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Sourcemap points to missing source files

Dinuz opened this issue · comments

@KaelWD I am using Nuxt 3 and integrating vuetify 3.

Everything works smoothly but when I add sass variables customization, I get a WARNING
Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:styles/main.sass" points to missing source files and that keeps repeating for each component in the library (eg Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VBtnToggle/VBtnToggle.sass" points to missing source files ). I am using the vite-plugin-vuetify to add vuetify using a nuxt.hooks.hook in an async way in modules. (I need to do this because vuetify must be loaded after vue is loaded). Note I use the same configuration with just vue and vite and it works without warning (to be honest in this case i can load vue in the plugins).

So in nuxt.config.ts I do have the following:

modules: [
    async (options, nuxt) => {
      nuxt.hooks.hook('vite:extendConfig', (config) =>
            autoImport: true,
            styles: { configFile: 'assets/styles/config.scss' },

The file config.scss just overwrite few sass variables. Everything works great, the variables are overwritten, the style gets applied and the components are working properly; I only get this annoying warning in the terminal, and because the warning is for every component, I do have my terminal flooded with them.

How I can prevent the warning to show up?

I noticed that the component for which the sourcemap is missing are always the same, independently from which component I am using in the app. The list is the following:

Screenshot 2023-01-26 at 7 59 13 PM

Screenshot 2023-01-26 at 7 59 39 PM

Screenshot 2023-01-26 at 8 00 00 PM

Hello @KaelWD , here is the reproduction:
Nuxt updated to v3.1.1 and updated rollup and vite.. I think that has something to do with this warning that we are now getting. Maybe something needs to be updated in this package as well? I honestly don't know. That a look and let me know what you think please?

@BayBreezy using your config, explicitly adding

build: { transpile: ['vuetify'] },

generate a failure and an error, and I cannot proceed. If I remove the instruction, the config keeps working properly but I get the warnings

@KaelWD Note that i get the following warning if I delete everything and i do a fresh npm install:

Screenshot 2023-01-30 at 3 18 18 PM

I'm having the same issue, my settings are like @BayBreezy showed. The project works fine, but I can't remove the warnings

@KaelWD I noticed that happen a very weird thing on localhost where I amtesting.

I get in console (browser) the following error:

Screenshot 2023-01-31 at 6 02 15 PM

Note the structure of the url: GET http://localhost:3000/_nuxt/%EF%BF%BDplugin-vuetify:styles/main.sass

the %EF%BF%BD are typical unicode code for malformed URLs, indeed, if you remove that, the whole main.sass appears smoothly:


I think the issue is in the piece of the plugin code where it generate the url when coupled with nuxt.

probably it's worth checking this

@KaelWD I noticed that happen a very weird thing on localhost where I amtesting.

I get in console (browser) the following error:

Screenshot 2023-01-31 at 6 02 15 PM

Note the structure of the url: GET http://localhost:3000/_nuxt/%EF%BF%BDplugin-vuetify:styles/main.sass

the %EF%BF%BD are typical unicode code for malformed URLs, indeed, if you remove that, the whole main.sass appears smoothly:


I think the issue is in the piece of the plugin code where it generate the url when coupled with nuxt.

probably it's worth checking this

I noticed this too.. the %EF%BF%BD is causing the issue with Nuxt 3. I am not sure how to go about replacing it in nuxt tho.. I think that maybe if we created a hook, we could replace it before it gets processed? Just like the Nitro hook that I created to replace it before it hits the browser(The response hook - i think).

I might have to ask Daniel which hook we can tap into to get this done.. The documentation around the hooks are not so great at the moment :(

I'm having a similar issue when configuring custom scss variables


I can also confirm this issue when running npm run dev.

I already had

  build: {
    transpile: ["vuetify"],

in place before, so that's present, but not fixing the issue.

I'm using this with nuxt3:

This is from my nuxt.config.ts:

  modules: [
    // Vuetify with automatic tree-shaking:
    // @see
    // @see
    async (options, nuxt) => {
      nuxt.hooks.hook("vite:extendConfig", (config) =>
            styles: {
              // @see
              // TODO: Issue
              configFile: "assets/style/scss/vuetifySettings.scss",


  "compilerOptions": {
    // TODO: Vuetify issue if enabled: Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VApp/VApp.sass" points to missing source files
    "sourceMap": false

as temporary workaround in tsconfig.json didn't help either.

