vulcangz / svelte-webcomponent-in-react-vue

Simple experiments to integrate web components created with Svelte in React or Vue applications

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Simple experiments to integrate web components created with Svelte in React or Vue applications.

在 React 或 Vue 2, Vue 3 应用程序中整合用 Svelte 创建的 Web 组件的简单实验。

The code was written for this article.

lerna branch(default)

To add a demo package for Vue 3, Using lerna as monorepo tool. If it is not already installed, you can install it with the following command.

# via npm
npm install -g lerna
# via yarn
yarn global add lerna


git clone
cd svelte-webcomponent-in-react-vue
npm run init
npm run build

# after that, you can test my-counter web component now
npm run react
# or
npm run vue2
# or
npm run vue3

bolt branch

Adding project management with bolt. If it is not already installed, you can install it with the following command.

yarn global add bolt 


git clone -b bolt
cd svelte-webcomponent-in-react-vue
bolt install
bolt svelte
bolt vue

# In another terminal window
bolt react

Credits and Inspiration


Simple experiments to integrate web components created with Svelte in React or Vue applications


Language:Vue 29.1%Language:HTML 28.5%Language:CSS 19.5%Language:Svelte 12.5%Language:JavaScript 10.5%