vueuse / motion

šŸ¤¹ Vue Composables putting your components in motion

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Deconstructing `useMotions()` returns `undefined`

madsh93 opened this issue Ā· comments

Following the examples from the docs:

    :initial="{ opacity: 0, y: 100 }"
    :enter="{ opacity: 1, y: 0 }"
    :variants="{ custom: { scale: 2 } }"

<button type="button" @click="customEvent">
  Click me


<script setup>
import { useMotions } from '@vueuse/motion'

// Get custom controls
const { custom } = useMotions()

const customEvent = () => {
   console.warn(custom)   // <-- Returns undefined
  custom.variant.value = 'custom' // <-- Does not work

Note the custom from useMotions() is undefined

Tested on v. 2.0.0-beta.27

Same problem, try not to deconstruct it:
const motions = useMotions()

Tested on v. 2.0.0-beta.27 and v. 2.0.0, accessing useMotions() with or without deconstruct is always empty ( equals to empty object )

I recently encoutered the same issue. After adding a few console log (or just randomly?) the useMotion started working again but it was not stable, and after reloading and/or restarting nuxt it broke again.

I got it working again after downgrading nuxt to 3.4.3 and deleting the .nuxt folder.

It looks like this is due to the properties on the object returned by useMotions being set after script is run. As mentioned already, a possible workaround would be not to deconstruct the object.

I'll mark this a bug since deconstruction is shown as an example in the documentation, will investigate it later!