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Vue SFC REPL as a Vue 3 component

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is not compatible with nuxt 3

kromate opened this issue · comments

when I installed the package in a nuxt 3 application it doesn't load properly
Screenshot 2023-07-13 at 20 54 42

@yyx990803 Been on this for 2 weeks, please help 🥲

@kromate it's an empty nuxt starter template.

Sorry about that

seems like I didn't save

This link such work, double checked

<Repl :editor="Monaco" style="height: 100vh" />

You need to add the height property

@sxzz this fixes the height issue, thanks

but I still don't get the volar autocomplete and inference e.g
const msg = ref('Hello World!')
when i try to type
somewhere else in the code it doesn't show value just generics

I believe this is a nuxt, would just convert the project to a vue3 application instead of a nuxt 3 one because that seems to work just fine

thank you very much @sxzz