Just saw that in the generated sourcecode, there's a special character preventing to load the CSS:



Any ideas what may cause this?

I guess we can be quite sure the reason is here:
in the combination with _nuxt/ prefix, I guess the \0 is simply never removed!?

Could the maintainer perhaps have a short look? I tried to find the deeper reason, but the code isn't that easy to understand without comments and knowing the flow. :)

And I think nuxt/nuxt#15412 can be closed as duplicate, if we're sure this is caused in here!

Thanks a lot in advance!

I guess nuxt is handling those wrong? With just vite the url is /@id/__x00__plugin-vuetify:styles/main.sass
And also probably not related to this.

Thanks for the quick reply @KaelWD!

This only happens with the "object" method:

  modules: [
    // Vuetify with automatic tree-shaking:
    // @see
    // @see
    async (options, nuxt) => {
      nuxt.hooks.hook("vite:extendConfig", (config) =>
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
        // @ts-ignore
            styles: {
              configFile: "assets/style/scss/vuetifySettings.scss",



modules: [
    // Vuetify with automatic tree-shaking:
    // @see
    // @see
    async (options, nuxt) => {
      nuxt.hooks.hook("vite:extendConfig", (config) =>
        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
        // @ts-ignore
            styles: "sass"

in nuxt.config.js works with the correct paths (no special character!)


Well yeah styles: "sass" doesn't use virtual modules. Again, unrelated to this issue.

The error still exists with "nuxt": "^3.2.0" and "vuetify": "^3.1.4".
Has there been any progress on this issue?

@KaelWD @BayBreezy I rearranged my solution, note the warning are still present, but now I am fully able to customize vuetify settings, define custom variables, and use the sass variables everywhere without need to import them in each component file.

The warning are related to the way in which the vite-plugin-vuetify encode the url and it conflict with the way in which nuxt does (there is a weird character that get encoded at the beginning of the url, so it becomes unreachable). To fix this, the encoding must be fixed on the vuetify side.

I removed completely the async hook in the modules, and I defined directly an hook in the hooks. I also added the preprocessor options to my vite config and there I define my global sass variables. It's important highlight the fact that hooks and vite config are both necessary, the hook allow for vuetify to be customized, the vite config to use the sass variables everywhere globally.

Another important thing is that we must utilize the keyword forward and not use in the settings file for vuetify otherwise the sass variables are not gonna be accessible.

My config is the following:

(1) settings.scss

@use './vuetify-settings' as vuetify;

@forward 'vuetify/settings' with (
  $heading-font-family: vuetify.$heading-font-family,
  $body-font-family: vuetify.$body-font-family,
  $color-pack: vuetify.$color-pack,
  $font-size-root: vuetify.$font-size-root,
  $font-weights: vuetify.$font-weights,
  $typography: vuetify.$typography,

@forward "./custom-settings";

NOTE: I am using a folder (eg vuetify-settings) with a bunch of scss partial files inside, and an _index.scss file where I load all with the @forward keyword. This allow me to just import the files as I am doing in the settings file. Note also that I use the keyword @forward for everything that I want to use outside that specific file (global variables in my case).

(2) nuxt.config.ts

import vuetify from 'vite-plugin-vuetify'

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  ssr: false,
  css: ['vuetify/styles'],
  build: {
    transpile: ['vuetify'],
  vite: {
    ssr: {
      noExternal: ['vuetify'],
    css: {
      preprocessorOptions: {
        scss: {
          additionalData: `@use './assets/styles/settings.scss' as *;`,
  hooks: {
    'vite:extendConfig': (config) => {
          autoImport: true,
          styles: { configFile: 'assets/styles/settings.scss' },

(3) server/plugins/vuetify.fix.ts

 * Special thanks to mhfeizi for this fix - >
export default defineNitroPlugin((nitroApp: any) => {
  nitroApp.hooks.hook('render:response', (response: any) => {
    response.body = response.body.replaceAll('/_nuxt/\0', '/_nuxt/')

That's it! Everything works smoothly and perfectly, only thing that still need attention is that last point and the warnings.

export default defineNitroPlugin((nitroApp: any) => {
  nitroApp.hooks.hook('render:response', (response: any) => {
    response.body = response.body.replaceAll('/_nuxt/\0', '/_nuxt/')

You can add RenderResponse type from nitropack to avoid using any.

import type { RenderResponse } from 'nitropack'

export default defineNitroPlugin((nitroApp) => {
  nitroApp.hooks.hook('render:response', (response: RenderResponse) => {
    response.body = response.body.replaceAll('/_nuxt/\0', '/_nuxt/')

For the devs:
You probably know this already:
the problem with the malformed url come from the '\0' in the stylesPlugin.js. If you remove them, the 404 go away.

