vuetifyjs / community-bot

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Vuetify Discord Chat Bot

Forked from


You also need your bot's token. This is obtained by creating an application in the Developer section of Check the first section of this page for more info.


In a command prompt in your projects folder (wherever that may be) run the following:

git clone

Once finished:

  • In the folder from where you ran the git command, run cd guidebot and then run npm install
  • Edit config.js and fill in all the relevant details as indicated in the file's comments.
  • Rename now-secrets.json.example to now-secrets.json and add your bots token. (Only used for local deploy)

Deploy to Zeit

  • Add secret key with the command: now secret add bot-token TOKEN HERE
  • If alias already exists, run: now else run: npm run alias

Starting the bot

To start the bot, in the command prompt, run the following command: node index.js

Inviting to a guild

To add the bot to your guild, you have to get an oauth link for it.

You can use this site to help you generate a full OAuth Link, which includes a calculator for the permissions:


License:MIT License


Language:JavaScript 100.0%