vuejs / composition-api

Composition API plugin for Vue 2

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why setup run twice in vue2

zhoufanglu opened this issue · comments


i install @vue/composition-api at vue 2.6。

  • in setup
export default {
  setup() {  // run twice
    console.log('test composition =================')
  • in created
  created() {  // run  at a time
    console.log('test composition =================')

Can you provide me a reproduction demo?


Can you provide me a reproduction demo?

sorry, this is company project, rather old, later i use vue2 syntax

I have the same problem with vue 2 and composition api. But in onMounted hook code runs once.

Is there any progress on this issue?
For reproducing, Just create a vue 2 project and write a component in composition API. The setup would be called twice.
Below is a simple vue for reproducing this issue:

<script setup lang="ts">
import {ref} from "@vue/composition-api";

const a = ref('aa')
const b = ref('bb')
console.log('call setup')

<template lang="pug">
span haha {{a}} {{b}}

Hey @xiaoxiangmoe ,

i just ran into the exact same issue using vue 2.7.14 and composition-api@1.7.2

here is a Reproduction Demo:

Just have a look at the terminal. You'll find Setup being printed twice, mounted only once.

In vue 2.7, you needn't use composition-api, just use vue

Have you found the reason?