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Routes for /YEAR/MONTH/ could show matching posts, no 404

gustawdaniel opened this issue · comments

Feature request

I have the following route /2018/04/04/my-awesome-post-title/
I want to go to /2018/04/ and see all blog posts from this time, but I see 404.

What problem does this feature solve?

It would be nice if I could have name of component that allow to show these posts similar like using filtering by tags.

What does the proposed API look like?

Now when I go to /tag/my-delicious-tag/ i can see Layout with all posts with this tag.
I think that /2018/04/ should show all posts from 01.04.2018 to 30.04.2018

How should this be implemented in your opinion?

It can be done like in jekyll.

Are you willing to work on this yourself?

I do not know. I am learning this plugin and do not know how it works now.