But that doesn't fix the sourcemap warnings.
To fix (hide) them you could add:

// nuxt.config.ts

sourcemap: {
  server: false,
  client: false,


(Your SCSS is also affected)

So my (nuxt 3.2.2) nuxt.config.ts (minimalistic) looks like this:

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  build: {
    transpile: [ 'vuetify' ],
  css: [
  hooks: {
    'vite:extendConfig': (config) => {
        autoImport: true,
        styles    : { configFile: './assets/scss/vuetify.scss' },
  sourcemap: {
    server: false,
    client: false,
  vite: {
    css    : {
      preprocessorOptions: {
        scss: {
          additionalData: '@import "./assets/scss/settings.scss";',

The difference to @Dinuz config is:
I dont put the vuetify.scss in the vite preprocessorOptions because this would nuxt tell to load them in every component. This is only necessary, if you want use sass vars, mixins or functions inside vue.

My vuetify.scss contains just:

@forward 'vuetify/settings' with (
  $color-pack: false,
  $utilities: false,

One thing still not clear to me:
Customizing vuetify leads to an (in my case 15s) increased vite client warming up. Can somebody evaluate if this is normal?

For me, the SASS variable didn't even work before Vuetify v3.1.2
It worked after v3.1.2
The sourcemap warning is gone now for me, using Vuetiy v3.1.5 and vite-plugin-vuetify v1.0.2
Note: using Nuxt v3

// nuxt.config.ts (minimal)

import vuetify from 'vite-plugin-vuetify'

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  // ...

  css: [  

   modules: [
    (_, nuxt) => {
      nuxt.hooks.hook('vite:extendConfig', config =>
            styles: {
              configFile: 'assets/scss/vuetify.scss'
  sourcemap: {
    server: false,
    client: false

  build: {
    transpile: ['vuetify']

  // ...
$bg: var(--bg);

@use 'vuetify/settings' with (
  /* Other */
  $button-border-radius: 8,

  /* Space */
  $app-bar-padding-end: 5,
  $app-bar-padding-start: 8,
  $divider-margin : 10px,

  /* Theme Color */
  $application-background: $bg,
  $app-bar-background: $bg,
  $card-background: $bg,
  $navigation-drawer-background: $bg,
  $list-background: $bg,
  $expansion-panel-background-color: $bg,
  $overlay-scrim-background: '#3d4754',

  /* Elevation */
  $card-elevation: 0,
  $app-bar-elevation: 0

Are there any downsides to disabling the sourcemap from the nuxt.config file? I am not sure how this sourcemap thing works.


@QozbroQqn Thank you! I will do some more digging myself. But this explanation is good. When i customize the variables and set sourcemap to false, the warnings go away.. The server plugin also removed the errors from the browser console as well.. so it would seem as though everything is working fine

@QozbroQqn I think the sourcemap solution it's the key, I looked into it and in theory it doesn't affect the results and removes the warnings. So thank you for pointing that out.

Your solution for what regard not including vuetify into the vite preprocessor works, as long as you don't want to access the vuetify sass variables in components, if you want to do that you must include it as I did.

The increase in warmup time is normal and usual with vuetify, it happens also if you try to customize it in a plane vue application. I think it is also mentioned somewhere in the documentation.



I think the sourcemap solution it's the key...

Unsure if I get you right but deactivating the sourcemaps cannot be the solution. Only a workaround. I often use them to find the variables vuetify uses so I can change them without having to look trough their sass. There must be a bug inside the function which creates the base64 path to the sourcefiles. Maybe also the '\0' thing.

Your solution for what regard not including vuetify into the vite preprocessor works, as long as you don't want to access the vuetify sass variables in components, if you want to do that you must include it as I did.

Yep you are right. I didn't read your post thoroughly enough and thought you import the whole main.scss from vuetify. I will edit my post.

The increase in warmup time is normal and usual with vuetify...

