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can not save

grace618 opened this issue · comments

0.37.1 Cannot save while formatting

Same here. After hitting Ctrl+s in a *.vue file, nothing happens for a few seconds.

Then a notification appears:

Saving 'file.vue': Getting code actions from ''Vetur', 'ESLint''

Cancelling this notification will save the file, but skip ESLint.

There's also a "Load project: 'path'" notification on the status bar, which does not finish loading.


I haven't hat this behaviour until I reloaded VSCode a few moments ago.

Seem to be problem with the latest version. Instaling v0.36.1 fixed the issue.

Can confirm, rolling back to v0.36.1 works.

v0.37.0 is not available; v0.37.1 and v0.37.2 don't work.

I am also seeing this same issue



Are there conflicts caused by other plug-ins? After upgrading to v0.37.2, everything is normal


load project: xxxxxxxxx

Format is abnormal, and No code prompt


0.37.2bug: 1、无法保存文件 2、代码提示异常 3、缩放格式异常

先降低版本 使用v0.36.1吧

use 0.36.1


cause by the newest version! It's been bothering me all day

Please provide a repro case.

Repro case is described above. Load newest Vetur in a workspace which used a previous Vetur version.


Please provide a repro case.

Repro case is described above. Load newest Vetur in a workspace which used a previous Vetur version.

In my any project, I don't have any problem.
Please open my link to generate your any repro case.
I would like to solve the problem. but I can't repro it. I can't do anything about it

I cannot yet reproduce this issue with the linked veturpack repo (installing eslint, eslint-plugin-vue and removing prettier alone did not suffice).


Duplicate of #3657 and fix in v0.37.3

Can confirm, 0.37.3 works for me again. Thank you very much!