1500 900 300 300
time modifier 2.8
first level in seconds 1 48.50293013 1315.350174 11273.07737 86616.0515 1193253.737 8468481.428 376212.3187 376212.3187 376212.3187
minutes 0.016666667 0.808382169 21.92250289 187.8846229 1443.600858 19887.56228 141141.3571 6270.205311 6270.205311 6270.205311
hours 0.000277778 0.013473036 0.365375048 3.131410381 24.0600143 331.4593714 2352.355952 104.5034218 104.5034218 104.5034218
days 1.15741E-05 0.000561377 0.01522396 0.130475433 1.002500596 13.81080714 98.01483134 4.354309244 4.354309244 4.354309244
your.lvl 1 2 5 2 10 20 20 50 100 100
enemy.lvl 1 2 2 5 20 10 20 100 50 100
juice 1 1 1 6.4 22 1 4 110 1 20


gonna experiment with making a game-focused irc bot


Language:Python 100.0%