Ah ok. Thought it might be due to the excessive warnings and what else happens.

Another thing I encountered yesterday (maybe offtopic)

Not sure if this is caused by the vuetify-loader. Could be problem (or wanted) by vuetify itself. Vuetify imports ALL (component) sass files and three times. Even if I don't use them. Look here:


A quick googling revealed nothing. Maybe this is something new with latest nuxt or vuetify?


There's two things going on here, not sure if they're related.

  • Sourcemap warnings are supposed to be hidden for modules starting with \0 (nuxt/nuxt#14124)
  • Something in nuxt is turning /@id/__x00__plugin-vuetify:styles/main.sass into /_nuxt/plugin-vuetify:styles/main.sass and then loading both

I've tried a bunch of stuff and can't get rid of either of these, I suspect it's a bug in nuxt itself because just vite works fine.

So i discovered this morning that using webpack as your builder in nuxt3 works perfectly fine with the customised variables. I had no loading delay, I didn't have to create a server plugin, I didn't have to disable source maps. The only thing I saw was that it was unable to find the VApp & VMain components, so i got a Vue warn in the VSCode terminal. The app still worked fine and the build was fine too


Here is a link to the hosted site: Here is the repo:

@BayBreezy How would you describe difference in DX once you switched over to webpack from vite? How long does it take you to build the app?

I will run the numbers and let you know soon (for start time)

  1. I didn't have to create the server plugin to stop the errors
  2. I didn't have to restart the server every time I updated the SAAS file.
  3. I didn't have to refresh the browser for each new component that I added to the markup
  4. I didn't have to disable sourcemaps in the config file

Still feels like a huge step backwards and should not be needed (in a better world) ;)

@JPustkuchen , yeah, Vite is the better build tool, so it would be nice if this got sorted out.. I saw a thread where they were discussing this, so it may be fixed in the next Nuxt update.


@BayBreezy would you mind sharing this thread you mention please?

I'm looking through the Vite issues to find it XD @tabuz

Nuxt got updated... still no changes :(


I must correct myself regarding my statement about the sourcemaps and apologize for any problems that may have arisen. I had some trouble debugging my app with PhpStorm today. It always showed me the wrong line and did things the debugger didn't pointed at. I didn't notice this before because the offset was only 1 line. The reason were the disabled sourcemaps. I still do not understand why. I always thougt the debugger creates its own sourcemaps but obviously it does not.

Vuetify: 3.2.5
Nuxt: 3.5.0

the problem still EXIST!

Vuetify: 3.3.0
Nuxt: 3.5.0

Problem still there..

Vuetify: 3.3.0
Nuxt: 3.5.1


import vuetify from 'vite-plugin-vuetify';

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  ssr: false,
  css: [
  modules: [
    // eslint-disable-next-line require-await
    async (_options, nuxt) => {
      // @ts-ignore
      nuxt.hooks.hook('vite:extendConfig', config => config.plugins.push(
        // vuetify()
          styles: { configFile: './scss/vuetify/settings.scss' }
  build: {
    transpile: ['vuetify']
  vite: {
    define: {
      'process.env.DEBUG': false
    ssr: { // if ssr enabled in future, this config is required to load vuetify properly
      noExternal: ['vuetify']

Source map warning still exist! SASS variables loading Instructions by official documentation causes this issue.

Vuetify: 3.3.2
Nuxt: 3.5.2

import vuetify from "vite-plugin-vuetify"

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  ssr: true,
  css: [
    // "vuetify/lib/styles/main.sass",
    // "@/assets/main.scss",
  build: {
    transpile: ["vuetify"],
  typescript: {
    strict: false,
  hooks: {
    "vite:extendConfig": (config, { isClient }) => {
      // @ts-ignore
      if (isClient) config.resolve.alias.vue = "vue/dist/vue.esm-bundler.js"

          styles: { configFile: "assets/settings.scss" },

Still, there are Sourcemap warnings and the Vite client warm up is really slow.

