Parsing error: Cannot use keyword 'await' outside an async function
zenflow opened this issue · comments
Before You File a Bug Report Please Confirm You Have Done The Following...
- I'm using eslint-plugin-vue.
- I'm sure the problem is a parser problem. (If you are not sure, search for the issue in eslint-plugin-vue repo and open the issue in eslint-plugin-vue repo if there is no solution.
- I have tried restarting my IDE and the issue persists.
- I have updated to the latest version of the packages.
What version of ESLint are you using?
What version of eslint-plugin-vue
and vue-eslint-parser
are you using?
- vue-eslint-parser@9.3.0
What did you do?
"extends": [
"parser": "vue-eslint-parser"
<script lang="ts" setup>
const posts = await getPosts()
What did you expect to happen?
I expected my Vue SFC to be parsed without issues, since:
can be used inside<script setup>
The code actually works fine, as expected (I can use the component within <Suspense>
which is great).
What actually happened?
$ eslint . --ext .js,.ts,.vue --fix
20:17 error Parsing error: Cannot use keyword 'await' outside an async function
✖ 1 problem (1 error, 0 warnings)
Link to Minimal Reproducible Example
Available upon request. (I don't think there will be any difficulty seeing or reproducing the particular issue so I didn't include a repro automatically. Sorry if it is actually required for this one.)
Additional comments
No response
Please refer to the FAQ and change the your configuration.
Thank you so much @ota-meshi !