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store.setImportMap doesn't work in VitePress

YangTingTing-tech opened this issue · comments

I use @vue/reply in vitepress to show my UI demo, but it doesn't work to setImportMap.
The wrong Message in iframe is "Failed to resolve module specifier "dayjs".
Tip: edit the "Import Map" tab to specify import paths for dependencies."
There already exist a imports about 'element-plus' in Import Map, like this:

Here is my code in a .vue file.

<script setup>
import { watchEffect, ref } from 'vue'
import { Repl, ReplStore } from '@vue/repl'
import Monaco from '@vue/repl/monaco-editor'
import '@vue/repl/style.css'

const query = new URLSearchParams(
const store = new ReplStore()

watchEffect(() => history.replaceState({}, '', store.serialize()))

    imports: {
        'element-plus': ''

const customImportStatements = ref([`import ElementPlus from 'element-plus'`])
const customAppUsageCodes = ref([`app.use(ElementPlus)`])
const customHeadTags = ref([
    `<link ref="stylesheet" href="">`

    <Repl :editor="Monaco" :store="store" :clearConsole="false" :previewOptions="{
        headHTML: customHeadTags,
        customCode: {
            importCode: customImportStatements,
            useCode: customAppUsageCodes,
    }" />

.vue-repl {
    height: 700px !important;

here is the wrong message in chrome console:

I had run into the same issue. It's a bit wonky, but I was able to solve it like so:

const store = new ReplStore();

    imports: {
        myLib: "myLib"

const previewOptions = {
    headHTML: '<link rel="stylesheet" href="/myLib.css">',
    customCode: {
        importCode: `import myLib from 'myLib'`,
        useCode: `app.use(myLib)`

const defaultFiles = store.getFiles();
delete defaultFiles["App.vue"];
store.setFiles({ ...defaultFiles, "myDefaultComponent.vue": myDefaultComponent}, "myDefaultComponent.vue");

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