Nuxi 3.5.2                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
Nuxt 3.5.2 with Nitro 2.4.1     
  > Local:    http://localhost:3000/

 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:styles/main.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VCode/VCode.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                            
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VKbd/VKbd.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                              
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VApp/VApp.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                              
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VAppBar/VAppBar.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                        
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VAlert/VAlert.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                         
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VAvatar/VAvatar.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                        
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VLocaleProvider/VLocaleProvider.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                        
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VThemeProvider/VThemeProvider.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                          
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VBtnToggle/VBtnToggle.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                  
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VParallax/VParallax.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                    
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VRadioGroup/VRadioGroup.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VLayout/VLayoutItem.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                    
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VCheckbox/VCheckbox.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                    
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VItemGroup/VItemGroup.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                  
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VLayout/VLayout.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                        
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VCounter/VCounter.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                      
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VSelectionControlGroup/VSelectionControlGroup.sass" points to missing source files
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VPagination/VPagination.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VVirtualScroll/VVirtualScroll.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                          
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VChipGroup/VChipGroup.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                  
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VLabel/VLabel.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                          
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VMessages/VMessages.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                    
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VImg/VImg.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                              
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VTabs/VTab.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                             
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VTooltip/VTooltip.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                      
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VMenu/VMenu.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                            
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VResponsive/VResponsive.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VMain/VMain.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                            
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VFileInput/VFileInput.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                  
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VDivider/VDivider.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                      
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VSlideGroup/VSlideGroup.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VColorPicker/VColorPicker.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                              
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VIcon/VIcon.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                            
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VRating/VRating.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                        
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VSlider/VSlider.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                        
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VCarousel/VCarousel.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                    
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VSystemBar/VSystemBar.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                   
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VOverlay/VOverlay.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                      
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VSheet/VSheet.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                           
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VWindow/VWindow.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                        
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VBreadcrumbs/VBreadcrumbs.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                              
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VTextarea/VTextarea.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                    
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VFooter/VFooter.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                        
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VTextField/VTextField.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                  
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VBadge/VBadge.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                          
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VBottomNavigation/VBottomNavigation.sass" points to missing source files
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VDialog/VDialog.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                        
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VSwitch/VSwitch.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                        
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VBtnGroup/VBtnGroup.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                    
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VSelect/VSelect.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                        
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VInput/VInput.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                          
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VProgressCircular/VProgressCircular.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                    
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VAutocomplete/VAutocomplete.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                            
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VCombobox/VCombobox.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                    
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VSelectionControl/VSelectionControl.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                    
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VSnackbar/VSnackbar.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                    
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VNavigationDrawer/VNavigationDrawer.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                    
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VList/VList.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                            
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VTable/VTable.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                          
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VToolbar/VToolbar.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                      
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VProgressLinear/VProgressLinear.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                        
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VBanner/VBanner.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                        
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VExpansionPanel/VExpansionPanel.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                        
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VCard/VCard.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                            
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VList/VListItem.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                        
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VChip/VChip.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                            
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VTimeline/VTimeline.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                    
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VBtn/VBtn.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                              
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VTabs/VTabs.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                            
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VField/VField.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                          
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VGrid/VGrid.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                            
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VColorPicker/VColorPickerCanvas.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                        
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VColorPicker/VColorPickerEdit.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                          
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:directives/ripple/VRipple.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                         
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VSlider/VSliderTrack.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                   
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VSlider/VSliderThumb.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                                   
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VColorPicker/VColorPickerSwatches.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                      
 WARN  Sourcemap for "plugin-vuetify:components/VColorPicker/VColorPickerPreview.sass" points to missing source files                                                                                                                                                                                       
ℹ Vite client warmed up in 42016ms                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          
✔ Nitro built in 25708 ms   

scss or sass whatever it is, is shit, it's just there for job security or something. It literally doesn't save anyone time.

styles: true
just uses the precompiled css and personality I think its the move app loads faster and is less confusing. this is my config,


This has nothing to do with this issue, personal opinion doesn't matter.
Please only post here if you have something useful to add for the maintainers learn from


scss or sass whatever it is, is shit, it's just there for job security or something. It literally doesn't save anyone time.

setting styles: true just uses the precompiled css and personality I think its the move app loads faster and is less confusing. this is my config,

This is the only thing I don't like from Vuetify neither, when using custom sass variables it becomes very very slow to load and even build, and we are at Nuxt 3.5.2 and this is not optimized yet :s


Vuetify: 3.3.6
Nuxt: 3.6.1

Problem still there

@KaelWD , hello!
Can you please gice any advice on what to expect (and when) with this issue?
I am in the process of code refactoring and unfortunately leaning towards moving to another CSS framework that has normal integration with Nuxt+Vite (as you can understand, after using Vite, I will never use Webpack in my projects again :) )


I already said idk how to fix it: #290 (comment)

@KaelWD ,

As you can understand this is just a software crutch. This is not a solution to the compilation problem.
Moreover, vuetify-loader still add styles twicely when using styles: { configFile } props...


just a software crutch. This is not a solution to the compilation problem

I have no idea what that means.

vuetify-loader still add styles twicely

Nuxt does, it works fine with just vite.

@KaelWD ,

Do I understand correctly that you are not going to do anything to solve this issue? Neither to contact the Nuxt team, nor to edit your code for correct compilation


@Talla2XLC if your company wants to invest some cash into Nuxt and Vuetify, this problem could probably go away haha 😆


If you want to make requests, bring cash 😜

@cyan-berg ,
Chic approach) But it is more logical for a developer to choose a stack of frameworks that are compatible with each other.
Btw, no complaints about Nuxt, it is more fundamental than a CSS framework which can be replaced without significant problems

The most absurd thing here is that the problem is quite insignificant. It consists in redefining some SASS variables in Vuetify and it is obvious that the ability to set custom variables should be at the Vuetify creation stage. But no, you have to use adapters like [vuetify-loader] for Vite server with all the resulting compilation problems...

The most absurd thing here is that the problem is quite insignificant. It consists in redefining some SASS variables in Vuetify and it is obvious that the ability to set custom variables should be at the Vuetify creation stage.

@Talla2XLC Would you care to make a PR against this repo or against Vuetify to fix it? It sounds like you know how.

@rudolfbyker , Unfortunately it will take too much time to get into this( It's quite big framework with huge vuetifyCreating logic, that's why I was hoping for the developer's help.
Temporary can be done by disabled style loading during components autoImport and then manually load all V-Elements styles sass flies using your custom variables but this is ugly approach

Take a look at the new vuetify module for nuxt -- I don't believe the issue is present there.

Take a look at the new vuetify module for nuxt -- I don't believe the issue is present there.

Tested it out in my repo, and it seems to be working 🔥

@marr ,
Just tried this module - it's looks like there is no treeshaking functionality implemented for Vuetify components.
Client load all Vuetify components including JS and styles even if I don't use them in my project:

@Talla2XLC thanks for the feedback, but I don't think it belongs here and the thread is already long enough. Could you fill an issue in the project instead, please (and eventually edit your comment with the screenshot to link it?)

Thank you :)

Since this is already a long and confusing thread, Can anyone confirm if there is any solution at all for Nuxt 3 (SSR) and Vuetify 3 working together where SASS variables could be used and overridden without issue?

Issue resolved by append components, directives for vuetify instance => '/plugins/vuetify.ts'

Screenshot 2023-08-04 at 3 39 34 AM

Issue resolved by append components, directives for vuetify instance => '/plugins/vuetify.ts'

Screenshot 2023-08-04 at 3 39 34 AM

In this way, you'll lose the Treeshaking feature


I same problem in nuxt 3 project

Hello everyone, everything good?
Open this Pull Request, to fix this bug, please would like more people to test the implementation.

In my tests, treeshaking worked and stopped breaking application loading.

Thank you very much in advance.

Hey @Dinuz Does this workaround works for nuxt 3.7 (previously it was working)? I'm now getting logs like [nuxt] Could not resolve id plugin-vuetify:styles/main.sass in terminal when I run nuxt 3.7 + vuetify.

Is anyone getting this with nuxt 3.7?

During fixing I came across this error, when adjusting the paths of the target file +
changing the virtual prefix, this has been resolved.

I used Nuxt 3.7.0 and it's working, I'm developing in my application with pnpm workspace. And everything ok around here...


Yeah! Getting that brand new error on nuxt 3.7.x

On latest versions...

  • nuxt: 3.7.1
  • vite-plugin-vuetify: 1.0.2
  • vuetify: 3.3.15

You get:

  • source maps warnings
  • nuxt error (as pointed out by @jd-solanki)

Reproduction repo

The thing is that the vuetify-loader still "works", i.e., loads both components (on demand / treeshaked) and custom sass variables. But the styles loading is by no means DX friendly (cold start dramatically increasing, terrible style shift on every page reload).

@KaelWD any plans on checking out these new issues? I will try to check out @linspw PR that seems to address all these problems!

Thanks in advanced!

So, I have locally tested the related PR and it's working!

Both errors (source maps and nuxt 3.7 errors) are gone, so that's amazing @linspw.

But... the problem that remains (which is quite bad) is that the SASS variable customization feature will increase nuxt cold start up to ~10/15 seconds and I am using a basic repo with just one v-btn! So, I do not know how this is gonna scale for complex-production-grade apps.

I keep going back and forth between this issue and the nuxt related one and I still do not know if this is a vuetify-loader issue or nuxt issue. Or something related with sass files...

So any help from the maintainers will be much appreciated.

Vuetify: 3.3.15
Nuxt: 3.7.1

Problem still there, getting errors and warnings when using:

    async (_, nuxt) => {
      // @ts-ignore
      nuxt.hooks.hook('vite:extendConfig', (config) =>
            styles: { configFile: 'assets/vuetify/settings.scss'}

Importing the settings here works when using @use 'vuetify' with instead of vuetify/settings, but it increases the app start up to 20 seconds.

  vite: {
    ssr: {
      noExternal: ['vuetify'],
    css: {
      preprocessorOptions: {
        scss: {
          additionalData: `@import "~/assets/vuetify/settings.scss";`,

Hey @Dinuz Does this workaround works for nuxt 3.7 (previously it was working)? I'm now getting logs like [nuxt] Could not resolve id plugin-vuetify:styles/main.sass in terminal when I run nuxt 3.7 + vuetify.

Is anyone getting this with nuxt 3.7?

same here.
is there any workaround?

Could not resolve id plugin-vuetify:styles/main.sass
Could not resolve id plugin-vuetify:components/VAppBar/VAppBar.sass
Could not resolve id plugin-vuetify:components/VToolbar/VToolbar.sass
Could not resolve id plugin-vuetify:components/VImg/VImg.sass

I switched to vuetify-nuxt-module with the instructions taken from and it works without any error - Problem solved :)

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  ssr: true,
  modules: ['vuetify-nuxt-module'],
  vuetify: {
    moduleOptions: {
      /* other module options */
      styles: { configFile: '/settings.scss' }
    vuetifyOptions: {
      /* vuetify options */
  experimental: {
    inlineSSRStyles: false

Apparently it's a good solution, the only negative point I saw is that this module uses a fixed version of vuetify.

Which means that you cannot separately specify a version of vuetify and it depends on the module update at first.

Hi @KaelWD

As pointed out here by the vuetify-nuxt-module author, the problem with the styles plugin was solved by copy/pasting the original code and making a few small changes related with the virtual prefixes.

My question is if those changes could be applied here so we could use the plugin with no further issues in nuxt?


I've tried the latest version 3.3.23 with the following configuration inside nuxt.config.ts modules:

    async (_, nuxt) => {
      // @ts-ignore
      nuxt.hooks.hook('vite:extendConfig', (config) =>
            autoImport: true,
            styles: { configFile: 'assets/vuetify/settings.scss' }

It works, and takes a bit longer to compile despite my settings.scss only has one font change. Still getting the warnings:

Screenshot 2023-10-26 at 10 08 09 Screenshot 2023-10-26 at 10 08 29

@ricardoaat just switch to this package. it works perfectly and it instantly gets updates and bugfixes.

The only weakness of this package is how it treats sass variables (it's somehow hacky)

Thank you @mostafaznv, I will give it a try.

I switched to vuetify-nuxt-module with the instructions taken from and it works without any error - Problem solved :)

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  ssr: true,
  modules: ['vuetify-nuxt-module'],
  vuetify: {
    moduleOptions: {
      /* other module options */
      styles: { configFile: '/settings.scss' }
    vuetifyOptions: {
      /* vuetify options */
  experimental: {
    inlineSSRStyles: false

Confirm, vuetify-nuxt-module works great.
As I understand this issue rootcause was in experimental feature inlineSSRStyles which Nuxt uses as a default

i try install vuetify-nuxt-module and make me the same error in console with a space in nuxt folder....

ERROR (node:33760) [DEP0170] DeprecationWarning: The URL virtual:nuxt:C:/Users/test/ .nuxt/paths.mjs is invalid. Future versions of Node.js will throw an error.
(Use node --trace-deprecation ... to show where the warning was created)

Hello Everyone, after taking lots of my hair off i finally went to this conversation and i can confirm that the plugin

work perfectly as long as you add the piece of code from @Talla2XLC in your nuxt.config.ts.
I just tested it right now and i'm able to fully use Vuetify and change base SCSS color

Thanks everyone

Hello Everyone, after taking lots of my hair off i finally went to this conversation and i can confirm that the plugin nuxt-vuetify-plugin

work perfectly as long as you add the piece of code from @Talla2XLC in your nuxt.config.ts. I just tested it right now and i'm able to fully use Vuetify and change base SCSS color

Thanks everyone

vuetify-nuxt-module seems to produce other issues in my advanced setup... I don't like how it does not support the default configuration options from vuetify. I have to adapt my working vuetify config so it works with this module. The good old problem of abstracting too much.

Is there no better way to use SCSS variables and still have a good style loading with vuetify + nuxt? It really is the biggest paint point for me with vuetify.

I also have some weird issues with the community module, but I think the best course of action is to contribute to the community module. Especially since John mentioned in VueConf2023 that they are not planning on officially supporting Nuxt at the moment. Either that or parting from Vuetify... I've considered it with all these weird SSR errors

John mentioned in VueConf2023 that they are not planning on officially supporting Nuxt at the moment

This statement sounds peculiar to me. I am of the opinion that if the community had to choose between Nuxt or Vuetify, they would opt for Nuxt without a second thought. It's noteworthy that nearly all developers in the community are closely monitoring NuxtUI developments and are contemplating a potential move to that framework (some have already moved to other frameworks like Quasar).

Vue is exceptional, but I'm uncertain why the maintainers of its major projects seem to be neglecting themselves.

I had similar issues as @oemer-aran and I never really understood why the accepted solution was to leverage the whole nuxt-vuetify-module.

So, by copy & pasting the stylesPlugin.ts from this repo and making a few minor changes (which is exactly what the community module does) I discovered that you can make it work with nuxt + ssr.

public package here

working demo here

Hope it helps!

@paro-paro thank you so much. it's working!

Anyone here integrated vuetify with tailwind?
My vuetify tailwind config uses @paro-paro package.

In my project, Vuetify is incorporated, and I use vite-plugin-vuetify for treeshaking purposes.

I've turned off Vuetify's CSS helpers and implemented Tailwind CSS.

Tailwind CSS functions perfectly except when used within a Vuetify component.

For instance, a Vuetify component like VCard is styled with padding:0,

Then, trying to apply a Tailwind class such as p-10 fails, as it gets overridden by padding:0.

Given that vite-plugin-vuetify creates separate CSS files for each Vuetify component, like image,

Specifying 'injectPosition' as 'last' doesn't solve this issue.

Upon inspecting the DOM, I noticed that the Tailwind class is indeed applied but is negated by the existing padding:0.
Manually removing padding:0 enables the Tailwind p-10 class to function as intended.

@stephenjason89 You have to use a prefix with your tailwind classes. See more about setting it up in your TW config here:

@BayBreezy thank you for the link, however prefix didn't do the trick for me. To increase the specificity I found that setting important: '#__nuxt' in your tailwind config fixes it.

I hope it helps anyone having the same issue.

@stephenjason89 No prob.
Vuetify uses the important thing on most utility classes so yeah, that makes sense


@BayBreezy thank you for the link, however prefix didn't do the trick for me. To increase the specificity I found that setting important: '#__nuxt' in your tailwind config fixes it.

I hope it helps anyone having the same issue.

Just bumped into the same issue, although I disabled Vuetify's color packs and utilities, but Tailwinds styles always has lower priority than Vuetify components styles due to style tags' loading order, no matter set injectPosition or imported manually in app.vue (Vuetify component styles are loaded after app mounted, there's no way to hook or change the order).

But the Selector strategy config did the trick perfectly, thanks @stephenjason89 🎉

One thing to remind is that :is() selector may not compatible with some old browsers.

@ricardoaat same problem here , did you find any solution ? i'm currently working with nuxt 3.7 and vuetify 3.3 using vite-plugin-vuetify as well

The warning is still there. Vuetify 3 / Nuxt 3

I have same problem too. Do you have any solution?

Any update ?

i overwrote my components creating some class with !important statement , that be more specific than vuetify classes

I'm having a similar issue when configuring custom scss variables


Same. Only with custom scss variables (nuxt and vite plugin)